Forum du commerce

La plateforme numérique du Centre du commerce international apporte une connaissance approfondie des efforts de développement des exportations et des défis commerciaux dans les pays en développement et les pays les moins avancés. Les contributions sont axées sur la promotion du commerce et le développement des exportations dans le cadre du programme de coopération technique mené par le Centre du commerce international avec les pays en développement et les économies en transition.


22 Sep 2020

Mahfuzul, an aspiring entrepreneur from Bangladesh, has no doubt that he will be able to turn his dream of running his own business into reality.‘During the COVID situation, and since January this year, I have been planning to begin my start-up. It will help me a lot in the future to start my...

22 Sep 2020

Myanmar reported its first case of COVID-19 on 23 March. The government responded with restrictions to prevent the virus from spreading: banning mass gatherings, suspending visas, issuing stay-at-home orders, quarantining, promoting social distancing and imposing legal actions against those who...

22 Sep 2020

In many economies, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises either are the economy or account for a huge proportion of economic and employment activity. When we look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the huge macroeconomic shock that followed, we can clearly see that we need to take...

21 Sep 2020

A century ago, when pandemic influenza struck a war-torn world, few multilateral institutions existed. Countries fought their common microbial enemy alone. Today, an array of multilateral mechanisms exists to confront global public health emergencies and address their economic, social, and political...

181 - 192 sur 880 résultats

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