
Las publicaciones del ITC acercan la voz del mundo empresarial al comercio sostenible y se centran en los países en desarrollo. Ofrecemos asesoramiento a los encargados de formular políticas, las organizaciones de apoyo empresarial y las pequeñas empresas. Nuestros informes ofrecen información para facilitar que el comercio sea más inclusivo, ecológico, digital y competitivo.


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Digitalization and the rise of the platform economy are rapidly changing the way in which firms do business. A strong business ecosystem is necessary to manage this change. This year’s SME Competitiveness Outlook tells how to build it.The report combines data analysis, academic insights, thought...

Jointly published by ITC, WTO and UNCTAD, this annual report presents tariff-based market access conditions for goods imposed by 164 WTO Members and other countries. The report contains aggregated product statistics; tariffs imposed and faced by each economy; and an overview of non-tariff...

Este informe anual, publicado conjuntamente por el ITC, la OMC y la UNCTAD, presenta las condiciones arancelarias de acceso a mercados para bienes impuestas por 164 Miembros de la OMC y otros países. El informe contiene estadísticas agregadas sobre productos; aranceles impuestos y enfrentados...

Buying quinoa contributes to better livelihoods for rural Peruvian communities, according to a new ITC study. The study provides much-needed data on the impact of changing market prices on the welfare of rural households in the altiplano of Peru. The findings inform policymakers about the benefits...

Publicado anualmente y de manera conjunta entre el ITC, la OMC y la UNCTAD, este informe presenta las condiciones arancelarias de acceso a mercados para bienes, impuestas por los 161 miembros de la OMC, además de otros países y territorios. La primera parte presenta estadísticas agregadas...

Perfiles arancelarios en el mundo 2014 — publicación conjunta de la OMC, el Centro de Comercio Internacional (ITC) y la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD), que contiene amplia información sobre los aranceles de todos los Miembros de la OMC y otros países...

Streamlining government procedures, improving transport maintenance and IT infrastructure, and better dissemination of trade-related information are cited as keys to improving Kenya’s export performance, in a new ITC country study on non-tariff measures. Two-thirds of companies surveyed in Kenya...

Rwandan exporters face onerous standards imposed by private clients in addition to government requirements, an ITC survey reveals. Fair Trade certificates demanded by clients in the European Union, especially for coffee and tea, are bringing costs and delays that seriously hinder Rwandan exporters,...

Mauritian exporters claim to be less affected by trade barriers than many other countries that have participated in the ITC business surveys on non-tariff measures. Among the 400 Mauritian firms surveyed, 27% of exporters were adversely affected by non-tariff measures; 36% of importing firms...

Stronger ties between African cotton producers/ginners and Asian buyers can improve the market positioning of African cotton.The African-Asian cotton trade has great potential. This study examines African challenges to improve along the value chain to meet Asia’s growing demand. It reviews ITC...

Many trade obstacles can be dealt with at home, this report finds, regarding business concerns about non-tariff measures in Malawi. Supplement: This ITC survey of exporters and importers in Malawi reveals that their main challenges to access markets abroad are twofold in relation to non-tariff...

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