


L'ITC publie sur son portail dédié aux données ouvertes les données de l'IITA (Initiative internationale pour la transparence de l'aide) pour 90 % de ses fonds extrabudgétaires.



RESI High Skills aims at giving continuity to the work ITC has been carrying out towards leveraging digital tools and technology to develop economic opportunities for displacement-affected communities and their hosts. In 2019 -2020, RESI High Skills will connect youth to online freelancing jobs...


Since 2016, ITC has been increasing its work to deliver trade-led, market-based economic opportunities in contexts of vulnerable migration and forced displacement. To support this work, ITC created a framework outlining its strategic position and offering a methodology for engagement. In 2019, the...


To support ongoing efforts to improve Pakistan’s trade competitiveness, ITC has been asked to leverage its NTM Survey methodology to identify for Pakistan:The most challenging non-tariff measures by sector, company size and partner countryExisting national procedures and facilities which need...

253 - 264 sur 388 résultats

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