
ITC publications bring the business voice to sustainable trade, with a focus on developing countries. We offer guidance for trade policymakers, business support organizations and small firms. Our reports offer insights to make trade more inclusive, green, digital and competitive.


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Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in Togo can protect them from the effects of crises and unleash their potential to trigger economic transformation.


This Market Brief profiles the US market for natural ingredients that are used in the cosmetic and/or dietary supplement industries. It highlights selected Andean products that have potential for capturing a larger share of the US market. The range of natural ingredients covered in this report...


The goal of Uganda’s Value Chain Roadmap for Sunflowers The goal of Uganda’s Value Chain Roadmap for Sunflowers is to set the sector on the course of strategic development by addressing constraints in a comprehensive manner and defining concrete opportunities that can be realized through the...


Many trade obstacles can be dealt with at home, this report finds, regarding business concerns about non-tariff measures in Malawi.   This ITC survey of exporters and importers in Malawi reveals that their main challenges to access markets abroad are twofold in relation to non-tariff...


All of the LDCs export commercial services and nearly one quarter of LDCs are net exporters of services: while Tourism is usually the major explanatory factor, it is not the only one. LDC services exports are growing twice as fast as the world average and the LDC share in world services exports...


The study presents the findings of ITC research on the United States market for organic food and beverages. It identifies market prospects and business opportunities for developing countries and transition economies ; gives dat alt=a on domestic production, imports/exports and market size ; outlines...
