
Las publicaciones del ITC acercan la voz del mundo empresarial al comercio sostenible y se centran en los países en desarrollo. Ofrecemos asesoramiento a los encargados de formular políticas, las organizaciones de apoyo empresarial y las pequeñas empresas. Nuestros informes ofrecen información para facilitar que el comercio sea más inclusivo, ecológico, digital y competitivo.


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E-commerce is a vital part of commercial activity, yet few provisions on digital trade reference gender equality. This report explores policy reforms needed to bridge the gender divide on digital access, adoption and usage. The report recommends building e-commerce capacity focused on gender...


This report advises governments on tackling gender inequality and promoting women’s economic empowerment when implementing the World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Facilitation (TFA). It recommends helping women traders access vital information about their rights, border crossing times,...

Young entrepreneurs face markedly higher barriers than their older peers to access finance and expand their business. The International Trade Centre, through its YE! Community, has surveyed young entrepreneurs to understand their main funding needs and challenges they face when trying to obtain...

This guide offers policymakers and trade practitioners practical, step-by-step advice on how to mainstream gender concerns into the work of their trade ministries, small business ministries and trade support institutions.

This report applies a gender lens framework to government procurement through the public provision, consumption and employment channels. It identifies opportunities to develop a gender lens for government procurement in the World Trade Organization to inform and advance the debate among negotiators,...

Insufficient knowledge about options and application processes, difficulty understanding financial terms and lack of collateral hinder women seeking finance. In this report, financiers applying gender lens investing build on their experience addressing women’s challenges and offer insights on best...

Training module aiming to promote local creative industries in developing countries through the tourism value chain, with a view to poverty reduction. It explains how fostering artistic and cultural activities within tourism business chains can contribute to poverty reduction in a given location or...

With health tourism on the rise, this study draws upon four Asian countries - India, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines – to offer insight into how developing countries can attract a greater share in this industry. The study is relevant for all countries exploring market opportunities in...

El eje del presente informe es la elaboración de una hoja de ruta para impulsar la participación de la mujer en el comercio. El informe muestra dónde hay presencia de empresas pertenecientes a mujeres, sobre la base de datos nuevos del ITC, datos de otra índole y casos prácticos. Explica...

Cuestionando la noción de que los países en desarrollo exportan esencialmente productos básicos, este libro muestra el auge y la diversidad del comercio de servicios en países en desarrollo y países menos adelantados. Basado en 28 estudios de casos de empresarios de 18 países en desarrollo que...

La presente guía proporciona a los gobiernos, las entidades contratantes y otras partes interesadas un conocimiento más profundo de los retos a los que se enfrentan las empresas propiedad de mujeres a la hora participar en los mercados de contratación pública: brinda herramientas para abordar...

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