Nepal Trade-Related Assistance

Nepal: Trade-Related Assistance
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EU–Nepal Trade and Investment Project

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Nepal to boost economic growth through regional, global trade

Implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC), this European Union-funded four-year project supports the sustainable and inclusive development of Nepal's economy, with a focus on exporting the country’s specialty coffee and luxury wool pashmina sectors.  

Specialty Coffee and Luxury Wool 

ITC is working on improving the field-to-market chain for the fine pashmina wool that is hand-gathered from goats living on the slopes of the Himalayas and then prepared for export.  

The project includes the development of the Pashmina Export Strategy – a roadmap for the public and private sector to address the obstacles that limit the export of this product.  

For coffee, ITC is helping map all the types of coffee grown and produced in Nepal. Based on those results, ITC can work with businesses to improve their coffee quality and to attract international buyers. 

Leveraging trade

ITC is also bringing in international experts to work with Nepal’s Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies and the Trade and Export Promotion Centre to formulate better trade policies, and negotiate and effectively implement trade agreements.  

The project includes coordinating with Nepal’s Trade and Export Promotions Centre to provide trade and marketing intelligence tools and train government officer on how to best use that data to guide local businesses. This will help the country to better leverage international treaties and access international markets. 

The European Union has been providing Nepali exports preferential access to its markets under its Everything but Arms arrangement
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The training on trade advocacy and public-private dialogue organized by the EU-Nepal TIP was very informative and addressed our needs
The training on trade advocacy and public-private dialogue organized by the EU-Nepal TIP was very informative and addressed our needs
Narayan Bajaj, President
European Economic Chamber, Nepal
I am glad that the voices of scientists are also being heard by the EU-Nepal TIP while working on the pashmina export strategy.
I am glad that the voices of scientists are also being heard by the EU-Nepal TIP while working on the pashmina export strategy.
Neena Amatya Gorkhali, Head
National Animal Breeding and Genetics Research Centre
I come from Eastern Nepal, a region known for its tea. The training organized by EU-Nepal TIP has given me confidence and the knowledge to expand my coffee estate with full confidence.
I come from Eastern Nepal, a region known for its tea. The training organized by EU-Nepal TIP has given me confidence and the knowledge to expand my coffee estate with full confidence.
Yubraj Darnal
Coffee farmer

In the media

Daily coffee news
20 Jul 2022
NL Today
7 Jun 2022
My Republica
7 Jun 2022
NL Today
16 May 2022
My Republica - Nagarik Network
12 May 2022
5 May 2022
Earth news
24 Jun 2022

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The project contributes to Nepal&rsquo;s sustainable and inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction, and more specifically aims to increase trade and participation in regional and global value-chains. Next to support in trade policy and facilitation, the project focuses on expanding Nepal&rsquo;s export base in coffee and pashmina value chain, by linking rural producers to exporters and connecting those to regional and international markets.&nbsp;</p>

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