
ITC publications bring the business voice to sustainable trade, with a focus on developing countries. We offer guidance for trade policymakers, business support organizations and small firms. Our reports offer insights to make trade more inclusive, green, digital and competitive.


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Rwandan exporters face onerous standards imposed by private clients in addition to government requirements, an ITC survey reveals. Fair Trade certificates demanded by clients in the European Union, especially for coffee and tea, are bringing costs and delays that seriously hinder Rwandan exporters,...


Streamlining government procedures, improving transport maintenance and IT infrastructure, and better dissemination of trade-related information are cited as keys to improving Kenya’s export performance, in a new ITC country study on non-tariff measures. Two-thirds of companies surveyed in...


Digitalization and the rise of the platform economy are rapidly changing the way in which firms do business. A strong business ecosystem is necessary to manage this change. This year’s SME Competitiveness Outlook tells how to build it.


Many trade obstacles can be dealt with at home, this report finds, regarding business concerns about non-tariff measures in Malawi.   This ITC survey of exporters and importers in Malawi reveals that their main challenges to access markets abroad are twofold in relation to non-tariff...


This publication is an excerpt from the book COVID-19: The Great Lockdown and its Impact on Small Business


This report was jointly prepared with the International Trade Centre, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and the World Trade Organization. It provides comprehensive information on the tariffs and non-tariff measures imposed by over 170 countries and customs territories. ...


Jointly published by ITC, WTO and UNCTAD, this annual report presents tariff-based market access conditions for goods imposed by 164 WTO Members and other countries. The report contains aggregated product statistics; tariffs imposed and faced by each economy; and an overview of non-tariff...


World Tariff Profiles 2014 — a joint publication of the WTO, the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) — provides comprehensive tariff information on all WTO members and a number of other countries where data is available. It is the only...


Jointly published by ITC, WTO and UNCTAD, this annual report presents tariff-based market access conditions for goods applied by 164 WTO member states and other countries. This year’s focus is an overview of global tariff conditions (bound and applied) on COVID-19-related medical products and...


Jointly published by ITC, WTO and UNCTAD, this annual report presents tariff-based market access conditions for goods imposed by 164 WTO Members and other countries. The report contains aggregated product statistics; tariffs imposed and faced by each economy; and an overview of non-tariff...


Jointly published by ITC, WTO and UNCTAD annually, this report has tariff-based market access conditions for goods, imposed by the 161 WTO members plus other countries and territories. The first part presents aggregated product statistics. The second part covers tariffs imposed and faced by each...

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