
Les publications de l'ITC sont centrées sur le secteur privé des pays en développement dont elles font entendre la voix en faveur d’un commerce durable. Nous offrons des conseils aux responsables des politiques commerciales, aux organisations d’appui aux entreprises et aux petites entreprises. Nos rapports présentent des perspectives qui permettront de rendre le commerce plus inclusif, plus vert, numérique et compétitif.


84 résultats
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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have the potential to drive economic recovery and poverty reduction in South Sudan. However, they have been stifled by conflict, COVID-19 and climate change, as well as a weak business environment.  The International Trade Centre’s SME...


Women Shaping Global Economic Governance brings together contributions from leading policymakers and thought leaders from all across the world on how to shape our economies.Written entirely by women, this book is not about women. It is written by women who want to encourage everyone, including the...


Connecting sub-Saharan Africa with emerging markets to boost export-led growth.A study on emerging value chains and policy options for sub-Saharan Africa to maximize trade-related economic growth.


Set within the context of increasing Chinese investment in Africa, this guide for Chinese investors shows how to embrace sustainability along their investment journey in Ethiopia.The guide contains mandatory requirements and additional sustainability practices for agroprocessing and light...


A recent ITC survey of 960 Peruvian companies shows that 40% face challenges related to non-tariff measures, mostly in their major export markets in the USA, the EU and some countries in Latin America. This report outlines survey results and policy options discussed at a national roundtable in Peru...


Rwandan creative industries are exploring ways to tackle challenges and develop products and services for domestic and international markets. This ITC paper uses case studies to illustrate how music and film companies in Rwanda tap global platforms to expand outreach, follow the diaspora to enter...


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Zambia play a key role in boosting growth and job creation.Data from the SME Competitiveness Survey shows that: SMEs in the agri-food sector have good capacity to deliver products on time; manufacturing firms are content with the skillset of their...


Investors in Ghana can contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals while earning healthy returns, according to a new ITC report about logistics, certification, infrastructure access, financial literacy for small and medium-sized firms.Investment potential is good in cocoa, corn, yam and...


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are important actors in all economies and key to policies for inclusive growth, innovation, productivity and job creation. However, they tend to be trapped in low value-added tasks and commodity dependence. This joint paper with the World Economic Forum sets...


Destiné aux diplomates commerciaux, ce guide unique au monde explique comment promouvoir à l’étranger le commerce et l’investissement, tout en déterminant les priorités pour les marchés, les industries et les clients.En puisant directement dans des expériences de terrain concrètes, il...


Le manque de connaissances sur les options existantes et les démarches associées, la difficulté à comprendre les termes financiers et le manque de garanties empêchent les femmes de rechercher un financement. Ce rapport s’appuie sur l’expérience de bailleurs de fonds qui appliquent...


A comprehensive risk management strategy is vital to improve the efficiency of border control and import compliance to facilitate international trade. This publication offers a roadmap that shows regulatory agencies in developing countries in particular how to build modern, integrated risk...

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