Standards Map

Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD)
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Your roadmap to sustainable production, consumption and trade 

The Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) Programme at the International Trade Centre is a partnership-based programme which empowers and equips micro, small and medium- sized enterprises (MSMEs) to improve their sustainability performance for better efficiency and international competitiveness.  

The Programme does this through providing a global sustainability platform (scale), impactful partnerships (reach) and direct trade-related assistance to MSMEs (transformation) along two main intervention pillars: sustainability standards and social responsibility. 

With our help, farmers are now able to certify their products as organic, and companies are learning how to become sustainable and are able to apply for green finance. Our resources also provide tools for businesses to assess their compliance against sustainability standards and potentially access preferential bank loans based on their sustainability score. 

“Accelerating the transition to sustainable and inclusive trade”
Assisting my farmers to become organic certified was greatly facilitated using Standards Map.
Coffee Cooperative owner from Costa Rica
Assisting my farmers to become organic certified was greatly facilitated using Standards Map.
Coffee Cooperative owner from Costa Rica
Advising companies to become more sustainable is now made easy leveraging the Sustainability Gateway solutions.
Board member of Sustain4ever, Ghana
Advising companies to become more sustainable is now made easy leveraging the Sustainability Gateway solutions.
Board member of Sustain4ever, Ghana
By implementing more sustainable production, many companies have turned greener and have obtained access to green finance.
Vietnamese Ministry of Trade
By implementing more sustainable production, many companies have turned greener and have obtained access to green finance.
Vietnamese Ministry of Trade, Trade Officer
Lacoste is leveraging the Sustainability Map platform to build the transparency of its global value chain.
Claire - Quality director
Lacoste is leveraging the Sustainability Map platform to build the transparency of its global value chain.
Quality Director - Lacoste



T4SD 2 12 November 2021

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
External ID
Business, trade and market intelligence: Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) database
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Your roadmap to sustainable production, consumption and trade 

The Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) Programme at the International Trade Centre is a partnership-based programme which empowers and equips micro, small and medium- sized enterprises (MSMEs) to improve their sustainability performance for better efficiency and international competitiveness.  

The Programme does this through providing a global sustainability platform (scale), impactful partnerships (reach) and direct trade-related assistance to MSMEs (transformation) along two main intervention pillars: sustainability standards and social responsibility. 

With our help, farmers are now able to certify their products as organic, and companies are learning how to become sustainable and can apply for green finance. Our resources also provide tools for businesses to assess their compliance against sustainability standards and potentially access preferential bank loans based on their sustainability score. 

Accelerating the transition to sustainable and inclusive trade
Do not show
Assisting my farmers to become organic certified was greatly facilitated using Standards Map.
Coffee Cooperative owner from Costa Rica
Assisting my farmers to become organic certified was greatly facilitated using Standards Map.
Coffee Cooperative owner from Costa Rica
Advising companies to become more sustainable is now made easy leveraging the Sustainability Gateway solutions.
Board member of Sustain4ever, Ghana
Advising companies to become more sustainable is now made easy leveraging the Sustainability Gateway solutions.
Board member of Sustain4ever, Ghana
By implementing more sustainable production, many companies have turned greener and have obtained access to green finance.
Vietnamese Ministry of Trade
By implementing more sustainable production, many companies have turned greener and have obtained access to green finance.
Vietnamese Ministry of Trade, Trade Officer
Lacoste is leveraging the Sustainability Map platform to build the transparency of its global value chain.
Claire - Quality director
Lacoste is leveraging the Sustainability Map platform to build the transparency of its global value chain.
Quality Director, Lacoste

T4SD video


T4SD 2 12 November 2021


Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><span lang="EN-GB">T4SD has become recognized as the go-to source of information on voluntary sustainability standards (VSS), with unique, detailed and user-friendly action oriented tools. VSS will continue to be the primary vehicle underpinning the shift towards sustainable value chains for private sector players, and the new sustainability regulation and legislative actions planned by governments will inevitably rely on these existing VSS/private initiatives. In</span> 2021 T4SD launched its 2022-2025 strategy which is aligned with ITC&apos;s new corporate strategy and as such contributes to ITC&apos;s objectives on trade and environmental sustainability. The T4SD strategy and programme approach is based on &apos;projects, platforms and partnerships&apos; and aims to enable T4SD to become the global reference for trade and improved sustainability performance of SMEs. To achieve this, the T4SD programme will:</span></p><ul><li><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Contribute to more supportive business ecosystem by providing cutting-edge knowledge on trade-related value chain sustainability requirements</span></li><li><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Empower MSMEs to meet sustainability requirements</span></li><li><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Drive VSS convergence and harmonization and optimize solutions with market partners; and&nbsp;</span></li><li><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Influence international trade and sustainability frameworks</span></li></ul><p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Underpinning these efforts is the &apos;core&apos; of the T4SD programme, the T4SD global VSS database (Standards Map) as well as the online market linkages platform (Sustainability Map) that power the above four intervention areas. This project supports the maintenance, updating and further development of these Global Public Goods fulfilling ITC&apos;s commitment to provide transparency on VSS, as well as the related awareness-raising and capacity-building activities.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(97, 189, 109);">In 2023, T4SD activities under the project will be condensed, with a more prominent focus on the Global Public Goods, to reflect available resources. First, T4SD will continue implementing activities to ensure the continuity and quality of relevant standards data, the database, and its public interface. In addition, the project will increase awareness of VSS and drive convergence in VSS through publications, online tools, and enabling market partners and BSOs to support MSMEs.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(41, 105, 176);">In 2024, T4SD will focus on implementing the recommendations that spring from the recently-completed T4SD database evaluation. &nbsp;At the same time, T4SD will continue to ensure the continuity and quality of relevant standards data, the database, and its public interface. In addition, the project will increase awareness of VSS and drive convergence in VSS through publications, online tools, and enabling market partners and BSOs to support MSMEs.&nbsp;</span><span style="color: rgb(41, 105, 176);">T4SD will also build on the Standards Map and its industry networks to develop the &quot;Sustainability Compact&quot; in light of the changing sustainability landscape with the growing complexity of mandatory/regulatory sustainability measures. &nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p><p>The project&apos;s outcome is ultimately to support MSMEs to become more internationally competitive through adoption of sustainable practices and accessing new business opportunities. This will be achieved through four outputs, which are aligned with all four intermediate outcomes of the ITC&apos;s 2022-2025 strategic framework.</p>

External ID
Strengthening Responsible Business Conduct through due diligence and alignment of SMEs
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The proposed project will scale up the alignment assessment of multi-stakeholder initiatives and individual companies and uptake of OECD Due Diligence Guidance.&nbsp;</p><p>Building on the ITC Standards Map database and online portal, the project will map relevant multi-stakeholder initiatives and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance on Responsible Supply Chains in Garment and Footwear sector. ITC will then develop an online customized application that facilitates the self-assessment of multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) against the due diligence guidance and support the official alignment assessment process.</p><p>ITC will leverage the existing database of Standards Map to map the multi-stakeholder initiatives and OECD due diligence guidance, and assist MSIs with regards to:</p><ul><li>Data collection, maintenance, updates, and adaptations related to due diligence;</li><li>Self-assessment, review, and correspondence with OECD due diligence;</li><li>Application to official alignment assessment and uptake of due diligence by multi-stakeholder initiatives and individual companies.</li></ul>

External ID
Standards Map


Navigating the constantly moving landscape of sustainability standards is challenging. That’s why we have developed a range of tools, specifically tailored for different actors along the value chain, to help you make informed decisions by better understanding available sustainability initiatives, and connect with like-minded business partners.

With our Standards Map you can:

  • review 300+ standards by product, sector, area or focus and more;
  • compare standards side by side across 1650+ criteria;
  • see where you are in the standard compliance process and assess your business for sustainability readiness;
  • explore market trends for 14 sustainability standards across nine commodities and forestry.


26 September 2021
ITC Standards Map - 10 Year anniversary

The last few decades have seen a huge expansion of trade volumes and the emergence of a new model for trading products, the global value chains. Sustainability standards, which have also seen a tremendous uptake, offer an innovative framework for more inclusiveness in trade, and more respect of people and the environment.


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The world’s largest database for sustainability standards.

ITC’s Standards Map is a free online tool to easily find information and discover trends on standards for environmental protection, labour rights, business ethics, due diligence and traceability, among others.

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ITC Standards Map team