


L'ITC publie sur son portail dédié aux données ouvertes les données de l'IITA (Initiative internationale pour la transparence de l'aide) pour 90 % de ses fonds extrabudgétaires.



The project consists of national interventions under the Partner States Window of the EU-EAC Market Access Upgrade Programme - MARKUP funded by the 11th European Development Fund. The action aims at addressing both supply side and market access constraints in coffee, tea and horticulture sectors,...


To harness the digital revolution for development in a sustained manner, developing countries need a clear direction: a sense of what is to be achieved, and how. E-strategies meet this need. They provide policy-makers, trade support institutions, and enterprises with a strategic framework and set of...


The EU – Bhutan Trade Support Project aims to diversify exports by improving the national trade and investment regulatory framework, and increase exports of horticulture products and textile handicrafts. The ultimate objective of the project is to increase incomes along the two value chains in...


The project will extend the export potential and diversification assessment methodology in two directions: it will improve the precision of the identification of opportunities for value chain development and it will suggest a comprehensive framework to analyse the effects of trade on employment....

265 - 276 sur 388 résultats

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