Inclusive trade

The International Trade Centre is committed to building inclusive, sustainable and prosperous economies through trade. We concentrate our work in developing countries and economies in transition as well as with people and communities who need sustainable incomes and decent jobs, notably women and youth. We focus on sustainable value chains, green trade, e-commerce, regional economic integration and South-South trade.

Refugee Employment and Skills Initiative: Building Solutions for Somali Refugees in a Fragile Protracted Displacement Scenario (RESI Dadaab II)
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Economic opportunities for refugees and their hosts 

The International Trade Centre’s Refugee Employment and Skills Initiative (RESI) provides innovative, trade-led and market-based solutions to create jobs and generate income for refugees and the communities where they live.  

RESI works with refugees and their host communities in Gaza, Kenya, and Somalia in the areas of online freelancing and home décor. These areas provide viable paying jobs for people in unstable conditions who may be subject to such security challenges as movement restrictions and repatriation.  

We provide training and mentorships and through our private and public partnerships, link the unique skills of the different communities to market needs for specific services and products.  

RESI is ITC’s first direct implementation in refugee camps. Through collaboration with partners like the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), RESI is a great example of what humanitarian-development cooperation can achieve. 


Now I feel like part of the glowing stars of the globe. I feel a sense of belonging to a world that I once felt very disconnected from. We are not fitted to be refugees forever. We might not be privileged as others. But we should not sleep and wait for miracles to happen. We should stop depending on others and find a purpose in life.
Now I feel like part of the glowing stars of the globe. I feel a sense of belonging to a world that I once felt very disconnected from. We are not fitted to be refugees forever. We might not be privileged as others. But we should not sleep and wait for miracles to happen. We should stop depending on others and find a purpose in life.
Osman Abdullahi Osman
Online Freelancer, Dadaab Collective
I will never forget the feeling I had. Earning $5,000 is something that I could never have imagined, even in my wildest dreams.
I will never forget the feeling I had. Earning $5,000 is something that I could never have imagined, even in my wildest dreams.
Hanan Abu Zaid
Online Freelancer and Founder of Will Benefit Marketing Agency
I have gained new skills and confidence. This will help me get more jobs and earn money, which on the other hand will help me raise my family in a comfortable manner. At least, we will not starve if one day the camp will close. I know I can be able to live anywhere knowing I have skills to earn money.
I have gained new skills and confidence. This will help me get more jobs and earn money, which on the other hand will help me raise my family in a comfortable manner. At least, we will not starve if one day the camp will close. I know I can be able to live anywhere knowing I have skills to earn money.
Martha Ali
Online Freelancer, Kakuma Refugee Camp
Before RESI, I had problems with graphic skills and video production. I understood the tools but was never comfortable enough to go after gigs and work at it professionally. I also did not understand how one can use social media for marketing or do business that generates money.
Before RESI, I had problems with graphic skills and video production. I understood the tools but was never comfortable enough to go after gigs and work at it professionally. I also did not understand how one can use social media for marketing or do business that generates money.
Mohamed Omer
Online Freelancer Hargeisa


RESI is a great example of what humanitarian-development cooperation can achieve.
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>RESI deploys innovative ways to address self-reliance and economic resilience in protracted humanitarian situations. The RESI Dadaab project will provide support to entrepreneurship and business development for income generation to address the rapid phasing out of humanitarian assistance in the Dadaab camps and support Somali refugees to be able to maintain their well-being in the immediate future, including by supporting returnees in Somalia.&nbsp;</p><p>The Area Based Livelihoods Initiative &ndash;Garissa (ABLI-G) is a three (3)-year project &nbsp;funded by the European Union (EU) Trust Fund for Stability and Addressing the Root Causes of Irregular Migration and Displaced Persons in Africa (EUTF). The project aims to further promote an enabling environment for income generation in terms of access to formal and informal business opportunities and freedom of movement, finance, market linkages, and more. ABLI - G aligns closely to the work done already under RESI and is a continuation of the work being done to develop the digital services and artisanal value chains in Dadaab and Garissa County.&nbsp;</p>

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South Sudan: Jobs Creation and Trade Development
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Jobs creation for women and youth

The International Trade Centre’s South Sudan Jobs Creation and Trade Development Project was created to help create jobs for the people of South Sudan by boosting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) working in the fruit and vegetables sectors. 

ITC is lending its international expertise and providing training opportunities to help these businesses improve their production, processing and handling practices, build up their capacities and skills and strengthen producer cooperatives. 

The project is also responding to the need for jobs for women and youth, by building up local entrepreneurship and business management capacities, as well as implementing innovative schemes to help youth entrepreneurs and youth-owned businesses access finance. 

The project is responding to the need for jobs for women and youth, by building up local entrepreneurship
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p style="text-align: justify;">This project emanates from the technical assistance request of the Government of South Sudan to the International Trade Centre. It has specific objectives of improving the competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and increasing employment opportunities for the South Sudanese labour force, with a focus on youth and women. In particular, it aims to provide an integrated and holistic assistance for the development of MSMEs in the fruits and vegetables value chains to create quick-win economic and employment opportunities for South Sudanese population targeted under the project. It will address the main challenges of the fruits and vegetables subsector along the value chains by improving production, processing and handling practices; building capacities of MSMEs to comply with mandatory market requirements and standards for enhanced access to markets; enhancing human skills as well as strengthening producer cooperatives. It will also address the employment problems of youth and women by building entrepreneurship and business management capacities and implementing innovative schemes to facilitate access to finance for youth entrepreneurs and youth-owned businesses.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">The project has an overall objective of improving the livelihoods of targeted South Sudanese populations through the creation of jobs and income.</p>

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Supporting Indian trade and investment for Africa (SITA)
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Fostering economic development through trade

The International Trade Centre (ITC) is engaging India’s powerhouse economy, its know-how, technology and investment strength to invigorate exports from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.   

Through the Supporting Indian Trade and Investment for Africa (SITA) project, ITC is working with small businesses in East Africa in the technology, textile and apparel sectors, pulses, spices, and sunflower oil, and partnering them with institutions and businesses from India.  

For example, In Rwanda and Kenya we are helping farmers to grow rosemary commercially alongside their main crops. By diversifying into produce with increasing demand, farmers get a steady secondary income, which leads to greater economic resilience, and more jobs for predominantly female workers.  

We also mentored 300 East African women in business and technical expertise and provided 72 women entrepreneurs with e-commerce platforms to market their brands globally.  

Our goal is to increase job opportunities and incomes and foster economic development through trade. Through SITA, ITC has facilitated $69 million worth of additional exports from these five East African countries to India and elsewhere, and $111 million of investments from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in India to East Africa. 


KPR Mill Ltd, an integrated textile manufacturing company from India, opened its first overseas garment unit, in Ethiopia’s Mekelle Industrial Park in 2019, in an investment facilitated by SITA


ITC through SITA, has facilitated $69 million of additional trade and $111 million of investment between SMEs in India and five East African countries.
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SITA/ MItreeki Initiative has been crucial to elevating my brand and vision. It has played an instrumental role in Afropian's transformation.
SITA/ MItreeki Initiative has been crucial to elevating my brand and vision. It has played an instrumental role in Afropian's transformation.
Hortense Mbea
Afropian, Ethiopia, Woman fashion-preneur
Through SITA/Mitreeki we were able to meet a reputable Indian buyer that has given us a 10 year buy-back contract, providing assurance and shielding us from market forces. On our own, we would not have been able to achieve that.
Through SITA/Mitreeki we were able to meet a reputable Indian buyer that has given us a 10 year buy-back contract, providing assurance and shielding us from market forces. On our own, we would not have been able to achieve that.
Carolin Chepkemboi Tormoi
Co-Founder, Eldo Tea, Kenya
SITA plays a crucial role in ensuring that business relationships between buyers in India and East African sellers meet the highest standards and commitment. I thank them for that.
SITA plays a crucial role in ensuring that business relationships between buyers in India and East African sellers meet the highest standards and commitment. I thank them for that.
Geemon Korah
Mane Kancor, India
We are very fortunate that SITA has been with us, organizing a training to help us improve our practices towards environmental compliance.
We are very fortunate that SITA has been with us, organizing a training to help us improve our practices towards environmental compliance.
Professor Thomas Kipkurgat
Rivatex East Africa Limited, Kenya


4 March 2022


Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>Supporting Indian Trade and Investment for Africa (SITA) is a South-South Trade and Investment Cooperation Programme. It is the United Kingdom&rsquo;s (FCDO) first Aid-for-Trade initiative in Triangular Cooperation. Implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC), SITA has facilitated USD 60 million of additional trade and USD 111 million of investment between SMEs in India and five East African countries &ndash; Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. SITA delivers durable impact by developing productive and technical capacities, generating jobs, enabling technology and knowledge transfer, and creating networks between business support institutions. The programme focuses on empowering women and youth in sectors as diverse as high-value agriculture and light manufacturing, while environmental compliance and climate-smart practices underpin SITA&rsquo;s economic outcomes.</p>

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Egypt: SheTrades (AfTIAS)
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Women economic empowerment in the handicraft sector.


The International Trade Centre’s flagship initiative on women and trade, SheTrades, has launched a new chapter in Egypt to empower and boost the competitiveness of women-owned micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the handicraft sector.

The project’s overarching objective is women’s economic empowerment as part of the country’s inclusive and sustainable development and economic growth.

The project will provide women-led small businesses with trainings on production, packaging, logistics, trade information, quality management, and sector-specific marketing and sales.

Fifty targeted women-owned small businesses will benefit from adopting best export practices and connecting with export markets and buyers, translating into increased resources and growth of their businesses.

Assisting trade support institutions to enhance services to women



To ensure strong support for women entrepreneurs entering new markets, the project will also provide advisory services, trainings and technical guidance to the Export Development Authority of Egypt and selected trade support institutions to establish more effective trade institutional frameworks for women-owned businesses.

SheTrades Egypt will:

  • Train trade support institutions on gender and how to mainstream gender in their institutions
  • Help institutions understand the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and how to build up their capacity to trade
  • Provide support on trade information services, market development and quality management
  • Advise buyers on how to better engage with women entrepreneurs, providing online and offline training, best practices and helping them commit to sourcing goods and services from participating women entrepreneurs
  • Support select trade institutions who take a lead role in mobilizing buyers and ensure effective business-to-business links


Statistics show that only 1/5 Egyptian companies in the handicraft sector are women-owned exporters. ITFC is therefore very proud to support the She Trades Egypt project.
Statistics show that only 1/5 Egyptian companies in the handicraft sector are women-owned exporters. ITFC is therefore very proud to support the She Trades Egypt project.
Eng. Hani Salem Sonbol, CEO
International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC)

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The proposed project focuses on supporting businesswomen in the <strong>handicraft</strong> sector in Egypt to sustain and grow their business with a view to contributing actively to the welfare of their families and securing livelihoods.</p><p>The project will help Egyptians women owned small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the<strong>&nbsp;handicraft&nbsp;</strong>sector to<strong>&nbsp;</strong>integrate into domestic and global value chains and access new markets by assisting SMEs to deliver products in accordance with market requirements, improving the capacities of trade support institutions (TSIs) to provide quality business support services to women owned SMEs, and linking SMEs to new markets.</p>

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