


ITC publishes IATI (International Aid Transparency Initiative) data for 90% of ITC's extra-budgetary funds on its dedicated Open Data Portal.



Women own an estimated 31-38% of MSMEs around the world. However, they are likely to be smaller and face wide-ranging and complex challenges such as limited access to skills, networks, property rights, finance and support institutions.ITC SheTrades initiative, which aims to connect three million...


RESI High Skills aims at giving continuity to the work ITC has been carrying out towards leveraging digital tools and technology to develop economic opportunities for displacement-affected communities and their hosts. In 2019 -2020, RESI High Skills will connect youth to online freelancing jobs...


Since 2016, ITC has been increasing its work to deliver trade-led, market-based economic opportunities in contexts of vulnerable migration and forced displacement. To support this work, ITC created a framework outlining its strategic position and offering a methodology for engagement. In 2019, the...


The overall objective is to contribute to sustainable economic and social development in Iran, through increased and diversified trade in goods and services. More specifically, this project aims to support the business sector, including high potential SMEs, by facilitating the drafting of a National...

Man and woman crouching with a small solar panel and its equipment in center of picture.

The “Jobs, Skills and Finance (JSF) for Women and Youth in The Gambia” Programme funded by the 11th European Development Fund is implemented by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) in collaboration with the International Trade Center (ITC). The project has an overarching...


The project aims to provide EU decision makers with solid evidence base on women's participation in extra-EU trade, shaped to be used as input for enhanced inclusion of the gender dimension in free trade agreements.  This will facilitate the adoption of trade policy instruments conducive...


To support ongoing efforts to improve Pakistan’s trade competitiveness, ITC has been asked to leverage its NTM Survey methodology to identify for Pakistan:The most challenging non-tariff measures by sector, company size and partner countryExisting national procedures and facilities which need...


The project consists of national interventions under the Partner States Window of the EU-EAC Market Access Upgrade Programme - MARKUP funded by the 11th European Development Fund. The action aims at addressing both supply side and market access constraints in coffee, tea and horticulture sectors,...


To harness the digital revolution for development in a sustained manner, developing countries need a clear direction: a sense of what is to be achieved, and how. E-strategies meet this need. They provide policy-makers, trade support institutions, and enterprises with a strategic framework and set of...


The EU – Bhutan Trade Support Project aims to diversify exports by improving the national trade and investment regulatory framework, and increase exports of horticulture products and textile handicrafts. The ultimate objective of the project is to increase incomes along the two value chains in...


The project will extend the export potential and diversification assessment methodology in two directions: it will improve the precision of the identification of opportunities for value chain development and it will suggest a comprehensive framework to analyse the effects of trade on employment....

Kopakama Rwanda coffee

The SheTrades Coffee project contributes directly to the Empowering Women to Trade (EWT) Programme, which delivers on ITC’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Global Goal 5 (achieving gender equality and empowering women) and Global Goal 8 (inclusive and sustainable...

121 - 144 of 236 results

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