
ITC publications bring the business voice to sustainable trade, with a focus on developing countries. We offer guidance for trade policymakers, business support organizations and small firms. Our reports offer insights to make trade more inclusive, green, digital and competitive.


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This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments.


E-commerce is a vital part of commercial activity, yet few provisions on digital trade reference gender equality. This report explores policy reforms needed to bridge the gender divide on digital access, adoption and usage. The report recommends building e-commerce capacity focused on gender...


This is a national companion guide to the publication The Business Guide for Sustainability in Foreign Investments.


This guide offers policymakers and trade practitioners practical, step-by-step advice on how to mainstream gender concerns into the work of their trade ministries, small business ministries and trade support institutions.


Thanks to a more services-based economy and the prestige associated with women’s entrepreneurship, new opportunities allow Nigerian women to play a more active role in business.


Buying quinoa contributes to better livelihoods for rural Peruvian communities, according to a new ITC study. The study provides much-needed data on the impact of changing market prices on the welfare of rural households in the altiplano of Peru. The findings inform policymakers about the benefits...


This report advises governments on tackling gender inequality and promoting women’s economic empowerment when implementing the World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Facilitation (TFA). It recommends helping women traders access vital information about their rights, border crossing times,...


This report applies a gender lens framework to government procurement through the public provision, consumption and employment channels. It identifies opportunities to develop a gender lens for government procurement in the World Trade Organization to inform and advance the debate among negotiators,...


Understanding the global demand for environmental goods and services can unlock new export opportunities for developing country SMEs. This study provides a market overview of this complex sector, which reached an estimated US$ 866 billion in 2011, and is expected to rise to US$ 1.9 trillion by 2020...


This volume brings together contributions from leading policymakers and thought leaders from all across the world on how to shape our economies. Written entirely by women, this book is not about women. It is written by women who want to encourage everyone, including the 50% of the global...


The rhinoceros faces the risk of extinction in the wild if current poaching rates continue. Viet Nam, a main market, uses horn as an ingredient in Traditional Asian Medicine (TAM). An ITC survey of 1000 consumers of TAM, including 239 rhino horn users, found they preferred rhino horn that is...


Sustainability standards continue their growth across the world. This fourth global report provides new insights into the evolution of certified agriculture and forestry. ITC has teamed up once again with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture and the International Institute for...

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