
Les publications de l'ITC sont centrées sur le secteur privé des pays en développement dont elles font entendre la voix en faveur d’un commerce durable. Nous offrons des conseils aux responsables des politiques commerciales, aux organisations d’appui aux entreprises et aux petites entreprises. Nos rapports présentent des perspectives qui permettront de rendre le commerce plus inclusif, plus vert, numérique et compétitif.


18 résultats
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Publié conjointement par l'ITC, l'OMC et la CNUCED, ce rapport annuel présente les conditions d'accès au marché des marchandises basées sur les droits de douane appliquées par plus de 170 pays et territoires.


International business investors can embed sustainability in each step of their operations. This guide describes the social, environmental and economic practices that international firms must understand when entering a new market.


This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments.


This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments.


This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments. The companion guide presents an overview of Ethiopia’s environmental and social regulations for investment operations in agroprocessing and light manufacturing. It also provides...


This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments.


Investment facilitation is key to a post-pandemic recovery and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This publication combines insight and analytical expertise relevant to negotiating and implementing investment facilitation for development. It is intended to support the WTO negotiation on...


The SME Competitiveness Outlook argues that small and medium-sized firms are the ‘missing link’ to inclusive growth. Organized around the theme Connect, Compete, Change for Inclusive Growth, it shows that SMEs are generally less productive than large firms. The productivity gap is...


The SME Competitiveness Outlook argues that small and medium-sized firms are the ‘missing link’ to inclusive growth.Organized around the theme Connect, Compete, Change for Inclusive Growth, it shows that SMEs are generally less productive than large firms. The productivity gap is wider in...


The SME Competitiveness Outlook argues that small and medium-sized firms are the ‘missing link’ to inclusive growth.Organized around the theme Connect, Compete, Change for Inclusive Growth, it shows that SMEs are generally less productive than large firms. The productivity gap is wider in...


The SME Competitiveness Outlook argues that small and medium-sized firms are the ‘missing link’ to inclusive growth.Organized around the theme Connect, Compete, Change for Inclusive Growth, it shows that SMEs are generally less productive than large firms. The productivity gap is wider in...


Les Prévisions de la compétitivité des PME soutiennent que les petites et moyennes entreprises sont le « maillon manquant » de la croissance solidaire.L’argument, qui se fonde sur trois piliers de la croissance solidaire - utilisation des outils internet, concurrence, et changement - montre...

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