Forum de Comercio

La plataforma de conocimiento digital del Centro de Comercio Internacional explora el desarrollo de las exportaciones y las cuestiones comerciales en los países en desarrollo y en los países menos adelantados. Las contribuciones se enfocan en la promoción del comercio y el desarrollo de las exportaciones como parte del programa de cooperación técnica del Centro de Comercio Internacional con los países en desarrollo y las economías en transición. 


4 Jun 2019

The world of 2019 is very different than the world of 1995 when the World Trade Organization was established. The way we produce, trade and consume been transformed by technology and efficiencies in transportation and global poverty has decreased.We are witnessing a digital revolution which has made...

1 Dec 2018

There is no doubt that 2018 has been a tumultuous year for global trade. It has been marked by trade tensions among the economies responsible for the majority of global exports and imports: China, the European Union and the United States. And by threats to weaken or even dismantle the World Trade...

31 Oct 2018

We are truly entering the age of the consumer. Across the world consumers are increasingly aware of the impact their purchasing decisions can have on how goods are produced. And there is growing awareness among producers that value chains that are inclusive and support sustainable production can be...

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