
Les publications de l'ITC sont centrées sur le secteur privé des pays en développement dont elles font entendre la voix en faveur d’un commerce durable. Nous offrons des conseils aux responsables des politiques commerciales, aux organisations d’appui aux entreprises et aux petites entreprises. Nos rapports présentent des perspectives qui permettront de rendre le commerce plus inclusif, plus vert, numérique et compétitif.


57 résultats
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Asia-Pacific businesses call for services business groupings to join forces in a regional coalition, to shape a new APEC services agenda. Services represent 39% of APEC value-added trade – double the figures traditionally cited in balance of payments data. High-level business representatives in...


Training module providing people in the tourism sector with skills to expand opportunities for enhancing local community involvement in this sector. It provides an introduction to the tourism sector, and how it can contribute to poverty reduction; discusses potential involvement of local people and...


Rwandan creative industries are exploring ways to tackle challenges and develop products and services for domestic and international markets. This ITC paper uses case studies to illustrate how music and film companies in Rwanda tap global platforms to expand outreach, follow the diaspora to enter...


To be part of value chains dominated by large global players, small and medium-sized enterprises need a sound business environment, ready access to finance, and institutional support to reach new markets and to defend their interests.This ITC-WTO study explores constraints faced by businesses in 23...


Training module aiming to promote local creative industries in developing countries through the tourism value chain, with a view to poverty reduction. It explains how fostering artistic and cultural activities within tourism business chains can contribute to poverty reduction in a given location or...


Étude portant sur les marchés émergents de la mode au détail des pays en développement «avancées»  - se concentre sur le Brésil, la Chine, l’Inde, la Malaisie, le Singapour et l'Afrique du Sud; prévoit la dynamique globale et potentiel de croissance économique pour chaque marché, y...


All of the LDCs export commercial services and nearly one quarter of LDCs are net exporters of services: while Tourism is usually the major explanatory factor, it is not the only one.LDC services exports are growing twice as fast as the world average and the LDC share in world services exports is...


The goal of Ethiopia’s Textile and Clothing (T & C) Value Chain Roadmap is to set the sector on the course of strategic development by addressing constraints in a comprehensive manner and defining concrete opportunities that can be realized through the specific steps detailed in its Plan of...


Hungarian SMEs account for 99.8% of enterprises. 70% of employment, 50% of value added and 28% of its exports to the European Union. This report provides targeted recommendations to help SMEs trade, with a focus on agriculture, electronics and ICT sectors. For each sector, it outlines what firms...


Module de formation axé sur le secteur agricole et les liens qui pourraient être créés entre les agriculteurs pauvres et le secteur du tourisme - met en exergue les coûts et les avantages potentiels ; explique comment accéder aux marchés du tourisme, identifier les besoins d'acheteurs et...


This guide is a showcase of successful public-private dialogue in developing countries.      It demonstrates the value of business advocacy on trade policy issues featuring the Barbadian tourism industry, customs services in Ghana, Thailand’s automotive industry, Penang, Malaysia’s...


Guide traitant du lien entre le marketing réussi des produits de l’artisanat et des arts visuels, et l'utilisation adéquate des instruments de propriété intellectuelle - indique les cas de figure dans lesquels l'obtention d'une protection formelle de la propriété intellectuelle devrait être...

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