
Global: Climate competitiveness: Building opportunities in the green economy for emerging and developing countries
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Implementing partners

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The project aims to increase the engagement of six developing and emerging countries in the Trade and Environment Structured Sustainability Discussions (TESSD) at the World Trade Organization (WTO). The project will carry out research in partnership with countries on the role of trade in supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives. It will support countries on the basis of this research and multistakeholder consultations to make submissions to TESSD in the form of best practices, lessons learnt, common regional approaches on standards etc. Furthermore, the project will help countries to understand the range of trade related climate measures facing MSMEs and the strategies to help compliance with them.</p>

External ID
OIC: Trade and market intelligence for ICDT
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The project will strengthen ICDT services on trade intelligence to support the public and private sector from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to make better informed decisions and, in the long term, to contribute to an increase of trade between OIC Member States through the embedding of Market Analysis Tools, the development of an online Trade Helpdesk and the development of trade-related studies.</p>

External ID
Netherlands Trust Fund – Phase V – Agribusiness and Digital Technology
Tech Sector Development Coordinator
First name
Martin Labbé

ITC partners with the Netherlands to support African business

ITC’s NTF V programme is designed to contribute to decent jobs and improved livelihoods in the agribusiness, agritech and digital technology sectors. To that end, we aim to:

  • Increase the competitiveness of thousands of MSMEs
  • Increase sales of supported companies to hit $90 million 
  • Support thousands of jobs and positively impact more than 200,000 people as a result 
  • Bring in-kind contributions to create an additional 50% of project value 

Our programme includes both sectors in Ethiopia, Ghana, Senegal, and the digital technologies sector in a multi-country project in Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali and Uganda. In Ethiopia, Ghana and Senegal, ITC is working with smallholder agribusiness farmers focused on cocoa and coffee, associated crops, and horticulture.

See below for more project details.

Our NTF V programme is designed to contribute to decent jobs and improved livelihoods
Smallholder farmer using phone for input requests – MobiPay services

In the digital technology sector, we are focusing on business-friendly tech ecosystems and tech hubs, offering tech start-ups and MSMEs resilient business models, linking them to national and international business and investment opportunities, and digitalizing traditional MSMEs.

We support IT and business process outsourcing (BPO) companies with export strategies, B2B matchmaking events and regional and international IT event exposure. We also help tech hubs to become more sustainable and aim to contribute to ICT and entrepreneurship-related policies to improve the tech ecosystem.

We are helping farmers and MSMEs become better able to withstand economic shocks and grow through responsible trade. Our approach is based on ITC’s Alliances for Action programme, which promotes partnerships for sustainable food systems, and leverages investments and technical support all along the farm-to-fork value chain.


We also are strengthening public-private alliances and support ecosystems, building capacity in areas such as market development, climate smart operations, value addition, quality, access to finance, digitalization and developing investment strategies.


In the specific framework of this project, Alliances for Action is focusing on digitalization as a way of increasing resilience and growth of the coffee, cocoa and cashew nut value chains in selected countries.


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Intelligent cio
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Business Ghana
7 Feb 2023
Brand Spurng
6 Feb 2023


Previous programmes

NTF IV, which ended in June 2021, was based on a partnership agreement between the Dutch Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI).

It aimed to enhance export competitiveness of selected sectors in selected countries through an integrated approach to sector competitiveness built around one outcome: generation of export revenues. The NTF IV county/sector combinations consisted of:

  • Myanmar: Consolidation of Kayah state tourism and extension to a new state
  • Uganda: Export development of IT and IT-enabled services
  • Mano River Union/Sierra Leone: Value chain development of cocoa and associated crops
  • Senegal: Export development of IT and IT-enabled Services

This Programme, which ended in June 2017, was funded by CBI and focussed on building export sector competitiveness in key growth sectors in the four beneficiary countries of Bangladesh, Kenya, Myanmar and Uganda.

It focused on the exports of services, such as the IT and IT-enabled Services sectors in Bangladesh, Kenya and Uganda as well as tourism in Myanmar, while addressing needs in traditional agricultural sectors in Kenya (avocado sector) and Uganda (coffee). Export bottlenecks across the entire value chain were addressed to enable companies, and with them the entire sector, to internationalise.

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The International Trade Centre’s Netherlands Trust Fund V (NTF V) is a four-year partnership (July 2021- June 2025) signed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands and the International Trade Centre to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the digital technologies and agribusiness sectors.

The programme includes both sectors in Ethiopia, Ghana, Senegal, and the digital technologies sector in a multi-country project in Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali and Uganda. As with previous NTF programmes, NTF V will be jointly implemented with the Dutch Centre for the promotion of exports from developing countries (CBI). NTF V follows on the successful NTF IV and NTF III programmes, and will track its results through real-time customer relationship management and active risk management data systems.

Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali and Uganda: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
Senegal: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
Senegal: Alliances for Value Addition in Cashew Nut (NTF V)
Ethiopia: Building Alliances for Action in Coffee from seed to cup (NTF V)
Ethiopia: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
Ghana: Building Alliances for Action in Cocoa from bean to bar (NTF V)
Ghana: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
Social media
Senegal: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
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ITC partners with the Netherlands to support African business

Senegal’s diverse tech sector runs from established telecoms to digital start-ups. The government has thrown its support behind the sector, with digital technology playing a key role in its Plan Sénégal Emergent development scheme. The National Digital Strategy SN 2025 sets out a specific framework for the industry.

The West African tech sector is recognized for its dynamism and growth, as small businesses, start-ups, incubators, accelerators and investors have proliferated. That’s also seen a boom in professional organizations such as OPTIC, start-up associations like SenStartup, and support structures including ASEPEX, APIX, ADEPME, and BMN.

Government increasingly wants digital technologies to grow for both its own administrative activities as well as for broader economic transformation.


This project aims to strengthen tech startups, with a focus on agritech and small businesses. It seeks to influence policymakers and regulators, trade and investment support institutions, and private business support providers. International business partners also help create a supportive environment for IT and IT-enabled services.

The ambition is to contribute to rebuilding back better with a focus on small businesses in digital technologies. Our trade-related technical support is three-fold:

Team meeting at Yux, Senegal
Team meeting at Yux, Senegal
Photo credit: Capsule Verte
  1. NTF V will combine support in digital and agribusiness simultaneously with ITC teams working in technology and agricultural development. Thus, local agritech companies will receive support both to improve their work and to connect with agribusiness players.
  2. The NTF V Senegal Tech project will continue to support the implementation of the IT and business process outsourcing export strategy through the steering committee initiated under NTF IV. In collaboration with the Senegalese Ministry of the Digital Economy, the project will also support the implementation of the National Digital Strategy SN 2025.
  3. The project will collaborate with business support organizations interested in innovative entrepreneurship, as well as organizations that bring together small businesses and start-ups. Examples include the OPTIC organization of ICT professionals and the main association of start-ups, SenStartup. For start-ups and small businesses, we develop market access and build international competitiveness.
We revised our export strategy to focus our efforts on target markets and products. All this groundwork paid off in 2020, when our growth rate topped seven percent. With support from the NTF IV project, commercial operations in Côte d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso made up more than a quarter of our turnover.
We revised our export strategy to focus our efforts on target markets and products. All this groundwork paid off in 2020, when our growth rate topped seven percent. With support from the NTF IV project, commercial operations in Côte d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso made up more than a quarter of our turnover.
Moustapha Diop, CEO
IT services and telecom
IT services and telecom

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11 Apr 2022


19 September 2022
Closing ceremony for NTF IV Senegal at the Dutch ambassador’s residence in Dakar



<p>ITC and the Dutch Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) have been cooperating for decades. This cooperation led to a series of sector development programmes under the Netherlands Trust Fund NTF) since 2005. The current project is part of the NTF V programme funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands and implemented in close coordination with CBI. NTF V was approved in July 2021 and will run until June 2025. Its ambition is to contribute to building back better in the partner countries (Benin, C&ocirc;te d&apos;Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Senegal and Uganda) with a focus on creating a link between MSMEs in the digital technologies and agribusiness sectors.</p><p><br></p><p>Senegal has a high penetration rate of mobile phones (117%) and internet services (92.29%) and the mobile money market is experiencing strong growth with more and more major players (Orange Money, Wave). As of December 31, 2020, the country had 7.81 million Internet users, ie 46% of the total population. Unsurprisingly, Senegal has one of the highest shares of GDP linked to the digital economy according to McKinsey Global Institute, ranging from the telecommunications sector to startups active in the digital sector.</p><p><br></p><p>Under NTF V Senegal Tech, activities will foster business-friendly tech ecosystems, strengthen business support organizations such as tech hubs and equip tech start-ups and SMEs with resilient business models, linking them to business, partnership and investment opportunities while contributing to the digitalization of traditional SMEs in other sectors, in particular in agribusiness.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>To this end, agritech start-ups will be supported to improve their understanding of agribusinesses&rsquo; needs, to gain more agribusinesses partners, and, in some instances, to help digitalize agribusinesses. Digitalizing agribusinesses will be done by the agribusiness team, working whenever possible with agritech businesses that are part of NTF V Senegal Tech project, in the cashew and associated crops sector, which will be the main focus area for both teams.</p>

Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali and Uganda: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
Senegal: Alliances for Value Addition in Cashew Nut (NTF V)
Ghana: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
Ethiopia: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
Ghana: Building Alliances for Action in Cocoa from bean to bar (NTF V)
Ethiopia: Building Alliances for Action in Coffee from seed to cup (NTF V)
Social media
External ID
Senegal: Alliances for Value Addition in Cashew Nut (NTF V)
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Supporting African agribusiness

ITC partnership with the Netherlands

Cashew trees first arrived in Senegal by the 1950s, mainly to help replant forests. Today, they’re a cash crop for small-scale farmers, vital for vulnerable households, especially in rural areas around the Fatick region.

In 2019, Senegalese production was estimated at 35,000 to 40,000 tons, still far below Guinea Bissau at 200,000 tons, Benin at 150,000 tons, or Nigeria at 250,000 tons. Senegal’s harvest represented only 0.8% of world production.

Senegal grows most of its cashews in the regions of Ziguinchor, Sédhiou, Kolda and Fatick. The best quality produce comes from Fatick.

The NTF V Agribusiness project is designed and implemented through the Alliances for Action methodology. Known as A4A, this initiative brings together private and public actors to make smallholder farmers and small businesses more competitive while protecting their incomes. Above all, this connects businesses and brings more people into the trading system by targeting operators across the value chain, in several products and markets.

Among the goals in Senegal:

  • Identify market opportunities and new buyers for cashew nuts and related crops, whether in domestic, regional or international markets.
  • Strengthen public-private alliances for more solid ecosystems, including through digital applications.
  • Make farmers, small businesses, and social enterprises more competitive and resilient in their sales and production. The focus is on digital and other support services for market access and market intelligence tools, product innovation, meeting quality standards, certification, sustainable business principles, and access to finance.
  • Connect small businesses, social enterprises, and farmer associations with international, regional and domestic partners for business and investment opportunities.


3 July 2024
Senegalese entrepreneurs bring cashew products to South Africa

ITC in the media

Ventures Africa
23 Nov 2022



Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>In September 2021, The Government of the Netherlands and the International Trade Centre (ITC) signed a four-year partnership agreement aimed at enhancing the trade competitiveness in selected African countries, through the strengthening of digital and agribusiness services and especially the connection between the two.</p><p>In Senegal, ITC will implement a value chain development project with the objective of improving the competitiveness of livelihood farmers and agribusiness MSMEs in the cashew nuts and associated crops. Cashew will be the main crop of focus, nevertheless the project will additionally support the commercialization of associated horticulture products (e.g. maize, cowpea, cassava/yam and vegetables) etc) following the A4A multi-products multi-market approach. The exact basket of associated horticultural products will be defined at the beginning of the project through the foreseen detailed cashew nuts value chain analysis that will be undertaken in collaboration with the University of Thies.&nbsp;</p><p>Through the project, ITC aims to promote more efficient and sustainable agri-business and support services that will lead to increased trade, better incomes and livelihoods opportunities, especially for the smallholder cashew growers.</p><p>The main objectives of the action in Senegal are:</p><ul><li>Understand market trends and identify resilient and sustainable business and production models for the cashew sector.</li><li>Strengthen Public-Private alliances to support the development of more solid ecosystems including through digital applications.&nbsp;</li><li>Facilitate linkages for SMEs, SEs and Producers Associations with international, regional and domestic partners, business and investment opportunities</li></ul><p>The agri-business component of NTF V in Senegal will apply the ITC Alliances for Action (A4A) approach that has proved to be a successful model to promote responsible partnerships for development, to leverage investments and technical support and achieve measurable impact for smallholder farmers and MSMEs. In the framework of NTF V, A4A will look beyond sustainable production to work on enabling environment and target all steps of the value chain from farm to fork. Digital application will be used to increase the overall competitiveness of the agribusiness value chain as well as to scale-up results and reach more partners and beneficiaries.</p>

Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali and Uganda: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
Senegal: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
Ghana: Building Alliances for Action in Cocoa from bean to bar (NTF V)
Ethiopia: Building Alliances for Action in Coffee from seed to cup (NTF V)
Ghana: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
Ethiopia: Building Resilient Trade Competitiveness by Fast Tracking the Digital Technology Sector (NTF V)
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External ID
Projet d'appui aux jeunes entrepreneurs sénégalais
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>Le projet a pour objectif d&apos;appuyer la connexion aux march&eacute;s des jeunes entrepreneurs s&eacute;n&eacute;galais en leur faisant s&apos;approprier les techniques, outils et solutions disponibles dans leurs d&eacute;marches d&apos;internationalisation notamment au travers de solutions en ligne.Ce projet s&apos;inscrit dans le contexte du programme &quot;S&eacute;n&eacute;gal &eacute;mergent&quot;, du programme triennal d&rsquo;investissement prioritaire du S&eacute;n&eacute;gal (PTIP), ainsi que des programmes financ&eacute;s par des bailleurs internationaux tels que le programme &laquo; Netherlands Trust Fund IV &raquo; de la coop&eacute;ration n&eacute;erlandaise ou encore le 11<sup>&egrave;me</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>Fond Europ&eacute;en de D&eacute;veloppement (EDF 11) de l&rsquo;Union Europ&eacute;enne ainsi que dans le cadre du programme &quot;Jeunesse et commerce&quot; de l&apos;ITC.</p>

External ID
Textile and Apparel Network for Africa (TANA)
First name
Ana Patricia
Last name

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The proposed project &ldquo;Textile and Apparel Network for Africa (TANA)&rdquo; forms part of the BMZ Special Initiative Training and Job Creation initiated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to contribute to the implementation of the Marshall Plan with Africa and the investment partnership G20 Compact with Africa.</p><p>The project aims at strengthening market linkages between European and African textile and apparel companies and consists of two components, which are financed by two different GIZ entities:</p><ul><li>Global component: Strengthened commercial relationships between European retailers and brands and African textile and apparel suppliers through the establishment of the the Textile and Apparel Network for Africa (TANA) - financed by GIZ HQ</li><li>Country component (pilot): Enhanced competitiveness of Ghanaian textile and apparel companies to meet buyer requirements - financed by GIZ Ghana office.</li></ul>

External ID
Supportive business ecosystem: Institutions and Ecosystems for Business Support
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p><a name="_Hlk155357558"><span style="color: rgb(97, 189, 109);">Business support organizations (BSOs) are critical actors in an ecosystem of business support, categorized by the formal and informal connections among service providers that recognises and takes advantage of shared objectives and complementary strengths.</span></a></p><p><span style="color: rgb(97, 189, 109);">ITC has developed a unique centre of excellence in the establishment, improvement and connectedness of business support organizations. This work with BSOs is embedded as a core service area for ITCs strategy and recognises the role that BSOs play in delivering results to all stakeholders through their ability to create scale, systemic change and sustained results</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(97, 189, 109);">In this strategic cycle (22-25), ITC will continue to serve a broad range of BSOs including those active in ITC&rsquo;s priority impact areas of youth entrepreneurship, green trade, digitalisation and gender, with managerial and operational solutions, but also invest more in ecosystem level interventions, and make use of digital channels for efficiency, scale and value.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(97, 189, 109);">This docu<span>ment sets out a 4-year perspective (2022-20225) and 4 strategic objectives for supportive business ecosystems with, specific outputs and activities describing the year-on-year contribution of W1 funding to the strategic core service area 2.</span></span></p>

External ID
SheTrades: Empowering women and boosting livelihoods through agricultural trade: Leveraging the AfCFTA
First name
Zong Yao
Last name

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The Project <em>SheTrades: Empowering Rural Women in the AfCFTA</em> contributes to ITC&rsquo;s <strong>One Trade Africa&nbsp;</strong>Strategy and FAO strategy to support the AfCFTA. &nbsp;</p><p><span lang="EN-GB">Spanning 54 countries, supporting a market of over 1 billion people, and contributing $2.5 trillion USD to global GDP, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) presents a ground-breaking opportunity to create a unified continental market, boost Africa&rsquo;s share of global trade and achieve the goals of Agenda 2063.&nbsp;</span><span lang="EN-GB">The AfCFTA is operational since early 2021, and these goals can only be accomplished if the AfCFTA is fair and inclusive. Women&rsquo;s equal participation in international trade is critical to promoting economic growth, enhancing productivity, increasing international competitiveness and reducing poverty. &nbsp;Moving up the value chain, leveraging networks of women&rsquo;s associations, upgrading their businesses and tapping into new markets are some of the many benefits women can reap by trading under the AfCFTA. According to FAO, from a food security standpoint, closing the gender gap in agriculture in Africa would lead to a yield increase of 20 to 30 percent and this could reduce by &nbsp;100 to 150 million the number of undernourished people</span><span lang="EN-GB">.&nbsp;</span><span lang="EN-GB">ILO estimates that over 90% of women&rsquo;s employment in Africa is in the agricultural sector, largely informal.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span lang="EN-GB">This project works with women traders and producers to identify priority issues and opportunities under the AfCFTA in agriculture and agro-processing, facilitating public-private dialogues to agree on next steps women&rsquo;s priorities, and providing market intelligence and training to women in a select agricultural regional value chain to help it expand to the continental level.</span></p><p>This project aims to empower women producers, processors and informal and formal traders in agriculture and agro-processing value chains as well as agriculture women-led MSMEs to benefit from trade opportunities created by the AfCFTA through capacity-building, policy research and policy dialogues. The project contributes to ITC and FAO&rsquo;s ongoing support to the implemention of the AfCFTA.</p><p><br></p>

External ID
SheTrades: Accelerator Programme for women entrepreneurs in the Apparel, Accessories and Home Décor sector
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Paratian Bermudez

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>This project is targeting women owned businesses (WOBs) in the Apparel, Accessories and Home D&eacute;cor sector from Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Senegal, and South Africa.<span>&nbsp;It</span> aims to support income generation and job creation for women owned businesses in the Apparel, Accessories and Home D&eacute;cor sector by:</p><ul type="disc"><li>Creating a more supportive ecosystem of partners and institutions to help the growth of women&apos;s economic empowerment initiatives and activities;</li><li>Increasing the competitiveness of women owned businesses in the sector;</li><li>Creating new market linkage<strong>&nbsp;</strong>opportunities for women owned businesses in the sector.</li></ul>

External ID