
ITC @ China International Import Expo (CIIE)

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<p>The China International Import Expo (CIIE) is the world’s largest import fair, creating enormous export opportunities for small businesses from developing countries.&nbsp;</p><p>The International Trade Centre (ITC) has been an official CIIE partner since 2019. Since the event’s inception in 2018, over 200 ITC-supported enterprises from 30 developing and least developed countries have participated in the event. As a result, companies established more than 1,650 new business contacts and prospective deals worth $40 million for new exports to China.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="">CIIE 2022</a> takes place between 5-10 November in Shanghai, where ITC will represent 67 small businesses from 31 developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America in three sectors: agriculture and food; consumer products; services. Examples of products and services on offer are honey from Kyrgyzstan; avocado from Kenya; handicrafts from Nepal, tourism services from women-owned enterprises in East and West Africa; and business consultancy services from Mauritius, Peru, and Rwanda.</p><p>On 5 November, the ITC Executive Director Pamela Coke-Hamilton will deliver remarks in the high-level opening segment of the related <a href="">Hongqiao International Economic Forum</a>.&nbsp;</p>

Tanzania: Integration of horticulture supply/value chains into tourism - SECO component
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p><br></p><p>This project is part of the Horticulture and Tourism Components of the Government&rsquo;s Trade Sector Development Programme (TSDP). Jointly implemented by ILO, ITC, UNCTAD, UNIDO and the Government of Tanzania, it works closely with Tanzania&rsquo;s EIF Implementation Modality that promotes national ownership of Aid for Trade.&nbsp;</p><p>Under the umbrella of promoting Responsible Tourism (RT) in Tanzania, the Project aims at:&nbsp;</p><p> Enhancing productive capacity of Tanzanian producers and processors and also the supply of high value added agro products.&nbsp;</p><p> Facilitating lasting linkages between suppliers and hotels with the scope to include international exports.&nbsp;</p><p> Increasing the quantity and quality of local tourism trainers that can adequately respond to the demands of the industry.&nbsp;</p><p> Enhancing financial security of the national tourism training colleges&nbsp;</p><p> Strengthening public private dialogue mechanisms to regularly respond to issues pertaining to Responsible Tourism in Tanzania, particularly enabling Tanzania to benefit more from the indirect export potential of the tourism industry.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p>

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Liberia: Developing the tourism sector with a focus on surfing and destinations
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p style="text-align: justify;">The International Trade Centre implements a tourism development project in Liberia. The project focuses on developing surfing and other destinations. It has an overall objective of improving economic growth, in the form of higher revenue, and job contributions of the tourism sector through: a) improving the policy environment and institutional capacity to support the sector; b) undertaking targeted promotion and advocacy campaigns to promote tourism to international, regional and domestic markets; and c) developing new tourism destinations around surfing and other water related activities. The project will mainly be implemented at the Robertsport surfing area, the Chimpanzee Island and the <span lang="EN-US">Providence Island tourist destination sites.</span></p><p style="text-align: justify;">The main partners of the project are the government of Liberia through the Ministry of Commerce and industry, and the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism; the International Trade Centre; the United Nations World Tourism Organisation; and the Enhanced Integrated Framework Secretariat that has provided the funding for the project.</p>

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Myanmar: Inclusive tourism development with focus on Kayah state (consolidation) & Tanintharyi (extension) (NTF IV)
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The project builds on the results of &ldquo;NTF III Myanmar - Inclusive Tourism focusing on Kayah state&rdquo; by expanding tourism product development to an additional state of Myanmar (Thanintharyi) and further consolidating the achieved results at national and Kayah state level. The same successful value chain approach, from tourism product and service development over association strengthening and destination branding to market linkages will be adopted.&nbsp;</p><p>In Kayah state, the tourism products &amp; services developed under NTF III will be further improved in order to enhance the tourism experience with the view to attract new and longer-staying tourists. Moreover, the management capabilities of local counterparts will be strengthened so as to ensure long-term sustainability of the results achieved under NTF III.&nbsp;</p><p>In Tanintharyi, new tourism products (such e.g. Cultural Tourism Tours, Creative Tourism activities, etc.) will be developed at community level and service provision capabilities to tourists enhanced (such e.g. improving food quality and safety), as well as tourism and tourism-related associations strengthened. Tanintharyi has relavant revenue generation potential becasue of its pristine beaches and easy accessibility both from the capital Yangon (by flight) and from Thailand with three border crossing open to tourists.&nbsp;</p><p>In Chin state, a group of tourism stakeholders will be linked to Kayah state with a Training of Trainers (ToT) study tour on ITC&apos;s inclusive tourism approach followed by on-site and distant coaching on implementation.&nbsp;</p>

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Myanmar: Upgrading horticulture supply and sustainable tourism to develop business linkages
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Developing sustainable tourism with local agriculture

The International Trade Centre is working to upgrade Myanmar’s sustainable tourism sector in five locations in southern Shan State: Pang Lung, Kakku, Ywangan, Kalaw and Nyaung Shwe. 

We are supporting the development of village walks in Pang Lung and Kakku, heritage tours in Nyaung Shwe and Kalaw and agritourism in Ywangan, as well as focusing on food quality and safety for tourism companies in the area. In these efforts, ITC is joined by UNCTAD, UNIDO and ILO and supported by UNOPS under the SECO-UN Cluster project in Myanmar. 

Through online trainings and dissemination of material (pedagogical material, videos, posters, etc.), we aim at developing the capacities of privately owned tourism companies in Southern Shan State. 

Agritourism, village walks and heritage tours help preserve rural lifestyles while offering visitors an unique opportunity to experience local cultures and landscapes. As this type of tourism grows, local small-scale farmers are also able to sell more of their products as well as diversify and add value to their offer. 

Agro-tourism in the future will be very beneficial for local people and for the long-term sustainability of the region.
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As local tour guides and tour operators we work for many years in the hospitality sector in Kalaw in Southern Shan State. Thanks to the workshops on heritage tourism, organized by ITC, the various online materials and the support for producing documentary videos and pictures, we got encouraged to work more for the protection of the beautiful heritage sites in Kalaw.
As local tour guides and tour operators we work for many years in the hospitality sector in Kalaw in Southern Shan State. Thanks to the workshops on heritage tourism, organized by ITC, the various online materials and the support for producing documentary videos and pictures, we got encouraged to work more for the protection of the beautiful heritage sites in Kalaw.
Kyaw Min Soe, Myo Myint Thein, Kyaw Nyein, Kyaw Sein Tun
Kalaw Heritage Seekers
Tour guides specialized in heritage tours
Tour guides specialized in heritage tours
[The] benefit [of agro-tourism] is not only the extra income but also, the long-term viability of local agricultural production. As tourism grows, farmers’ products will sell better. In addition, the opportunity to show the agricultural culture that our parents have traditionally maintained has made young people more aware of the traditional culture.
[The] benefit [of agro-tourism] is not only the extra income but also, the long-term viability of local agricultural production. As tourism grows, farmers’ products will sell better. In addition, the opportunity to show the agricultural culture that our parents have traditionally maintained has made young people more aware of the traditional culture.
Ma Su Su Aye
Local tea producer, Member of Ywangan Tourism Organization

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>This project aims at improving the economic situation in the Inle Lake (Shan State, Myanmar) area through the upgrade of the horticulture supply capacity and the development of sustainable tourism. Funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) trust fund, it will be implemented by a cluster of 4 UN agencies gathered in the UN Trade Cluster, through the establishment of value chains leading to income generation and employment creation. Within this framework, ITC will assist the Inle Lake area in gaining in its position as a touristic destination. Through the design and application of a new branding strategy, the enhancement and promotion of products and services of the Inle Lake inbound tour operators, and the alignment of tourism goods and services to the industry requirements (especially in quality and food safety), the tourism sector will reach a new market positioning in sustainable and inclusive tourism. It will result in an increase and stabilization of business opportunities for tourism actors.</p>

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