
Les publications de l'ITC sont centrées sur le secteur privé des pays en développement dont elles font entendre la voix en faveur d’un commerce durable. Nous offrons des conseils aux responsables des politiques commerciales, aux organisations d’appui aux entreprises et aux petites entreprises. Nos rapports présentent des perspectives qui permettront de rendre le commerce plus inclusif, plus vert, numérique et compétitif.


73 résultats
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The SME Competitiveness Outlook 2021 analyses how small businesses can rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic so they are prepared to face the looming climate crisis. It provides a 20-point Green Recovery Plan to foster competitive, resilient and environmentally sustainable small and medium-sized...


A largely untapped resource, Sri Lankan women have the potential to play a significant role in the country’s economy. Given the right tools and support, women entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka can achieve this potential and positively affect the global economy.Using the International Trade Centre (ITC)...


Thanks to a more services-based economy and the prestige associated with women’s entrepreneurship, new opportunities allow Nigerian women to play a more active role in business.Nigerian businesswomen need support for registration and certification, banking, skills development and flexible work...


Cette publication du Centre du commerce international (ITC) à l'occasion de son 50ème anniversaire explore les nouvelles opportunités de connecter aux marchés mondiaux les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) des pays en développement, fournit des recommandations pour l'assistance au commerce,...


Les Prévisions de la compétitivité des PME soutiennent que les petites et moyennes entreprises sont le « maillon manquant » de la croissance solidaire.L’argument, qui se fonde sur trois piliers de la croissance solidaire - utilisation des outils internet, concurrence, et changement - montre...


Synthèse – COVID-19 : Le Grand confinement et ses répercussions sur les petites entreprises – Perspectives de la compétitivité des PME 2020


This guide offers small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) insights on negotiation and collaboration with lead firms in international value chains. It addresses topics such as compliance with standards and regulations, contractual relationships, production and performance management, types of...


Managing risk and building climate resilience among small firms requires a team effort. Climate change is hitting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) hard, and supply chain disruptions have a domino effect. This guide explains how development cooperation agencies, business support organizations,...


La numérisation et l'essor de l’économie de plateforme modifie rapidement la manière dont les entreprises mènent leurs affaires. Un écosystème commercial robuste est indispensable pour gérer cette mutation. L’édition 2018 des Perspectives de la compétitivité des PME explique comment le...


Women make up almost half of Kenya’s labour force, yet they remain on the margins of business ownership – only 9% of Kenya’s firms are majority women-owned. Kenyan women entrepreneurs say they need better access to loans, business registries, patents, quality certifications and affordable...


Increasing annual investments in small and medium-sized enterprises by $1 trillion would yield disproportionate dividends in terms of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. These investments also have the potential to deliver healthy returns for investors.To boost investment in...

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