
Las publicaciones del ITC acercan la voz del mundo empresarial al comercio sostenible y se centran en los países en desarrollo. Ofrecemos asesoramiento a los encargados de formular políticas, las organizaciones de apoyo empresarial y las pequeñas empresas. Nuestros informes ofrecen información para facilitar que el comercio sea más inclusivo, ecológico, digital y competitivo.


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Insufficient knowledge about options and application processes, difficulty understanding financial terms and lack of collateral hinder women seeking finance. In this report, financiers applying gender lens investing build on their experience addressing women’s challenges and offer insights on best...

The State of Sustainable Markets 2021 is the sixth edition of the annual report on the status of sustainable markets, which the International Trade Centre (ITC) has been publishing jointly with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and the International Institute for Sustainable...

This report shows how sustainability standards can be a powerful tool for post-pandemic recovery.

This guide offers policymakers and trade practitioners practical, step-by-step advice on how to mainstream gender concerns into the work of their trade ministries, small business ministries and trade support institutions.

El presente informe ayuda a las pequeñas empresas a cumplir las normas comerciales cuando venden productos a la Unión Europea y los Estados Unidos de América.

International business investors can embed sustainability in each step of their operations. This guide describes the social, environmental and economic practices that international firms must understand when entering a new market.

This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments.

This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments.

Online marketplaces are the dominant form of e-commerce for consumer goods in developed countries. They are also prominent across Africa, offering great potential to serve a new generation of consumers and open opportunities for small entrepreneurs. But little is known about these marketplaces in...

Los subproductos del algodón -como el aceite de semillas de algodón y las tortas de algodón- pueden contribuir poderosamente a la reducción de la pobreza, la creación de empleo y un mayor crecimiento económico en África. Estos productos derivados pueden representar hasta el 30% del valor del...

Las empresas propiedad de mujeres representan sólo el 1% de la contratación pública.Este informe proporciona a los responsables de la formulación de políticas públicas, las oficinas de estadística y los oficiales de adquisiciones, herramientas para la reforma. Asesora sobre cómo diseñar una...

Advanced economies have developed highly competitive and innovative e-commerce services, making it simple for small enterprises to set up online stores, transport their goods and receive payments. Although entrepreneurs in developing countries can sell online by accessing these services, most are...

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