
Les publications de l'ITC sont centrées sur le secteur privé des pays en développement dont elles font entendre la voix en faveur d’un commerce durable. Nous offrons des conseils aux responsables des politiques commerciales, aux organisations d’appui aux entreprises et aux petites entreprises. Nos rapports présentent des perspectives qui permettront de rendre le commerce plus inclusif, plus vert, numérique et compétitif.


16 résultats
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Managing risk and building climate resilience among small firms requires a team effort. Climate change is hitting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) hard, and supply chain disruptions have a domino effect. This guide explains how development cooperation agencies, business support organizations,...


International business investors can embed sustainability in each step of their operations. This guide describes the social, environmental and economic practices that international firms must understand when entering a new market.


This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments. The companion guide presents an overview of Ethiopia’s environmental and social regulations for investment operations in agroprocessing and light manufacturing. It also provides...


This sixth global report provides new insights into the evolution of certified agriculture and forestry. The International Trade Centre has teamed up once again with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture and the International Institute for Sustainable Development to provide data about 14...


This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments.


This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments.


This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments.


Sustainability standards continue their growth across the world.This fourth global report provides new insights into the evolution of certified agriculture and forestry. ITC has teamed up once again with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture and the International Institute for Sustainable...


Battant en brèche la notion selon laquelle les pays en développement exportent essentiellement des matières premières, cette publication montre la diversité du commerce des services qui prospère dans les pays en développement et les PMA. Basé sur 28 études de cas d’entrepreneurs de 18...


Small firms in developing countries are using social media to find new clients and generate trade. This guide advises on how to develop a successful social media strategy with a tight budget. Using real business cases and the latest ways to measure the real-time impact of social media campaigns, the...


Voluntary sustainability standards continue their growth across the world. This third global report provides new insights into the evolution of certified agriculture and forestry. ITC has teamed up once more with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the International...


La demande de produits biologiques collectés en milieu sauvage est significative.Les produits destinés à la consommation alimentaire directe,comme les baies,les noix, les champignonset un grand nombre de plantes sont les principaux objets.Cette publication traite de la terminologie utilisée dans...

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