
The International Trade Centre (ITC) helps countries adopt and strengthen their trade and investment legal and regulatory frameworks to best integrate green growth and harness trade as a way towards a sustainable and inclusive economy. Trade, and accompanying economic growth, can have a significant impact on the environment. Developing countries can align their trade and investment policies with green economy policies to ensure they effectively address environmental challenges and benefit from a circular economy.

GTEX MENATEX - Sustainability Day

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Stakeholder meeting
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<p>The GTEX MENATEX project in Egypt is entering its 3rd year of implementation and it is now time to take stock of the numerous results achieved by beneficiary companies. As the world is recovering from the pandemic and as demand in textile and garment is slowly picking up, Egyptian manufacturers are more than ever confronted to the needs of becoming even more competitive while complying to strict environmental and social standards. The GTEX MENATEX project is supporting companies to be better equipped to face these issues and promote the “Made in Egypt” brand in international markets as a sourcing destination which is reliable, efficient but also conscious of environment and respectful of its workers.</p>

Event (for relations)
Unpacking the EU's Green Initiatives - Webinar


22 April 2022
Unpacking the EU's Green Initiatives - Webinar
Unpacking the EU's Green Initiatives - Webinar
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14 April 2022
09:30 - 10:20
Keynote Presentation: EU’s Green Initiatives and Implications on Trade
Paolo Vergano
Partner – FratiniVergano
Tobias Dolle
Senior Associate – FratiniVergano
10:20 - 11:00
Panel Discussion: Translating global trade initiatives on trade and sustainable development into domestic practices
Khemraj Ramful
Senior Adviser on Export Quality Management @International Trade Centre
Chris Humphrey
Executive Director @EU - ASEAN Business Council
Paolo Vergano
Partner – FratiniVergano
Tobias Dolle
Senior Associate – FratiniVergano
Ms. Victoria Tuomisto
Programme Officer, Trade Facilitation and Policy for Business
11:00 - 11:30
Q&A sessions will follow the keynote presentation and after the panel discussion
Chris Humphrey
Executive Director @EU - ASEAN Business Council
Khemraj Ramful
Senior Adviser on Export Quality Management @International Trade Centre
Paolo Vergano
Partner – FratiniVergano
Tobias Dolle
Senior Associate – FratiniVergano
Ms. Victoria Tuomisto
Programme Officer, Trade Facilitation and Policy for Business
External ID

<p><strong>The International Trade Centre delivered the first webinar of its three-part webinar series on ‘Unpacking the EU’s green initiatives' on 14 April 2022, 09.30 - 11.30am CET.</strong></p><p>Trade is a pivotal instrument for creating policies and regulations that set the framework conditions to usher in a green economy and foster green trade opportunities for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). <strong>With environmental sustainability and climate resilience becoming important determinants of enterprise competitiveness</strong>, it is increasingly important for MSMEs to understand, adapt to and leverage opportunities in green trade; and for governments to have in place the required regulatory, policy and institutional frameworks to enable businesses to comply with greener standards as well as to meet shifting consumer demands; and facilitate operations to become less resource-intensive and more environmentally sustainable.</p><p><strong>The EU is implementing several initiatives to mainstream environmental sustainability and green growth into its trade policy framework&nbsp;</strong>– including through dedicated chapters on trade and sustainable development in its FTAs, environmental commitments to access preferences under its GSP schemes, and various regulatory initiatives relating to sustainable products and supply chains, climate change mitigation, etc.</p><p><strong>The aim of this webinar was to introduce stakeholders to the various EU green initiatives and regulatory developments which have an impact on trade and developing countries access to the EU market.&nbsp;</strong>This webinar demonstrated the importance of being up to date on such initiatives and participants discussed how it can impact exports from developing countries seeking to access the EU market.</p>

GreenToCompete: Innovative solutions for environmental sustainability of SMEs
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Ana Patricia
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>This project will develop an online solution for SMEs to enhance their environmental performance. The online tool will allow SMEs to assess their environmental performance across different dimensions and criteria, such as carbon and water footprint and waste management. In addition, the tool will provide firsthand guidance to SMEs on how they can improve their environmental performance to increase their competitiveness and ensure continued access to international markets.&nbsp;</p><p>The solution will be an public good available for free to any SME who wished to enhance their environmental performance and related competitiveness. It will also be used as part of projects of ITC&apos;s GreenToCompete initiative.&nbsp;</p>

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GreenToCompete (G2C)
First name
Ana Patricia
Last name


Activating green trade worldwide

The triple planetary crises of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, pollution and waste are impacting livelihoods around the world. Transitioning to a green and inclusive economy is the defining challenge of our time.   

Trade can make an important contribution to advancing the climate and environment agenda while contributing to the prosperity of poor and marginalized communities. 

Through GreenToCompete, ITC is reinforcing its commitment to trade that is climate resilient, fosters biodiversity and promotes production cycles that are truly circular. Through GreenToCompete, ITC is placing environmental sustainability at the heart of what ITC is and does.   

GreenToCompete works with stakeholders across international value chains and in the business and policy ecosystems. We provide capacity building, business tools, thought leadership and a global network to support small businesses gain a competitive advantage by “going green”. 

Our partner-led GreenToCompete Hubs support green transformation with a focus on national priorities and local ownership. 

With climate change, the change we shall see is the change we shall create. And this past year has taught us just how innovative and resilient we can be. The atmosphere is ripe for innovation and sustainable business models.
With climate change, the change we shall see is the change we shall create. And this past year has taught us just how innovative and resilient we can be. The atmosphere is ripe for innovation and sustainable business models.
Yvonne Otieno
Miyonga Fresh, Kenya
Miyonga Fresh Greens is an agro-processing small business based in Nairobi, Kenya, that has been exporting fresh fruits to Europe since 2015. Miyonga is a project beneficiary of GreenToCompete Hub Kenya.
Miyonga Fresh Greens is an agro-processing small business based in Nairobi, Kenya, that has been exporting fresh fruits to Europe since 2015. Miyonga is a project beneficiary of GreenToCompete Hub Kenya.
Our company now follows a business model that respects circularity and optimal use of raw materials, energy, water, and waste management. Integration of these ideas has helped us improve in many ways.
Our company now follows a business model that respects circularity and optimal use of raw materials, energy, water, and waste management. Integration of these ideas has helped us improve in many ways.
Robert Koech
Siomo Tea Factory, Kenya
Siomo Tea Factory is a Kenyan small business from the South Western Highland that employs 4,000 smallholder farmers in the region, and sells their products worldwide through the Mombasa auction. Siomo was selected for a coaching programme on Resource Effi
Siomo Tea Factory is a Kenyan small business from the South Western Highland that employs 4,000 smallholder farmers in the region, and sells their products worldwide through the Mombasa auction. Siomo was selected for a coaching programme on Resource Effi


Green business, quite simply….is good business. It’s time to go green.
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>Green2Compete is ITC&rsquo;s new and ambitious strategy aiming to place environmental sustainability at the heart of MSME competitiveness. Its goal is to enable MSMEs from developing countries to become more competitive through green production and trade.&nbsp;</p><p>In this context, Green2Compete will support ITC&apos;s ambition to deliver cutting-edge and innovative trade-related technical assistance and will develop ITC&apos;s positioning as a leading development partner in the green transition. It will also serve as an umbrella to ensure coherence among ITC&apos;s interventions in relation to the green transition.</p><p>This project will drive the implementation of the strategy along the following areas, namely: (1) establishment of a consistent corporate reporting mechanism,<span>&nbsp;</span>(2) mainstreaming of green competitiveness into ITC&rsquo;s work, (3) development of innovative, new tools and approaches enabling MSMEs and related multipliers to benefit from a green transition, (4) engagement in dialogues and provision of inputs for a mutually supportive trade and environment agenda, and (5) partnerships and outreach to achieve scale.</p><p>This project sets out a work plan for the first year of the strategy, keeping in mind the overall strategic ambition in the long-term.&nbsp;</p>

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Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD)
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Last name

Your roadmap to sustainable production, consumption and trade 

The Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) Programme at the International Trade Centre is a partnership-based programme which empowers and equips micro, small and medium- sized enterprises (MSMEs) to improve their sustainability performance for better efficiency and international competitiveness.  

The Programme does this through providing a global sustainability platform (scale), impactful partnerships (reach) and direct trade-related assistance to MSMEs (transformation) along two main intervention pillars: sustainability standards and social responsibility. 

With our help, farmers are now able to certify their products as organic, and companies are learning how to become sustainable and are able to apply for green finance. Our resources also provide tools for businesses to assess their compliance against sustainability standards and potentially access preferential bank loans based on their sustainability score. 

“Accelerating the transition to sustainable and inclusive trade”
Assisting my farmers to become organic certified was greatly facilitated using Standards Map.
Coffee Cooperative owner from Costa Rica
Assisting my farmers to become organic certified was greatly facilitated using Standards Map.
Coffee Cooperative owner from Costa Rica
Advising companies to become more sustainable is now made easy leveraging the Sustainability Gateway solutions.
Board member of Sustain4ever, Ghana
Advising companies to become more sustainable is now made easy leveraging the Sustainability Gateway solutions.
Board member of Sustain4ever, Ghana
By implementing more sustainable production, many companies have turned greener and have obtained access to green finance.
Vietnamese Ministry of Trade
By implementing more sustainable production, many companies have turned greener and have obtained access to green finance.
Vietnamese Ministry of Trade, Trade Officer
Lacoste is leveraging the Sustainability Map platform to build the transparency of its global value chain.
Claire - Quality director
Lacoste is leveraging the Sustainability Map platform to build the transparency of its global value chain.
Quality Director - Lacoste



T4SD 2 12 November 2021

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
External ID
Business, trade and market intelligence: Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) database
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Your roadmap to sustainable production, consumption and trade 

The Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) Programme at the International Trade Centre is a partnership-based programme which empowers and equips micro, small and medium- sized enterprises (MSMEs) to improve their sustainability performance for better efficiency and international competitiveness.  

The Programme does this through providing a global sustainability platform (scale), impactful partnerships (reach) and direct trade-related assistance to MSMEs (transformation) along two main intervention pillars: sustainability standards and social responsibility. 

With our help, farmers are now able to certify their products as organic, and companies are learning how to become sustainable and can apply for green finance. Our resources also provide tools for businesses to assess their compliance against sustainability standards and potentially access preferential bank loans based on their sustainability score. 

Accelerating the transition to sustainable and inclusive trade
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Assisting my farmers to become organic certified was greatly facilitated using Standards Map.
Coffee Cooperative owner from Costa Rica
Assisting my farmers to become organic certified was greatly facilitated using Standards Map.
Coffee Cooperative owner from Costa Rica
Advising companies to become more sustainable is now made easy leveraging the Sustainability Gateway solutions.
Board member of Sustain4ever, Ghana
Advising companies to become more sustainable is now made easy leveraging the Sustainability Gateway solutions.
Board member of Sustain4ever, Ghana
By implementing more sustainable production, many companies have turned greener and have obtained access to green finance.
Vietnamese Ministry of Trade
By implementing more sustainable production, many companies have turned greener and have obtained access to green finance.
Vietnamese Ministry of Trade, Trade Officer
Lacoste is leveraging the Sustainability Map platform to build the transparency of its global value chain.
Claire - Quality director
Lacoste is leveraging the Sustainability Map platform to build the transparency of its global value chain.
Quality Director, Lacoste

T4SD video


T4SD 2 12 November 2021


Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><span lang="EN-GB">T4SD has become recognized as the go-to source of information on voluntary sustainability standards (VSS), with unique, detailed and user-friendly action oriented tools. VSS will continue to be the primary vehicle underpinning the shift towards sustainable value chains for private sector players, and the new sustainability regulation and legislative actions planned by governments will inevitably rely on these existing VSS/private initiatives. In</span> 2021 T4SD launched its 2022-2025 strategy which is aligned with ITC&apos;s new corporate strategy and as such contributes to ITC&apos;s objectives on trade and environmental sustainability. The T4SD strategy and programme approach is based on &apos;projects, platforms and partnerships&apos; and aims to enable T4SD to become the global reference for trade and improved sustainability performance of SMEs. To achieve this, the T4SD programme will:</span></p><ul><li><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Contribute to more supportive business ecosystem by providing cutting-edge knowledge on trade-related value chain sustainability requirements</span></li><li><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Empower MSMEs to meet sustainability requirements</span></li><li><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Drive VSS convergence and harmonization and optimize solutions with market partners; and&nbsp;</span></li><li><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Influence international trade and sustainability frameworks</span></li></ul><p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Underpinning these efforts is the &apos;core&apos; of the T4SD programme, the T4SD global VSS database (Standards Map) as well as the online market linkages platform (Sustainability Map) that power the above four intervention areas. This project supports the maintenance, updating and further development of these Global Public Goods fulfilling ITC&apos;s commitment to provide transparency on VSS, as well as the related awareness-raising and capacity-building activities.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(97, 189, 109);">In 2023, T4SD activities under the project will be condensed, with a more prominent focus on the Global Public Goods, to reflect available resources. First, T4SD will continue implementing activities to ensure the continuity and quality of relevant standards data, the database, and its public interface. In addition, the project will increase awareness of VSS and drive convergence in VSS through publications, online tools, and enabling market partners and BSOs to support MSMEs.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(41, 105, 176);">In 2024, T4SD will focus on implementing the recommendations that spring from the recently-completed T4SD database evaluation. &nbsp;At the same time, T4SD will continue to ensure the continuity and quality of relevant standards data, the database, and its public interface. In addition, the project will increase awareness of VSS and drive convergence in VSS through publications, online tools, and enabling market partners and BSOs to support MSMEs.&nbsp;</span><span style="color: rgb(41, 105, 176);">T4SD will also build on the Standards Map and its industry networks to develop the &quot;Sustainability Compact&quot; in light of the changing sustainability landscape with the growing complexity of mandatory/regulatory sustainability measures. &nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p><p>The project&apos;s outcome is ultimately to support MSMEs to become more internationally competitive through adoption of sustainable practices and accessing new business opportunities. This will be achieved through four outputs, which are aligned with all four intermediate outcomes of the ITC&apos;s 2022-2025 strategic framework.</p>

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Supporting Indian trade and investment for Africa (SITA)
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Fostering economic development through trade

The International Trade Centre (ITC) is engaging India’s powerhouse economy, its know-how, technology and investment strength to invigorate exports from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.   

Through the Supporting Indian Trade and Investment for Africa (SITA) project, ITC is working with small businesses in East Africa in the technology, textile and apparel sectors, pulses, spices, and sunflower oil, and partnering them with institutions and businesses from India.  

For example, In Rwanda and Kenya we are helping farmers to grow rosemary commercially alongside their main crops. By diversifying into produce with increasing demand, farmers get a steady secondary income, which leads to greater economic resilience, and more jobs for predominantly female workers.  

We also mentored 300 East African women in business and technical expertise and provided 72 women entrepreneurs with e-commerce platforms to market their brands globally.  

Our goal is to increase job opportunities and incomes and foster economic development through trade. Through SITA, ITC has facilitated $69 million worth of additional exports from these five East African countries to India and elsewhere, and $111 million of investments from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in India to East Africa. 


KPR Mill Ltd, an integrated textile manufacturing company from India, opened its first overseas garment unit, in Ethiopia’s Mekelle Industrial Park in 2019, in an investment facilitated by SITA


ITC through SITA, has facilitated $69 million of additional trade and $111 million of investment between SMEs in India and five East African countries.
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SITA/ MItreeki Initiative has been crucial to elevating my brand and vision. It has played an instrumental role in Afropian's transformation.
SITA/ MItreeki Initiative has been crucial to elevating my brand and vision. It has played an instrumental role in Afropian's transformation.
Hortense Mbea
Afropian, Ethiopia, Woman fashion-preneur
Through SITA/Mitreeki we were able to meet a reputable Indian buyer that has given us a 10 year buy-back contract, providing assurance and shielding us from market forces. On our own, we would not have been able to achieve that.
Through SITA/Mitreeki we were able to meet a reputable Indian buyer that has given us a 10 year buy-back contract, providing assurance and shielding us from market forces. On our own, we would not have been able to achieve that.
Carolin Chepkemboi Tormoi
Co-Founder, Eldo Tea, Kenya
SITA plays a crucial role in ensuring that business relationships between buyers in India and East African sellers meet the highest standards and commitment. I thank them for that.
SITA plays a crucial role in ensuring that business relationships between buyers in India and East African sellers meet the highest standards and commitment. I thank them for that.
Geemon Korah
Mane Kancor, India
We are very fortunate that SITA has been with us, organizing a training to help us improve our practices towards environmental compliance.
We are very fortunate that SITA has been with us, organizing a training to help us improve our practices towards environmental compliance.
Professor Thomas Kipkurgat
Rivatex East Africa Limited, Kenya


4 March 2022


Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>Supporting Indian Trade and Investment for Africa (SITA) is a South-South Trade and Investment Cooperation Programme. It is the United Kingdom&rsquo;s (FCDO) first Aid-for-Trade initiative in Triangular Cooperation. Implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC), SITA has facilitated USD 60 million of additional trade and USD 111 million of investment between SMEs in India and five East African countries &ndash; Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. SITA delivers durable impact by developing productive and technical capacities, generating jobs, enabling technology and knowledge transfer, and creating networks between business support institutions. The programme focuses on empowering women and youth in sectors as diverse as high-value agriculture and light manufacturing, while environmental compliance and climate-smart practices underpin SITA&rsquo;s economic outcomes.</p>

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