
ITC publications bring the business voice to sustainable trade, with a focus on developing countries. We offer guidance for trade policymakers, business support organizations and small firms. Our reports offer insights to make trade more inclusive, green, digital and competitive.


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All of the LDCs export commercial services and nearly one quarter of LDCs are net exporters of services: while Tourism is usually the major explanatory factor, it is not the only one. LDC services exports are growing twice as fast as the world average and the LDC share in world services exports...


Women-owned businesses account for only 1% of public procurement. This report provides policymakers, statistical offices and procurement officers with tools for reform. It advises on how to design a roadmap, implement preferential policies and other measures, and monitor progress, drawing on case...


Insufficient knowledge about options and application processes, difficulty understanding financial terms and lack of collateral hinder women seeking finance. In this report, financiers applying gender lens investing build on their experience addressing women’s challenges and offer insights on best...


Tourism's huge potential for job growth and sustainable development justifies a greater share of aid and coordinated export strategies, outlined in this joint ITC- UNWTO report. Just 0.78% of Aid for Trade went to tourism in 2013, though the sector accounts for 6% of developing...


Sub-Saharan Africa can boost annual GDP by US $15 billion if time in customs clearance is cut by 50%, and add another US $20 billion by improving transport infrastructure. This paper outlines policy options to dramatically increase export growth.   It recommends that sub-Saharan African...


This volume brings together contributions from leading policymakers and thought leaders from all across the world on how to shape our economies. Written entirely by women, this book is not about women. It is written by women who want to encourage everyone, including the 50% of the global...


This report supports the World Trade Organization (WTO) Informal Working Group on Trade and Gender by offering an analytical framework outlining trade and trade-related impacts on women (and men) through the employment, consumption and public provision channels. It presents a step-by-step approach...


Charting a roadmap to boost women's participation in trade is the focus of this report. The report shows where women-owned businesses are present, based on new ITC data, other data and case studies. It explains cultural and regulatory barriers as well as ways to facilitate access to finance,...


Government procurement offers a unique route to empower women and combat poverty, as this new ITC guide explains. Public procurement accounts for over 30% of GDP in developing countries and some 10-15% of GDP in developed countries. Women-owned businesses have been largely excluded from this...


This report presents recommendations to boost the participation of women in trade through free trade agreements. Policymakers and trade negotiators will find a new toolkit to gauge gender responsiveness in their agreements. These lessons are based on a research assessment of 73 selected free...


Training module aiming to promote local creative industries in developing countries through the tourism value chain, with a view to poverty reduction. It explains how fostering artistic and cultural activities within tourism business chains can contribute to poverty reduction in a given location or...


Training module focusing on linkages that can be created between poor farmers and the tourism sector, with prospective costs and benefits. It covers accessing tourism markets and identifying the needs of buyers; selling products to tourism businesses; understanding the agricultural supply chain to...

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