
Información general


El ITC publica datos según los estándares de la IATI (Iniciativa Internacional para la Transparencia de la Ayuda) para el 90% de los fondos extrapresupuestarios del ITC en su Portal de datos abiertos.



The Timor-Leste: Support to Regional Integration and Trade project will support Timor-Leste’s development plans to modernize its economy and trade integration supporting the negotiations of the ASEAN Membership (by focusing on the AEC), the WTO accession, and the EU-Pacific EPA negotiations,...


Part of a bigger programme (Farmers – Fisherfolks’ Advancement and Integration to Resilient Value Chains in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao - BARMM) led by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and co-implemented with the Food and Agriculture...

61 - 72 resultados de 388

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