
Middle East and North Africa: ACTION Meeting in Abu Dhabi
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>In 2016, the establishment of the Arab Countries Trade and Investment Organisations Network (ACTION) under the AfTIAS programme marked a pivotal step towards fostering Arab regional integration. ACTION emerged from the collective ambition of Arab nations to enhance their trade and investment landscape, driven by a mutual commitment to prosperity and interconnectedness within the region.</p><p>Following its formation, ACTION initiated its journey with a key meeting in Dubai. This event was crucial in defining the network&rsquo;s structure and operational guidelines, effectively transforming ACTION from a concept to a functioning entity.</p><p>In 2018, a significant gathering took place in Paris, offering a valuable chance for reflection, reassessment, and revitalization of the network&rsquo;s strategies and direction.</p><p>ACTION stands at a crossroads, poised to redefine its trajectory in an ever-changing global landscape. The Abu Dhabi workshop is not merely a gathering; it is a clarion call for strategic introspection and visionary planning.</p><p>The focus will be on conducting a comprehensive reassessment of the network&rsquo;s current state, identifying areas ripe for innovation and improvement. This exercise is crucial in charting a course that not only addresses the immediate needs of the region but also positions ACTION as a leader in the global trade arena.</p><p>Furthermore, the workshop will emphasize the strengthening of bonds between member TIPOs. In a world where economic fortunes are increasingly intertwined, fostering unity and cohesion within the network is paramount. This reinforced solidarity will be the cornerstone of more effective and impactful regional trade initiatives.</p><p>A significant deliverable of this workshop will be the development of a future roadmap. This roadmap will not just be a strategic document; it will be a manifesto of ACTION&apos;s aspirations and commitments for the coming years. It will outline specific goals, milestones, and initiatives that will propel the network towards new heights of success and influence.</p>

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Iraq: Housing & complementary job creation
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The European Union funded, &quot;Building Equitable and Inclusive Transformation (BEIT): Towards Decent Work and Affordable Housing in Iraq&quot; project, jointly executed by ITC, UN-Habitat, and ILO aims to generate quality jobs by enhancing the housing and construction sector. Specifically, this EU-funded initiative targets economic growth through job creation and the development of affordable, sustainable housing in Iraq.</p><p>ITC&apos;s role, leveraging its strengths, focuses on two main areas: i) strengthening the construction sector&apos;s value chain by organizing stakeholders, particularly MSMEs, and improving their sustainable practices, and ii) enhancing governance and regulatory frameworks in the construction sector to attract more investments.</p><p>In shaping BEIT proposal for the housing and construction sector, we applied a <em>Market systems development</em>&nbsp; (MSD) approach, placing a strong emphasis on understanding the interconnected components of the market system. Our research involved analyzing the intricacies of supply chains and demand trends, and we identified systemic barriers hampering market efficiency. We engaged extensively with various stakeholders such as local firms, government bodies, and consumers to understand their unique perspectives and challenges. A critical aspect of our research was examining the regulatory framework, identifying areas for improvement to enhance local firm competitiveness and ease both inputs and market access.</p>

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Iraq National Trade Forum 2024

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Public event
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<p>ITC, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is organizing the Second Iraq National Trade Forum between 27 and 28 November 2023 in Baghdad, Iraq. The Forum will combine high-level panels with practical workshops and business-to-business (B2B) meetings, along with an exhibition under the theme “By Iraqi Hands,” featuring representation from all Iraqi governorates.&nbsp;</p><p>Who should participate?</p><p>• Small businesses in Iraq, particularly in the agriculture and agri-food sector and international suppliers of agricultural inputs and equipment providers related to sustainable farming practices and climate-proof post-harvest infrastructure;<br>• Investors, banks and other financial service providers;<br>• National and local authorities and business support organizations;<br>• Funders and development partners;<br>• Universities</p><p>We invite you to learn more about the event and register <a href="">here</a>.&nbsp;<br>&nbs…;