
ITC publications bring the business voice to sustainable trade, with a focus on developing countries. We offer guidance for trade policymakers, business support organizations and small firms. Our reports offer insights to make trade more inclusive, green, digital and competitive.


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Global markets for sunflower products The sunflower value chain encompasses sunflower seeds, oil and cake. The global production of sunflower seed has doubled in the past 20 years, driven by improved yields and expanded acreage. The bulk of sunflower seed produced is used to make sunflower oil,...


The SME Competitiveness Outlook argues that small and medium-sized firms are the ‘missing link’ to inclusive growth.


The SME Competitiveness Outlook argues that small and medium-sized firms are the ‘missing link’ to inclusive growth.


This report explores the role of garment and apparel facility ownership of their social and labour assessment data, which can empower them to improve their practices, save valuable resources and comply with emerging regulatory requirements such as human rights due diligence.  ...


Pharmaceuticals, baby food, cotton clothing and cars are the four focus value chains of this report. 


The goal of Uganda’s Value Chain Roadmap for Sunflowers The goal of Uganda’s Value Chain Roadmap for Sunflowers is to set the sector on the course of strategic development by addressing constraints in a comprehensive manner and defining concrete opportunities that can be realized through the...


Asia-Pacific businesses call for services business groupings to join forces in a regional coalition, to shape a new APEC services agenda. Services represent 39% of APEC value-added trade – double the figures traditionally cited in balance of payments data. High-level business representatives in...


Small firms in developing countries are using social media to find new clients and generate trade. This guide advises on how to develop a successful social media strategy with a tight budget. Using real business cases and the latest ways to measure the real-time impact of social media campaigns,...


Rwandan creative industries are exploring ways to tackle challenges and develop products and services for domestic and international markets. This ITC paper uses case studies to illustrate how music and film companies in Rwanda tap global platforms to expand outreach, follow the diaspora to enter...


Tourism's huge potential for job growth and sustainable development justifies a greater share of aid and coordinated export strategies, outlined in this joint ITC- UNWTO report. Just 0.78% of Aid for Trade went to tourism in 2013, though the sector accounts for 6% of developing...


Nepal could lose 4.3% of exports because of tariff changes when it graduates from least developed country status in 2026. The removal of preferential tariffs will especially affect the apparel, synthetic textile fabric and carpet sectors. Losses will mostly occur in exports to China, the European...

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