
Las publicaciones del ITC acercan la voz del mundo empresarial al comercio sostenible y se centran en los países en desarrollo. Ofrecemos asesoramiento a los encargados de formular políticas, las organizaciones de apoyo empresarial y las pequeñas empresas. Nuestros informes ofrecen información para facilitar que el comercio sea más inclusivo, ecológico, digital y competitivo.


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Literature review of interdependencies between public and private standards. It focuses on how governments could engage with private standards to impact their legitimacy and significance in the market; provides examples of complementarities between public and private standards. Part three of a...

En esta publicación guía a los exportadores de productos agrícolas a través del proceso de la huella de carbono del producto.Les ayuda a entender los procesos, mejorar el desempeño ambiental y reducir los costes empresariales. Se incluye una tipología de los sistemas e iniciativas, ejemplos...

Sustainability standards continue their growth across the world.This fourth global report provides new insights into the evolution of certified agriculture and forestry. ITC has teamed up once again with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture and the International Institute for Sustainable...

Voluntary sustainability standards are in the mainstream, and no longer a novelty for niche markets. This second global report outlines data on area, production volume and producers for 14 major sustainability standards across bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton, palm oil, soybeans, cane sugar, tea and...

Voluntary sustainability standards continue their growth across the world. This third global report provides new insights into the evolution of certified agriculture and forestry. ITC has teamed up once more with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the International...

The first global data report on fast-growing voluntary sustainability standards outlines the share of bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton, forestry, palm oil, soybeans, cane sugar and tea in 14 major standards. The report is based on a partnership between the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture...

Many climate-smart technologies exist in Pakistan to help farmers adapt to climate change. These include commercially available technologies and those developed locally. Various factors hinder their uptake, limiting climate resilience.

Las normas y los reglamentos tienen repercusiones importantes en la competitividad de las pymes.El tema central del informe Perspectivas de competitividad de las pymes de este año es "Cumplir las normas para fomentar el comercio". Cuando las pymes siguen dicha recomendación, aumentan sus...

This sixth global report provides new insights into the evolution of certified agriculture and forestry. The International Trade Centre has teamed up once again with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture and the International Institute for Sustainable Development to provide data about 14...

Sustainability standards continue their growth across the world. This fifth global report provides insights into certified agriculture and forestry, and shapes decisions of policymakers, producers and businesses working to address systemic labour and environmental challenges through certified...

International business investors can embed sustainability in each step of their operations. This guide describes the social, environmental and economic practices that international firms must understand when entering a new market.

The design of governance structure of social and environmental sustainability standards determines how accessible they are to producers in developing countries.The increase in consumer demand for sustainable trade has given rise to a growing array of social and environmental standards. This joint...

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