Industrial competitiveness​

Kyrgyzstan: Improving the international competitiveness of the textile and clothing sector (GTEX)
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GTEX supporting second largest industry of Kyrgyzstan 

ITC’s Global Textiles and Clothing Programme (GTEX) and its related work in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia aims to create jobs and increase the income of small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the textile and clothing industry (T&C). Strengthening the sector and boosting exports will have an enormous impact as the entire garment industry employs up to an estimated 150,000 people, 90% of whom are women. Most of the businesses are also women-owned. 

In Kyrgyzstan, ITC invests in educational institutions such as the “Industria Kadrov” training centre to link academia to the textile and clothing sector, and to help students and young women qualify to work in the national apparel and fashion design sectors.   

Rebounding from the COVID-19 economic crisis

Kyrgyzstan’s clothing sector was badly hit by the COVID-19 economic upheaval. Businesses had to cope with a lack of raw materials, personnel, financial resources, and logistical problems, making their finished products less competitive.  

To support the Kyrgyzstan textile and clothing industry, we adjusted our approach to focus on digitalizing operations. This helped companies improve their digital processes and online presence, making them more competitive.  

Our client companies rebounded thanks to our project’s support, with some showing a 10% increase in production volumes and a 20 % increase in exports. Some of our clients are building for the future by investing in specialized equipment, infrastructure, strengthening staff capacities, and expanding into new technologies. 


The GTEX project is helping empower women and bring inclusivity to the textile and clothing sector in Kyrgyzstan.
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The future of a young woman with a disability will depend on our society providing her with opportunities and access to education and work. Together with ITC we are promoting training and workshops about social responsibility. The GTEX project is helping to empower women and bring inclusivity to the textile and clothing sector in Kyrgyzstan.
The future of a young woman with a disability will depend on our society providing her with opportunities and access to education and work. Together with ITC we are promoting training and workshops about social responsibility. The GTEX project is helping to empower women and bring inclusivity to the textile and clothing sector in Kyrgyzstan.
Owner of SAIMA art project
With the trainings on digitalization and marketing, the GTEX project supported our company to shift the production and focus on online sales to overcome the pandemic. As a result, we expanded our client base and doubled our turnover last year. We invested it in a plot of land and built our own workshop.
With the trainings on digitalization and marketing, the GTEX project supported our company to shift the production and focus on online sales to overcome the pandemic. As a result, we expanded our client base and doubled our turnover last year. We invested it in a plot of land and built our own workshop.
Anastasia Beltz
Owner of BelMaRo company
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we experienced a shortage of workers that left our company on the edge of closure, we needed solutions. The GTEX project helped us to find alternatives to continue production while keeping our employees safe.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we experienced a shortage of workers that left our company on the edge of closure, we needed solutions. The GTEX project helped us to find alternatives to continue production while keeping our employees safe.
Nurzhan Kunasova
Owner of the Barkhat company
With support of the GTEX Programme, we are strengthening the work of the Training Centre “Industria Kadrov” and the capacities of representatives of Textiles & Cothing sector related academic institutions so that they can prepare qualified specialists for the industry. Qualified staff play an important role in the development of the Textiles & Cothing industry.
With support of the GTEX Programme, we are strengthening the work of the Training Centre “Industria Kadrov” and the capacities of representatives of Textiles & Cothing sector related academic institutions so that they can prepare qualified specialists for the industry. Qualified staff play an important role in the development of the Textiles & Cothing industry.
Imiyla Rysbaeva
Head of Department “Technology of light industry products”, Kyrgyz State Technical University



Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The project for Kyrgyzstan is developed within the framework of the Global Textiles and Clothing (GTEX) programme, implmented by ITC and funded by the Government of Switzerland. The GTEX programme is to increase export competitiveness in the Textile and Clothing sector in five selected countries. These are Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia in North Africa and Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in Central Asia.The project in Kyrgyztsan builds upon the achievements of the previous technical assistance projects delivered by ITC in cooperation with SECO in the textile and clothing sector and aims to create knowledge and capacities at institutional level to serve enterprises and meet their demand for services. &nbsp;The project will continue to support selected SMEs by connecting them to markets and value chains. &nbsp;</p>

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Sri Lanka: Trade related assistance
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Sri Lanka: Promoting inclusive growth through trade and regional integration

This ITC project worked from 2018-2021, in line with Sri Lanka’s objectives, to strengthen small and medium sized-enterprises as a way of expanding the export economy. We supported the creation of a conducive business environment, improved domestic productive capacity and trade performance, and promoted Sri Lanka’s integration into global and regional markets. We also supported the country’s trade agenda and negotiation skills in compliance with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.

ITC did this through:

  • Holding Public-Private dialogues on the important trade policy areas of logistics, e-commerce, investment, duty free tariff access to the EU market, and linkages between industrial and trade policy 
  • Helping businesses understand different aspects of international trade, better positioning them to export to European markets, and providing export management support
  • Supporting national and regional chambers of commerce to improve their business advocacy and services to their members
  • Developing key import/export information for Sri Lanka’s Trade Information Portal and providing access to transparent trade-related information

  • Strengthening the capacity of the National Trade Facilitation Committee to drive the implementation of trade facilitation reforms

  • Developing an e-learning course on cross-border procedures for exports in collaboration with the National Institute of Exports

  • Holding a tailor-made capacity-building coaching Initiative for 70 small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), and an export marketing planning training and coaching programme for 85 SMEs.

Food, spice and technology

With our guidance, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the food and spice sector entered 19 new markets in Europe, the Asia-Pacific, and the Americas. We also trained more than 2,000 SMEs and 400 extension officers on food safety and quality assurance best practices, and provided technical guidance to 101 SMEs on improving enterprise performance.  Thirty are now certified against international certification schemes.

In the IT and business process outsourcing (BPO) sector, we helped the Sri Lanka Association of Software and Service Companies better represent the interests of its clients and provide growth opportunities to younger companies.  

Our project also helped sector SMEs to identify and meet new buyers in the EU countries, and supported select companies to attend the world’s leading mobile technology event, the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, and participate in ITC-organized B2B events. This backing helped Sri Lanka companies generate several business deals with international buyers.

We also promoted the sector brand “Island of Ingenuity” through branding interventions, advisory work and marketing material. Businesses said the “IoI” brand umbrella gave them the confidence to position their services and approach international markets. 

We received a great deal of support from the project and our sales increased by 10% in 2019 as a result
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ITC has changed our thinking and made an impact on the way we do things.
ITC has changed our thinking and made an impact on the way we do things.
Mudith Uswatte
Calcey Technologies
The assistance I received from ITC, through training and exposure to European buyers, helped me better position my company towards European markets.
The assistance I received from ITC, through training and exposure to European buyers, helped me better position my company towards European markets.
Joey Perera
Boost Metrics
Our involvement in ITC activities helped in promoting the Chamber’s image and helped the regional chambers to provide larger and better services to their members.
Our involvement in ITC activities helped in promoting the Chamber’s image and helped the regional chambers to provide larger and better services to their members.
Manori Dissanayaka
Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
The project has helped us create a much better understanding of the different components of international trade and what they entail for developing countries like Sri Lanka.
The project has helped us create a much better understanding of the different components of international trade and what they entail for developing countries like Sri Lanka.
Nimal Karunathilake
Department of Commerce of Sri Lanka


25 February 2022

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p><span lang="EN-GB">The EU - Sri Lanka Trade-Related Assistance Project aims to increase the trade competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in regional and European Union (EU) markets.&nbsp;</span>The 4 year EU-funded project, worth EUR 8 million, contributes to inclusive trade led growth and regional integration. It supports SME export competitiveness and value addition in sectors with high potential for economic growth and development. The project helps Sri Lanka integrate the policies and regulatory reforms of the World Trade Organization (WTO), allowing SMEs to make the most of the potential opportunities resulting from the EU Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) Plus. It also enables greater regional integration within the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). The project addresses compliance standards and efficiencies in cross border procedures, which are key constraints to market access, especially for SMEs. Specific attention is given to enhancing value chains in the spice, food and Information Technology/Business Process Outsourcing (IT/BPO) sectors. The project provides trade capacity building and technical assistance, with a strong focus on training and skills development. Women are heavily involved in trade and are therefore a target group when it comes to capacity building of SMEs and exporters.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>

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Jordan: Improving the international competitiveness of the textile and clothing sector (MENATEX)
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Changing lives in the textile and clothing sector 

The ITC  MENATEX project in Jordan focuses on capacity building in the textile and clothing sector, one of the country’s main drivers of industrial development and job creation.  The project’s goal is to increase productivity leading to more jobs and income, and ultimately improve people’s lives. 

For example, Jordan's leather and weaving industry took qualitative leaps over the past two decades, attracting investments from international brands, which led to increased production, improved operations and thousands of new jobs. 85% of Jordan’s textile and clothing are now exported to the US market. 

We provide direct technical aid in terms of market and product diversification to 21 businesses, as well as working with several Trade and Investment Support institutions supporting the sector. The project also targets satellite units due to their role and importance in creating job opportunities for refugees and women from rural areas. 

Turning the COVID-19 into opportunities

The apparel industry sector in Jordan, one of the largest employers in the country, was one of the  sectors most affected by the COVID-19 crisis. In 2021, local demand crashed. At the same time, the pandemic affected the entire supply chain, making it more difficult to access and import raw materials, which led to a decline in production and an increase in costs. 

Some companies were unable to pay their workers, while others cut back salaries. With ITC’s support, several factories in the leather and knitting sectors pivoted their production to surgical masks, suits, shoes and sheets and transformed to produce medical supplies and masks. They met national needs and exported the surplus to 30 countries around the world. 

Increasing exports of textile and clothing will positively affect women-owned businesses and support a new generation of women entrepreneurs.
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ITC under the MENATEX activities strengthened our company skills to develop our business plans and identify clear objectives while mitigating risks. We are confident in our company’s development because of the various trainings received leading to more efficiency and better understanding of our management.
ITC under the MENATEX activities strengthened our company skills to develop our business plans and identify clear objectives while mitigating risks. We are confident in our company’s development because of the various trainings received leading to more efficiency and better understanding of our management.
Khaldoon Kataln
Executive manager of Al-SAMAH
The MENATEX project brings innovative opportunities to increase Jordan’s textile and clothing exports. It is an opportunity for us to strengthen the industry and improve our trade connections with the other countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
The MENATEX project brings innovative opportunities to increase Jordan’s textile and clothing exports. It is an opportunity for us to strengthen the industry and improve our trade connections with the other countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
Ihab Qadri
Jordan Chamber of Industry
ITC has been a vital partner to support a company owned and managed by women. Increasing the exports of the textile and clothing sector in Jordan will positively affect women-owned businesses and support a new generation of women entrepreneurs to improve the competitiveness of their production.
ITC has been a vital partner to support a company owned and managed by women. Increasing the exports of the textile and clothing sector in Jordan will positively affect women-owned businesses and support a new generation of women entrepreneurs to improve the competitiveness of their production.
Nancy Salem
CEO of Jordan Exports
Since our company joined the MENATEX project, we have had the opportunity to attend numerous trainings and coaching sessions that are helping our company, for example, modernizing the production using the lean methodology to increase productivity while decreasing the waste of time and materials.
Since our company joined the MENATEX project, we have had the opportunity to attend numerous trainings and coaching sessions that are helping our company, for example, modernizing the production using the lean methodology to increase productivity while decreasing the waste of time and materials.
Yaseen Abualrous
Owner of the Noorway Clothing Company



Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The MENATEX Jordan project is part of the Textiles and Clothing (T&amp;C) programme for the MENA region (MENATEX) which, in addition to Jordan also covers Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia. The project is funded by the Government of Sweden.</p><p>MENATEX Jordan intends to increase Jordan&rsquo;s export competitiveness in the T&amp;C sector. The envisaged impact of the project is to increase employment and income along the T&amp;C value chain. To achieve this long-term objective, the project foresees to accomplish two major outcomes. The first one is related to the institutional infrastructure around the sector, including policy aspects, where required, and is formulated as &ldquo;Improved business environment and TISI performance in the T&amp;C sector&rdquo;. The second outcome targets the enterprise level, which is formulated as &ldquo;Improved competitiveness of SMEs in the T&amp;C sector&rdquo;. A total of 30 enterprises are benefiting from in-depth project support.</p>

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Tunisia: Improving the international competitiveness of the textile and clothing sector (GTEX/MENATEX)
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Changing lives in Tunisia’s textile and clothing sector 


ITC’s Global Textiles and Clothing (GTEX/MENATEX) project in Tunisia aims to create jobs and increase the income of micro small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the textile and clothing industry.  

To that end, ITC is working with the government on policies to improve the sector’s business environment and  the competitiveness of the clothing sector.  

The project supports 50 companies in four sub-sectors of jeans, lingerie / swimwear, protective clothing, and a sub-sector of young local designers in clothing brands. Through training and mentoring programmes, beneficiary companies have the opportunity to increase their visibility in the global textile and clothing (T&C) market, participate in international fairs and improve their product portfolio according to the latest trends. 

Textiles and clothing is the largest industry in Tunisia, contributing almost 20% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. Companies export 95% of their production mainly to EU countries such as France, Italy, and Germany.  


Turning COVID-19 into opportunities


The COVID-19 pandemic hit the Tunisian textile and clothing sector hard. Commerce began reopening in 2021, showing an 11% increase in the first four months of the year. However, exports have not yet reached pre-pandemic levels.   

To help survive these new challenges, through GTEX/MENATEX,  ITC assisted companies to reorient their production to medical textiles and face masks. We also paired larger “champion” companies with smaller enterprises to help them overcome the crisis. 

On the trade and investment support institutions side, the project helped institutions certify MSMEs that converted to the production of sanitary masks in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Thanks to these efforts, beneficiary companies were able to secure 3,500 jobs. 

ITC MENATEX is a crucial skills booster! The project supports the new generation of women fashion designers to develop new skills and fulfil their potential by organizing trainings and workshops focused on our needs to grow and build our skills.
ITC MENATEX is a crucial skills booster! The project supports the new generation of women fashion designers to develop new skills and fulfil their potential by organizing trainings and workshops focused on our needs to grow and build our skills.
Nadia Khebour
ITC MENATEX activities supported our “masque solidaire” initiative in support of the community and those in need of protective masks, such as health workers in rural areas.
ITC MENATEX activities supported our “masque solidaire” initiative in support of the community and those in need of protective masks, such as health workers in rural areas.
Aida Kerkeni
Aida brand (masque solidaire)
ITC’s MENATEX study on the impact of COVID-19 confirms that we need to be patient, persistent and adapt to the new reality of the world and the sector.
ITC’s MENATEX study on the impact of COVID-19 confirms that we need to be patient, persistent and adapt to the new reality of the world and the sector.
Nafâa Ennaifer
Fédération Tunisienne du Textile et de l’Habillement (FTTH).
ITC MENATEX trainings on digitalization and growth supported my company’s shift towards the opening of an e-shop and gave us access to a wider pool of clients! Our growth compared to 2019 increased by 200%!
ITC MENATEX trainings on digitalization and growth supported my company’s shift towards the opening of an e-shop and gave us access to a wider pool of clients! Our growth compared to 2019 increased by 200%!
Fatma Ben Soltane
CEO Fierce sportswear & activewear



Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>In Central Asia and Tunisia, the programme will build on lessons learned and achievements realised in previous projects. Implementation, therefore, will kick-start with a well-defined approach. For the country projects in Egypt and Morocco a six month, an inception phase is foreseen to develop the country-specific approaches and fine-tune the interventions according to country priority needs and opportunities, as well as by taking into account the regional aspects already applied in the COM-TEXHA project.</p><p><br></p><p>hjdklfd &nbsp;</p>

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Tajikistan: Improving the international competitiveness of the textile and clothing sector (GTEX)
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Changing lives in the textile and clothing sector 

ITC’s Global Textiles and Clothing Programme (GTEX) in Tajikistan aims to create jobs and increase the income of small and medium-sized businesses in the textile and clothing (T&C) industry. To that end, ITC works with the government on policies to improve the sector’s business environment and competitiveness.   

We also work directly with up to 15 small and medium-sized enterprises in denim, knitwear, sports, and leisurewear, and provide support to improve dyeing and finishing processes, and to meet environmental standards. We help these businesses diversify their exports and increase their ability to compete in international markets, and provide training in product design, export marketing and branding, and digital upgrading. 

Strengthening the sector and boosting exports will have an enormous impact as the industry employs up to an estimated 15,000 people. The apparel industry is the second-largest exporting industry in the country and over 90% of the sector’s workforce are women. 

Turning the COVID-19 crisis into opportunities  

Tajikistan’s clothing sector was badly hit by the COVID-19 economic upheaval. To support the industry, ITC’s GTEX Tajikistan project adjusted its plans to tackle the new challenges during the pandemic.  

GTEX organized several webinars and online coaching sessions to help companies adapt to new realities and follow the national health authorities plan to ensure appropriate COVID-19 preventive health and safety measures.  

The sector responded to the crisis by producing protective masks and other medical textiles, meeting local market demand and supporting the country throughout the pandemic.  


With the GTEX project, we saw a big shift in the national apparel industry. ITC as a crucial partner of our university, has proved to be an energizing institution supporting the companies and educational institutions.
With the GTEX project, we saw a big shift in the national apparel industry. ITC as a crucial partner of our university, has proved to be an energizing institution supporting the companies and educational institutions.
Davlatyor Sheraliev
State Art and Design University
With the support of ITC GTEX, training qualified engineers and workers of key specialties, ensuring the competitiveness of manufactured products in the domestic and foreign markets, and undertaking other important initiatives will support the development of the country’s textile and clothing industry.
With the support of ITC GTEX, training qualified engineers and workers of key specialties, ensuring the competitiveness of manufactured products in the domestic and foreign markets, and undertaking other important initiatives will support the development of the country’s textile and clothing industry.
Fayzali Rajabov
ITC’s GTEX initiative will uphold the work of national trade associations and government entities. Tajik businesses can benefit from the knowledge and adopt best commercial practices to improve the domestic sector's trade capacity.
ITC’s GTEX initiative will uphold the work of national trade associations and government entities. Tajik businesses can benefit from the knowledge and adopt best commercial practices to improve the domestic sector's trade capacity.
Firuza Mahmudova
Tajikistan Association of Customs Brokers



Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The project for Tajikistan is developed within the framework of the GTEX programme and will build upon the achievements of the previous technical assistance projects delivered by ITC in cooperation with SECO. The project will assist Tajik TISIs to improve and sustain their operational and managerial capacities further to offer a wider range of quality services to SMEs in the T&amp;C sector. Support will be provided to TISIs through training and advisory services in sector-specific business areas where relatively stable demand from SMEs is already observed, as well as in the areas where demand from SMEs is foreseen in the near future. Building upon the achievements of previous ITC interventions in the T&amp;C sector in Tajikistan the project will continue to support selected SMEs by connecting them to markets and value chains. This assistance will be provided jointly with local TISIs enabling them to gradually take over the provision of this service.</p><p>The project will assist in implementation of trade facilitation reforms with a specific focus on the T&amp;C industry to ensure that T&amp;C businesses fully benefit from an improved cross-border environment. It will support the TTFC and the TTFC Secretariat to issue recommendations for the simplification and standardization of textile related import, export and transit formalities&nbsp;</p>

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Egypt: Improving the international competitiveness of the textile and clothing sector (GTEX/MENATEX)
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ITC’s Global Textiles and Clothing Programme (GTEX) in Egypt works to create jobs and increase the income of micro small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the textile and clothing industry.     

We work directly with 35 enterprises in denim, knitwear, sports and leisurewear to diversify their exports and increase their international competitiveness by linking them to new markets and buyers, as well as financing mechanisms so they can expand their production. 

Strengthening the sector and boosting exports will have an enormous impact as the industry employs an estimated one million people in Egypt, largely informally. 

We provide training, coaching and mentoring in lean management, material sourcing, product design and development, export marketing and branding, and digital upgrading.  We support mentoring between larger ‘champion’ companies and smaller companies and assist several business support organizations (BSOs).  

We also work to improve social and environmental industry standards and provide support to improve overall dyeing and finishing processes. 

Changing lives in the textile and clothing sector
Changing lives in the textile and clothing sector

Egypt’s clothing sector was badly hit by the COVID-19 economic upheaval. To support the Egyptian textile and clothing industry, ITC through GTEX/MENATEX helped companies pivot into digital processes, increase their online presence, and remodel their traditional production lines into personal protective equipment and face masks. 

We created a video library of webinars on topics such as market access, environmental management, trade finance, and digitalization that is available to all the project’s stakeholders and national partners. 

ITC also provided an impact study on the COVID-19 crisis, giving stakeholders updated information on the pandemic’s impact on the sector, including employment rates, the number of MSMEs affected, the loss of buyers, and new opportunities in unconventional markets and products.  

Turning the COVID-19 economic crisis into opportunities
Turning the COVID-19 economic crisis into opportunities
ITC MENATEX trainings have been a game changer
GTEX/MENATEX brought insightful ideas and know-how through new techniques and learning such as green solutions, improving our resource efficiency while increasing our profits.
GTEX/MENATEX brought insightful ideas and know-how through new techniques and learning such as green solutions, improving our resource efficiency while increasing our profits.
Alaa Hamdy
Director of Heathertex
Thanks to the valuable inputs of ITC, we completely revamped our website towards a more user-friendly, updated content and B2B actions, which supported our shift during COVID-19 positively
Thanks to the valuable inputs of ITC, we completely revamped our website towards a more user-friendly, updated content and B2B actions, which supported our shift during COVID-19 positively
Ali El Nawawi
Scarabaeus Sacer
ITC MENATEX trainings have been a game changer in resource efficiency, circular production, digitalization and so many other trainings which are necessary to adjust to the markets demands and the current crises which our industry is facing
ITC MENATEX trainings have been a game changer in resource efficiency, circular production, digitalization and so many other trainings which are necessary to adjust to the markets demands and the current crises which our industry is facing
Boulos Massoud
Viva 1960
Supported by ITC MENATEX we introduced a garment manufacturing diploma programme targeting young women, training 28 rural women in the region, and supporting circularity sponsored machinery
Supported by ITC MENATEX we introduced a garment manufacturing diploma programme targeting young women, training 28 rural women in the region, and supporting circularity sponsored machinery
Marie Louis Bishara
President, Apparel Export Council of Egypt



Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>Egypt: Improving the international competitiveness of the textile and clothing sector (GTEX/MENATEX) project directly supports up to 35 small and medium enterprises for denim, knitwear, sports and leisurewear, as well as provides support to improve the dyeing and fi&shy;nishing functions of textiles. Through<span>&nbsp;</span>training, coaching,<span>&nbsp;</span>mentoring, among other activities, the project aims to increase the beneficiary companies&apos; international competitiveness and diversify their export base.</p><p>In Egypt, the project partners with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, representing the Government of Egypt. The project also works at the institutional level by building the capacity of T&amp;C support institutions and upgrading their service portfolio to their members.<span>&nbsp;</span>Academic and vocational training institutions are also sustainably linked to the industry and similar peer institutions worldwide through closer partnerships. The project<span>&nbsp;</span>will<span>&nbsp;</span>support<span>&nbsp;</span>educational institutions to upgrade their curricula and adapt to match the industry needs better.</p>

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