The Gambia: Youth empowerment project (YEP)

Youth Art & Innovation Fair

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<p>The <strong>Youth&nbsp;Art and Innovation Fair i</strong>s the third event in the series of events celebrating International Youth Month. We want to gather a wide audience in Geneva including students, youth engagement practitioners and the general public and to introduce them to innovations and creations of the past, present and to spark curiosity and thought about the future. Participants will be able to walk away from the event with a renewed interest in science, technology, art and innovation.<br>&nbsp;</p><p>Register here: <a href="">… event will commence with a high-level opening from the leadership of ITC and WIPO. Participants will then be guided through an exhibition space showcasing some of the mind-sparking and wonderful concepts, creations and inventions the world has produced. This will be a walk-through exhibition consisting of various stations that will be operational throughout the day from 10:00am. Some stations will feature interactive activities that will aim to ignite the kind of design-thinking needed to be able to innovate and create.<br><br>In addition to the various interactive activities that will take place, the Art and Innovation Fair seeks to engage participants in dialogue about the role of intellectual property rights and entrepreneurship to empower young creators and innovators. This is in line with the mandates of ITC focusing on trade and development and WIPO on building a balanced intellectual property (IP system). There will therefore be a dedicated time slot during the day for a fireside chat with IP and trade experts as well as entrepreneurs, innovators and creators. The day will end with a networking and cocktail.<br><br>Are you intrigued? Then sign up now and experience and explore various innovative products, activities and tools.&nbsp;<br><br><strong>4th October 2022</strong><br><strong>Starting Time: 10:00 am&nbsp;</strong><br><br><strong>10:00 - 10:30&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Opening of the Youth Art &amp; Innovation Fair – coffee served</strong><br><strong>10:30 – 11:00 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Opening Remarks ITC &amp; WIPO</strong><br><strong>11:00 – 12:30 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Design Thinking Workshop</strong><br><strong>12:30 – 14:00&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Light Lunch and Open Walk-through of Exhibitions</strong><br><strong>14:00 – 16:00 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Fireside Chats</strong><br><strong>16:00 - 16:15&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Exploring the Exhibition Booths and Experiential Labs</strong><br><strong>16:15 – 17:00&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Facilitated Networking</strong><br><strong>17:00 – 18:00&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Refreshments and Exploring the Exhibition Booths and Experiential Labs</strong><br><strong>18:00&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Official Closing&nbsp;</strong><br><br><strong>Location: WIPO HQ,&nbsp;Chem. des Colombettes 34, 1202 Genève</strong></p>

Event (for relations)
The Gambia: Youth empowerment project (YEP)
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Implementing partners

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>In 2017, the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) was launched to contribute to the economic development of The Gambia by improving the employability of the youth population of the country, especially potential and returning migrants. The project enhances employability and self-employment opportunities for youth through vocational training and the creation of micro and small-sized enterprises, and support in catalysing value addition and internationalization in selected sectors.</p><p><br></p><p>The project takes a market-led approach to create employment opportunities and simultaneously upskills the workforce according to the demand of the market place. It focuses on traditional sectors such as agriculture and tourism while also helping to diversify the Gambian economy by supporting &ldquo;new&rdquo; promising sectors including the creative and digital services industries.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>YEP is implemented by the International Trade Centre in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment (MOTIE) and the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MOYS) of the Republic of The Gambia.&nbsp;</p>

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