
Les publications de l'ITC sont centrées sur le secteur privé des pays en développement dont elles font entendre la voix en faveur d’un commerce durable. Nous offrons des conseils aux responsables des politiques commerciales, aux organisations d’appui aux entreprises et aux petites entreprises. Nos rapports présentent des perspectives qui permettront de rendre le commerce plus inclusif, plus vert, numérique et compétitif.


9 résultats
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Upgrading quality infrastructure and enforcing quality compliance are key to Pakistan’s export development. A survey of almost 1,200 companies on non-tariff measures found that more than half of Pakistani exporters face regulatory or procedural trade-related obstacles. The report recommends...


Many climate-smart technologies exist in Pakistan to help farmers adapt to climate change. These include commercially available technologies and those developed locally. Various factors hinder their uptake, limiting climate resilience.


Nearly half of Vietnamese exporters face regulatory or procedural trade barriers, according to an International Trade Centre survey of 1800 businesses. Lack of trade information, complexities with certification and compliance, administrative delays in some regions, and complex visa requirements and...


Women make up almost half of Kenya’s labour force, yet they remain on the margins of business ownership – only 9% of Kenya’s firms are majority women-owned. Kenyan women entrepreneurs say they need better access to loans, business registries, patents, quality certifications and affordable...


All of the LDCs export commercial services and nearly one quarter of LDCs are net exporters of services: while Tourism is usually the major explanatory factor, it is not the only one.LDC services exports are growing twice as fast as the world average and the LDC share in world services exports is...


This report provides company-level information for investors on agribusiness, manufacturing and services. It includes performance-related data on themes like international certification, innovation capacity, ICT use and access to electricity and logistics services. Investors will find practical...


The rhinoceros faces the risk of extinction in the wild if current poaching rates continue. Viet Nam, a main market, uses horn as an ingredient in Traditional Asian Medicine (TAM). An ITC survey of 1000 consumers of TAM, including 239 rhino horn users, found they preferred rhino horn that is...
