
ITC publications bring the business voice to sustainable trade, with a focus on developing countries. We offer guidance for trade policymakers, business support organizations and small firms. Our reports offer insights to make trade more inclusive, green, digital and competitive.


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Many climate-smart technologies exist in Pakistan to help farmers adapt to climate change. These include commercially available technologies and those developed locally. Various factors hinder their uptake, limiting climate resilience.


Upgrading quality infrastructure and enforcing quality compliance are key to Pakistan’s export development. A survey of almost 1,200 companies on non-tariff measures found that more than half of Pakistani exporters face regulatory or procedural trade-related obstacles. The report recommends...


The study presents the findings of ITC research on the United States market for organic food and beverages. It identifies market prospects and business opportunities for developing countries and transition economies ; gives dat alt=a on domestic production, imports/exports and market size ; outlines...


This Market Brief profiles the US market for natural ingredients that are used in the cosmetic and/or dietary supplement industries. It highlights selected Andean products that have potential for capturing a larger share of the US market. The range of natural ingredients covered in this report...


Dans le cadre de l’amélioration de l’accès au marché d’exportation pour les PME, TPE et les coopératives (le premier résultat visé), une analyse sectorielle pour chaque secteur est effectuée. Celle-ci inclue des études de la chaîne de valeur, de marché, de l’aspect genre et jeunes...


Ce rapport présente les résultats d’une enquête de l’ITC auprès des entreprises exportatrices et importatrices au Maroc sur les mesures non tarifaires et autres obstacles au commerce qu’elles rencontrent dans leurs activités quotidiennes. Les difficultés rapportées par les...
