
Información general


El ITC publica datos según los estándares de la IATI (Iniciativa Internacional para la Transparencia de la Ayuda) para el 90% de los fondos extrapresupuestarios del ITC en su Portal de datos abiertos.



The project aims to construct world's most comprehensive database on preferential rules of origin and the intelligence solution in the form of a web application. The output will allow SMEs to browse and analyze rules of origin in trade agreements and to better understand them. For policymakers,...


Le projet a pour objectif d'appuyer la connexion aux marchés des jeunes entrepreneurs sénégalais en leur faisant s'approprier les techniques, outils et solutions disponibles dans leurs démarches d'internationalisation notamment au travers de solutions en...


The Market Insider project was designed  with innovative approach to develop the visualization of price information on the Market Insider platform. The ITC Market Insider aims to maximize international business opportunities for exporters in developing countries by encouraging price and...


In 2017, the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) was launched to contribute to the economic development of The Gambia by improving the employability of the youth population of the country, especially potential and returning migrants. The project enhances employability and self-employment opportunities...


The EU - Sri Lanka Trade-Related Assistance Project aims to increase the trade competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in regional and European Union (EU) markets. The 4 year EU-funded project, worth EUR 8 million, contributes to inclusive trade led growth and regional...

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