
Las publicaciones del ITC acercan la voz del mundo empresarial al comercio sostenible y se centran en los países en desarrollo. Ofrecemos asesoramiento a los encargados de formular políticas, las organizaciones de apoyo empresarial y las pequeñas empresas. Nuestros informes ofrecen información para facilitar que el comercio sea más inclusivo, ecológico, digital y competitivo.


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Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in Togo can protect them from the effects of crises and unleash their potential to trigger economic transformation.

Private investment from China into Africa is significant but its potential for increasing local productivity largely underestimated. The main challenge for investors is finding information on the availability and quality of local suppliers.

La digitalización y el auge de la economía de plataformas están cambiando rápidamente la forma en la que las empresas hacen negocios. Es necesario un ecosistema empresarial fuerte para gestionar este cambio. El informe Perspectivas de competitividad de las PYMES de este año explica cómo...

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Botswana are engines of job creation with significant potential to foster economic diversification.Drawing on data from the SME Competitiveness Survey, this report shows that improved access to skilled labour has strengthened Botswana companies,...

Hungarian SMEs account for 99.8% of enterprises. 70% of employment, 50% of value added and 28% of its exports to the European Union. This report provides targeted recommendations to help SMEs trade, with a focus on agriculture, electronics and ICT sectors. For each sector, it outlines what firms...

One in three companies in French-speaking Africa is in a difficult financial position, according to ITC research. While it is evident that their financial situation is closely tied to their economic performance, evidence shows that their growth rests on access to finance. Yet one fourth of...

Through innovation, the Gambia’s young entrepreneurs can contribute significantly to the country’s growth. This is the key message emerging from Gambian firms that participated in the ITC Competitiveness Survey.The survey addressed youth recruitment and the occupational skills gap in the Gambia...

Small businesses in Saint Lucia are contributing to the country’s export growth. The findings of a new ITC Competitiveness Survey jointly conducted with the country’s Trade Export Promotion Agency (TEPA) provides guidance on how to exploit opportunities in four key sectors: food and beverages,...

A largely untapped resource, Sri Lankan women have the potential to play a significant role in the country’s economy. Given the right tools and support, women entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka can achieve this potential and positively affect the global economy.Using the International Trade Centre (ITC)...

Exporting responsibly sourced high-value-added wood products from South-East Asia, including the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, can drive economic growth. Rising demand for timber in Europe offers opportunities for small to medium-sized producers. Strengthening the regional wood-processing...

Women make up almost half of Kenya’s labour force, yet they remain on the margins of business ownership – only 9% of Kenya’s firms are majority women-owned. Kenyan women entrepreneurs say they need better access to loans, business registries, patents, quality certifications and affordable...

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