
ITC publications bring the business voice to sustainable trade, with a focus on developing countries. We offer guidance for trade policymakers, business support organizations and small firms. Our reports offer insights to make trade more inclusive, green, digital and competitive.


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This publication concludes that organic agriculture has much to offer in both mitigation of climate change through its emphasis on closed nutrient cycles and is a particularly resilient and productive system for adaptation strategies. It also raises the issue of whether organic agriculture should be...


The issue of climate change has grown in importance as seen through the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and issues such as “food miles”. ‘Food miles’ is a relatively recent issue which has arisen in the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries over food transportation. This...


The study presents the findings of ITC research on the United States market for organic food and beverages. It identifies market prospects and business opportunities for developing countries and transition economies ; gives dat alt=a on domestic production, imports/exports and market size ; outlines...


China is both an exporter and importer of green coffee and roasted coffee. The quantities produced and consumed are modest in a global context: China produces some 40,000 tons of green coffee annually (0.5% of world production). Annual consumption is some 30,000 tons (0.025 kg per capita), a small...


Guide dealing with dynamics of the global textiles and clothing supply chain, and why and how garment manufacturers need to develop alternative sourcing and supply management approaches - reviews historical background; discusses Chineses advantage in the international garment industry; explains...


This manual builds on information compiled through consultancy and mission seminars in Africa and South America, as well as other activities carried out under this project. It is designed to address the needs of producers and exporters in developing countries for specific technical...


Report analysing the global market for organic cotton fibre, textiles and clothing - gives a definition of organic cotton and ‘fair trade’ cotton; provides detailed figures for organic cotton production, trade, and consumption; presents the geographical markets for organic...


Cocoa – A guide to trade practices is often referred to as ITC’s Cocoa Guide. The most recent version, from 2001, is still in demand.  The guide describes trade and industry practices, as well as regulations applying to cocoa. It traces customs procedures, systems and techniques used at...


Coffee is the world's most important agricultural crop in terms of trade volumes; it is exported by 60 countries and is one of the few major commodities grown predominantly by smallholder farmers. This report: presents an overview of the market trends for coffee certified as ‘sustainable’ over...
