Jordan: Trade for Employment Project:“Improving Business Environment for SMEs Through Trade Facilitation”

    Información general


    The objective of the Project is to create jobs and increase employment by improving Jordan's cross-border environment, stimulate competitiveness of Jordanian SMEs and foster growth of Jordanian export. The project is articulated around nine (9) outputs:

    1. Output 1: A National Trade Facilitation Roadmap for Categories B & C is developed and validated
    2. Output 2: TFA article 1.2 - information available through internet is implemented by establishing and operationalizing a Trade Facilitation Portal
    3. Output 3: An advance ruling mechanism is established and operationalized
    4. Output 4: Legal and operational recommendations for border regulatory agencies to accept copies of requested documents is drafted and validated
    5. Output 5: Capacity of public private sectors on TFA is enhanced
    6. Output 6: The implementation modalities of Category A measures are reviewed and refined in view of the international best practices
    7. Output 7: Jordan’s pre-arrival processing mechanism is further expanded for increased usage
    8. Output 8: Recommendations towards an integrated risk management system are developed and endorsed
    9. Output 9: Jordan’s e-commerce ecosystem is reviewed and access to e-commerce related-information is increased

    This project is part of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) special initiative “Tackling the root causes of displacement - reintegrating refugees”. The project will be implemented as part of the Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan 2017-2018 in Response to the Syria Crisis (3RP). It aims to improve the trade for employment conditions for Jordanian companies.



    Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

    Este proyecto contribuye a los siguientes Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, definidos en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.