
ITC publications bring the business voice to sustainable trade, with a focus on developing countries. We offer guidance for trade policymakers, business support organizations and small firms. Our reports offer insights to make trade more inclusive, green, digital and competitive.


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Près de deux tiers des exportateurs nigériens peinent à se conformer aux réglementations ou procédures liées au commerce au Niger et à l'étranger. La présente enquête du Centre du commerce international (ITC) sur les mesures non tarifaires présente les nombreux défis relatifs au...


Una encuesta del ITC reveló que las empresas paraguayas se ven más afectadas por Medidas No Arancelarias (MNA) que las de otros países latinoamericanos. De un total de 406 exportadores e importadores, el 62% reportó problemas asociados a MNA gravosas, sobre todo al cumplir con requisitos de...


Stronger ties between African cotton producers/ginners and Asian buyers can improve the market positioning of African cotton. The African-Asian cotton trade has great potential. This study examines African challenges to improve along the value chain to meet Asia’s growing demand. It reviews ITC...


 This guide is a showcase of successful public-private dialogue in developing countries. It demonstrates the value of business advocacy on trade policy issues featuring the Barbadian tourism industry, customs services in Ghana, Thailand’s automotive industry, Penang, Malaysia’s export...


Case studies from Barbados, Ghana, India, Thailand and Malaysia This guide is a showcase of successful public-private dialogue in developing countries. It demonstrates the value of business advocacy on trade policy issues featuring the Barbadian tourism industry, customs services in Ghana,...
