
Panel on : Export Preparedness for the new EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

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<p>The European Parliament recently approved an EU-wide directive on mandatory corporate sustainable due diligence, which will hold downstream supply chain actors in EU member states accountable for their impact on people and planet on a legal basis. While this is a move in the right direction, there will be some effects on non-EU suppliers, including coffee producers, that will need to be mitigated through important accompanying measures that ITC is working on with the EU.&nbsp;</p><p>There are many questions buzzing now across the coffee industry: How will this shift from voluntary to mandatory affect us? Will the cost of doing business go up? How will suppliers deal with compliance demands? Will the burden of proof be shifted down to suppliers? Who will absorb the costs this transformation requires? Last but not least, what are the opportunities and benefits linked to this radical shift?&nbsp;</p><p>The recently published 4th edition of ITC’s Coffee Guide, the world's most comprehensive, practical source for the international coffee trade, contains comprehensive information of the global coffee sector.The guide was an effort in co-creation and informed through consultation with over 70 industry actors from across the value chain. Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive summary of the coffee sector's sustainability landscape - its evolution, a breakdown of certifications, what is happening 'beyond certification' and where we stand today. It also refers to the latest shift from voluntary to mandatory environmental and human rights due diligence.</p><p>This panel discussion will provide a primer on the EU Sustainability Standards, explaining what they mean and its implication, especially for smallholder farmers in Africa. Panelists will discuss:</p><ul><li>What are the basic components of the sustainability standards?</li><li>What is their anticipated impact on global supply chains? Could they impact trade routes or lead to more intra-regional trade?</li><li>How can different players in the industry prepare for the upcoming regulations?</li></ul><p>Contact: Katherine Oglietti, Coffee Guide Network Coordinator for Alliances for Action at the International Trade Centre (ITC): <a href=""></a></p&gt;

ITC @ ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference 2022

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<p>ITC will contribute to the <a href="">World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC)</a>, organized by the International Telecommunication Union, through its Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT).</p><p>WTDCs set the strategies and objectives for the development of telecommunication/ICT, providing future direction and guidance to the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D).</p>

Partnership for enhancing export capacity of Africa to China (PEECAC)
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>This 3-year project aims to promote economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa through participation in the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE) and the Distribution, Trading and Processing Centre (DTPC) of Hunan Province, China.<span>&nbsp;</span>The project will support selected African countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia) to increase export of agriculture and food products to China and attract sustainable Chinese investment with the overall objective to contribute to job creation and poverty reduction in these selected African countries.</p>

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AfCFTA: Empowering women in the AfCFTA - Phase 2 (SheTrades)
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Ma Diyina Gem
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Making the AfCFTA work for women entrepreneurs and producers

A 2020 ITC survey of 70 African women's business associations found that 70% of them have not been meaningfully involved in negotiations and their members are not taking advantage of existing regional trade agreements.

To make the AfCFTA work for women, SheTrades adopts a four-pronged approach to engage with African women and their business associations, and to promote their participation in and shaping of the AfCFTA:

  • Developed 9 policy briefs on priorities for women in trade facilitation, non-tariff barriers, standards, trade in services, ICTs & digital trade, strengthening women’s associations, investment, competition, intellectual property, and e-commerce.
  • Published 44 recommendations on Phase I issues for women in the AfCFTA
  • Mobilized more than 50 women’s business associations across the continent
  • Organized peer-to-peer and knowledge-sharing sessions
  • Kicked-off the development of a formal network
  • Supported women’s business associations with training on sustainable business development models, governance of associations, service portfolio development, and risk management
  • Bolstered policy advocacy skills
  • Provided technical assistance and capacity building on gender-mainstreaming into AfCFTA national strategies
  • Supported national-level consultations on gender issues and the AfCFTA
A 2020 ITC survey of 70 African women's business associations found that 70% of them have not been meaningfully involved in negotiations…
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The SheTrades Initiative has developed a range of AfCFTA-related resources for women entrepreneurs, women’s business associations, and policymakers:

Modules on the SheTrades Virtual Learning Space

  • Fostering an Inclusive African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): English - French
  • Making COMESA Work for Women: English
  • Leveraging Intra-Regional Trade in the Context of ECCAS and the AfCFTA for Women: English - French




Policy Briefs


SheTrades AfCFTA brochure

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p><span lang="EN-GB">Given the AfCFTA&apos;s potential to foster regional value chains and its ambition to encompass goods, services, intellectual property, competition and investment, it is critical that women are well-positioned to seize opportunities in regional trade.&nbsp;</span><span lang="EN-GB">The project,<strong>&nbsp;SheTrades: Empowering Women in the African Continental Free Trade Area&mdash;Phase &nbsp;II,&nbsp;</strong>contributes to &nbsp;<strong>ITC One Trade Africa strategy</strong> on African regional integration. It aims to empower women entrepreneurs<span>&nbsp;</span>to benefit from trade opportunities created by the AfCFTA. The project will help design a more inclusive AfCFTA by providing women&rsquo;s business associations with capacity-building, networking platforms and support for effective policy advocacy on AfCFTA Phase II issues; leveraging the private sector to foster women&rsquo;s economic empowerment through the AfCFTA; working with ECOWAS to strengthen the ecosystem for women; and promoting public private sector dialogues on women and trade across selected countries.&nbsp;</span></p>

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South-South Trade and Investment
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>To investigate the potential of expanding investment (and trade) linkages between India and Africa, capitalizing on the structural changes and resulting opportunities brought forth by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). &nbsp;</p><p>Will assess constraints and opportunities in each of these four areas and provide concrete recommendations for policy action. In addition, several transversal thematic areas will be probed and emphasized upon &ndash; technology and knowledge transfer, south-south cooperation at the institutional level, developing technical capacities, and environmental sustainability. The paper can eventually evolve into a strategic action plan for both policymakers and the private sector in India.</p><p>The objective is to analyze opportunities for enhancing Indian investment in Africa from four perspectives - automotive, pharmaceutical, agro-processing, textile, and renewable energy -with case studies in each to describe working models which may enhance business interest and highlight potential.</p><p>Case studies on investments under Supporting Indian Trade and Investment for Africa (SITA) will also be updated to reflect the current, post-investment operating environment.</p><p><br></p>

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Alliance for Product Quality in Africa
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The German government initiative &nbsp;&quot;Alliance for Product Quality in Africa&quot;, is a multi-stakeholder initiative, consisting of public and private actors who implement selected projects with the goal to improve product quality in key economic sectors of eight African countries. ITC is contracted by GIZ to &nbsp;implement four project activities related to quality management and food safety in five countries (C&ocirc;te d&apos;Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda and Tunisia). The four project activities are being implemented to support selected African small and medium sized companies in the targeted focus sectors to meet quality requirements of buyers in Germany and Europe. The ITC contribution relates to the implementation and certification of quality management (ISO 9001) and food safety systems (HACCP), the assessment of persisting SPS and TBT related obstacles for export, the development of national quality and food safety experts as well as the sensitization and training of quality manager in SMEs. The sectors targeted are predominantly agro-food, natural cosmetics and textiles/clothing.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p>

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AIM for Results: Improving TISI performance and measurement (Phase I)
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>AIM for Results is an intervention approach that strengthens the performance, efficiency and effectiveness of TISIs and builds their capacity to provide more effective support to the internationalisation needs of their clients, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).</p><p>AIM stands for Assess, Improve and Measure. It is a holistic and targeted integrated three-step-approach focusing on measurable results in order to improve the managerial, operational and service delivery performance of TSIs. The three pillars of AIM are offered either as a single module or as a complete performance improvement programme, depending on the needs of the beneficiary institutions.</p><p>&nbsp;In 2017, the project aims to improve the operational and managerial performance of 40 TISIs applying ITC&rsquo;s AIM For Results methodology.</p>

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Global: Enhanced transparency and simplified trade formalities for business competitiveness
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The objective of this project is to enhance the functionalities and effective use of Trade Facilitation Portals by beneficiary countries with a view to create a more conducing cross-border environment for traders through improved transparency and simplified trade formalities.<span>&nbsp;This project builds upon ITC - UNCTAD longstanding partnership in the area of trade facilitation and creates opportunities for further build synergies across the agencies&apos; respective technical assistance offering.</span></p>

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