Press releases

Kyrgyzstan launches national export strategy

30 October 2013
ITC News
Kyrgyzstan today (30 October) launched its national export strategy (NES) after more than a year of multi-stakeholder consultations led by the International Trade Centre (ITC).

The NES will function as a blueprint for the country’s private sector, government and development partners to work together to increase the competitiveness of Kyrgyz products in global markets. It seeks to generate employment opportunities, improve the business environment and explore means of sustainable growth.

‘Trade today is about finding ways to add value to a country’s goods and services to gain greater access to – and mobility in – local, regional and global value chains,’ said ITC Executive Director Arancha González.

‘Any country wishing to navigate these value chains needs a compass. For Kyrgyzstan, a landlocked developing country, this national export strategy provides a clear direction on how to best take advantage of its rich natural resources and people in a sustainable manner,’ she said. The strategy targets the development of six priority sectors: tourism, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat products, clothing and bottled water. The strategy also targets four cross-sectors – access to finance, trade information and promotion, quality management and trade facilitation – which will result in improved export competitiveness beyond the selected priority sectors.

‘The National Export Strategy of Kyrgyzstan will guide the implementation of our country’s development programs and help boost our exports. It will contribute to the economic growth and sustainable development of Kyrgyzstan,’ said Temir Sariev, Kyrgyzstan’s Minister of Economy.

The NES consultations started in July 2012 when the Ministry of Economy, under the supervision of First Vice Prime Minister Djoomart Otorbaev, held the first stakeholders’ consultation. The strategy was finalized and submitted to Ministry of Economy in April 2013. Between then and the launch, it has been reviewed by multiple ministries that were involved in the NES design process.

The NES initiative, led by the Ministry of Economy, is funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and implemented by ITC.

The event will be held at the Jannat Hotel in Bishkek from 10:00–12:00 on 30 October. Members of the media can register for the event from 9:30–9:45.

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Read more details in the fourth issue of the 2013 quarterly bulletin of the ITC Trade Promotion Programme in Kyrgyzstan, in English or Russian.