
Información general


El ITC publica datos según los estándares de la IATI (Iniciativa Internacional para la Transparencia de la Ayuda) para el 90% de los fondos extrapresupuestarios del ITC en su Portal de datos abiertos.



The Timor-Leste: Support to Regional Integration and Trade project will support Timor-Leste’s development plans to modernize its economy and trade integration supporting the negotiations of the ASEAN Membership (by focusing on the AEC), the WTO accession, and the EU-Pacific EPA negotiations,...


Part of a bigger programme (Farmers – Fisherfolks’ Advancement and Integration to Resilient Value Chains in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao - BARMM) led by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and co-implemented with the Food and Agriculture...


In view of the challenges to the trade of agricultural products in the NENA region, ITC will provide support to enhance intra-regional trade in selected agricultural value chains by removing obstacles to export, transit and import.The main objectives of this initiative are:To improve the...


The United Nations (UN) system, in collaboration with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania presents the 2022-2027 United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for Tanzania, the most important planning and implementation instrument for all UN agencies in the...


The Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP II) aims to promote economic growth in the East African Community (EAC) through private sector development and export promotion. It seeks to enhance sustainable and inclusive intra-African trade, pan-African trade, and trade with the European Union (EU)....

37 - 48 resultados de 132

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