
Les publications de l'ITC sont centrées sur le secteur privé des pays en développement dont elles font entendre la voix en faveur d’un commerce durable. Nous offrons des conseils aux responsables des politiques commerciales, aux organisations d’appui aux entreprises et aux petites entreprises. Nos rapports présentent des perspectives qui permettront de rendre le commerce plus inclusif, plus vert, numérique et compétitif.


56 résultats
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Module de formation axé sur le secteur agricole et les liens qui pourraient être créés entre les agriculteurs pauvres et le secteur du tourisme - met en exergue les coûts et les avantages potentiels ; explique comment accéder aux marchés du tourisme, identifier les besoins d'acheteurs et...


La promotion de la compétitivité des petites et moyennes entreprises est indispensable pour faire du Bénin une économie résiliente et durable.


This report provides company-level information for investors on agribusiness, manufacturing and services. It includes performance-related data on themes like international certification, innovation capacity, ICT use and access to electricity and logistics services. Investors will find practical...


Managing risk and building climate resilience among small firms requires a team effort. Climate change is hitting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) hard, and supply chain disruptions have a domino effect. This guide explains how development cooperation agencies, business support organizations,...


Thanks to a more services-based economy and the prestige associated with women’s entrepreneurship, new opportunities allow Nigerian women to play a more active role in business.Nigerian businesswomen need support for registration and certification, banking, skills development and flexible work...


Small businesses in Saint Lucia are contributing to the country’s export growth. The findings of a new ITC Competitiveness Survey jointly conducted with the country’s Trade Export Promotion Agency (TEPA) provides guidance on how to exploit opportunities in four key sectors: food and beverages,...


Through innovation, the Gambia’s young entrepreneurs can contribute significantly to the country’s growth. This is the key message emerging from Gambian firms that participated in the ITC Competitiveness Survey.The survey addressed youth recruitment and the occupational skills gap in the Gambia...


This study outlines the market potential in the United States and Canada for three Peruvian natural ingredients that are essential for biodiversity.Peruvian producers and exporters will find an overview of the market potential in the United States and Canada for golden berry, Peruvian mesquite and...


Small firms are at the heart of Eswatini’s participation in international value chains. But they often struggle to trade due to production capacity constraints, including inadequate managerial skills and certification, failure to engage with business support organizations and weak linkages with...


Cambodia's small and medium-sized enterprises play a central role in the country's economy and development, but face a number of challenges that have been further complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic.


What keeps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana from being competitive in international markets is often not of their own making, such as unreliable electricity and high interest rates. This report outlines these and other findings from the SME Competitiveness Survey, which surveyed...

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