


ITC publishes IATI (International Aid Transparency Initiative) data for 90% of ITC's extra-budgetary funds on its dedicated Open Data Portal.



Green2Compete is ITC’s new and ambitious strategy aiming to place environmental sustainability at the heart of MSME competitiveness. Its goal is to enable MSMEs from developing countries to become more competitive through green production and trade. In this context, Green2Compete will...


ITC’s trade and market intelligence interventions in the 24 UK Trade Partnerships Programme countries will consist of several interrelated components to foster transparency and  enhanced access to information on trade opportunities and market access requirements for small and...


RESI deploys innovative ways to address self-reliance and economic resilience in protracted humanitarian situations. The RESI Dadaab project will provide support to entrepreneurship and business development for income generation to address the rapid phasing out of humanitarian assistance in the...


The Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP) is a regional initiative aiming at improving market access to the European Union (EU) and the East African region for five East Africa Community (EAC) partner countries - Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda - agro-industrial crop and horticultural...


Central America: Women and E-commerceThe project Linking Central American Women Business Enterprises (WBEs) with the Global Gifts and Home Decoration Market aims to improve the export performance of women-led-enterprises from Central America to sell online.The project beneficiaries are...


Supporting Indian Trade and Investment for Africa (SITA) is a South-South Trade and Investment Cooperation Programme. It is the United Kingdom’s (FCDO) first Aid-for-Trade initiative in Triangular Cooperation. Implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC), SITA has facilitated USD 60...


In 2016, the establishment of the Arab Countries Trade and Investment Organisations Network (ACTION) under the AfTIAS programme marked a pivotal step towards fostering Arab regional integration. ACTION emerged from the collective ambition of Arab nations to enhance their trade and investment...


The project "Pakistan: Gender-responsive UK export information and network" aims to strengthen bilateral trade between Pakistan and the UK as Pakistan’s largest export destination in Europe and third largest export destination globally.  The proposed interventions will...


As a means to tackle the worst economic crisis it has seen since its independence in 1948, Sri Lanka aims to expedite the pace of reforms to support economic recovery and growth through a conducive trade facilitation environment. Thus, the Government of Sri Lanka has recognized the need to...


This project aims at creating a platform serving as knowledge repository for stakeholders interested in certain trade-related topics imminent to the ASEAN region, based on resources developed under ITC-implemented TRTA projects in Southeast Asia. It is set to achieve scale in knowledge sharing and...


This project strengthens the capacity of developing and least developed countries to participate in the WTO negotiations on an Investment Facilitation for Development (IFD) agreement. The project supports countries to conduct investment facilitation self-assessments through sharing of experiences...


The United Kingdom Trade Partnerships (UKTP) Programme aims to increase trade from developing countries to the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) by maximizing the benefits of UK and EU Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) and the UK's Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS)....


The project focuses on the facilitation and design of a National Export Strategy (NES) for Mongolia, covering six (6) export sectors and four (4) functional strategies to be selected through an assessment methodology and consultations with country counterparts, as per the standard NES...


The project intends to support the scaling of the Alliances for Action (A4A) approach by supporting knowledge dissemination and innovation with respect to strategic subject matters for ITC.With major focus on the development of agriculture and agri-business value chains the work is designed to...


This project seeks to increase the awareness and understanding of the Sudan public sector on WTO Accession. The project will create a number of resources (online and physical) in order that when the context in Sudan improves, these can be used by officials to help to re-launch the accession process.


Working with small and medium sized enterprises and business support organizations, ITC through the UK Trade Partnerships Programme in Central Asia aims to increase the volume and value of exports to the UK and EU and to support local industries to grow employment opportunities. 


The International Trade Centre and the Caribbean Development Bank are collaborating in carrying out a "Logistics efficiency study and roadmap"  in Grenada and Saint Lucia.  ITC will carry out consultations among national stakeholders, including government agencies and private...


This project will contribute to the following aim of W1: innovation. As such, it aims at creating a new set of tools to improve the capacities of EFI’s social enterprises and micro producers to trade in the sustainable fashion market, in order to contribute to a sustainable and resilient value...


The SheTrades Mauritius project aims to increase the participation of women-led businesses and young women graduates in trade in Mauritius by fostering and enabling an inclusive business environment through setting up a SheTrades Mauritius Hub and improving their competitiveness to access markets....


Contributing to Bhutan’s export competitiveness by improving the marketing and branding capacities of selected MSMEs, producers and government officials within the framework of the “Brand Bhutan” initiative. The project will focus on organizing in-country training on Branding,...


Africa Fashion and Textile Network (Africa FAN) Phase 2 forms a part of the Special Initiative Training and Job Creation by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to contribute to the implementation of the Marshall Plan with Africa and the investment partnership G20...


The E-commerce Acceleration Programme (eCAP), initiated by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and supported by ICC-ESCWA Centre of Entrepreneurship and International Trade Center (ITC), contributes to the growth of the digital economy and stimulates a dynamic...


To investigate the potential of expanding investment (and trade) linkages between India and Africa, capitalizing on the structural changes and resulting opportunities brought forth by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).  Will assess constraints and opportunities in each of these...


This project seeks to increase the awareness and understanding of the Sudan private sector on WTO Accession. The project will reach out to various private sector stakeholders to inform and enhance their understanding of WTO Accession and provide complementary support in view of the challenging...


This project aims to help the Micro Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) to better use e-commerce opportunities for sustainable development. The International Trade Centre (ITC) and Alibaba group will cooperate to support E-commerce capacity building and business promotion for MSMEs from...


The project will strengthen ICDT services on trade intelligence to support the public and private sector from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to make better informed decisions and, in the long term, to contribute to an increase of trade between OIC Member States through the embedding...


The project will support pharmaceutical enterprises and business support organizations to improve the viability and competitiveness of vaccine manufacturing investments in Nigeria. Over the long term, the project will ultimately improve vaccine security in Africa.This objective will be achieved by...


The Export Acceleration Programme aims at fast-tracking the internationalization of Qatari enterprises and increasing their exports in regional and international markets through the development and activation of an accelerator and incubation centre to be hosted by the Qatar Development Bank. 


The United Kingdom Trade Partnerships (UKTP) Programme aims to increase trade from African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) to the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) by maximizing the benefits of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) and the Developing Countries Trading Scheme...


The purpose of the SheTrades Zambia project is to increase the participation of women-led businesses in trade by improving their competitiveness and strengthening their market and investment linkages. The project seeks to enable Zambian women to benefit from economic participation, focusing on...


ChatGPT has brought AI technologies to popular attention in late 2022/early 2023. Generative AI is disrupting the landscape in a similar way that computers and the internet did. These recent developments validate ITC’s decision to invest in AI in the past two years, which has given the...


This project supports the continuous upgrading and updating of the Trade Development Strategies (TDS) function and related tools and methodologies. It also supports the maintenance of Global Public Goods such as Trade Strategy Map, as well as communications and outreach throughout the year. Finally,...

1 - 48 of 234 results

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