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Southern Sun Ridgeway Lusaka

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<p>The International Trade Centre (ITC) is the joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. Its mandate includes assisting developing and transition economies to take advantage of expanding trade opportunities in an increasingly complex global environment. ITC supports trade impact for good, promoting sustainable and inclusive development goals through trade, targeting SMEs, Business Support Organizations, and Policy Makers.&nbsp;</p><p>ITC and the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) held a Capacity Building Workshop in Lusaka. This workshop was part of the ongoing cooperation between ITC and ZICTA. The objective of the workshop was to enhance the capabilities of Zambian Business Support Organizations (BSOs) and Technology Hubs. By improving their service delivery and facilitation to enterprises, the workshop aimed to bolster competitive digital trade. The content covered fundamental skills and tools related to e-commerce strategy and digital sales channels, understanding client needs, and providing impactful business support services.&nbsp;</p>

Digital Moonshot session at WSIS 2024: Unlocking Africa's Digital Entrepreneurship Potential: Insights from the Tech Hub Landscape post-Covid

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<p>The session takes place in the framework of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva. It will delve into the dynamic landscape of African tech hubs, which have surpassed 1000 in number, and their pivotal role in propelling digital, social, and economic transformations by fostering startup ecosystems, drawing insights from the 3d edition of ITC's Tech Hubs in Africa report. Rather than a traditional report summary, this session will provide key highlights and actionable insights derived from an in-depth examination of the impact of COVID-19 on tech hubs across the continent.</p><p>The session will highlight the resilience demonstrated by tech hubs during the pandemic, drawing on a survey of 52 hubs and interviews with numerous others. Identified resilient business models that successfully navigated the challenges posed by the pandemic will be discussed. Drawing from the findings of the International Trade Centre (ITC) survey, the most defining parameter for the success of tech hubs during challenging times is their ability to digitalize services. Insights into how digitalization played a pivotal role in maintaining and enhancing the operations of these hubs will be discussed.</p><p>The session will position the report as a practical toolkit for governments and funders seeking successful investments in tech entrepreneurship support infrastructure. Recommendations derived from the report will be outlined to guide strategic decision-making for those involved in supporting and fostering tech ecosystems in Africa.</p><p>Attendees will gain insights into the future of tech hub operations, with an emphasis on the role of digital service delivery.</p><p><strong>CICG: Room 14, CICG, 2nd Floor</strong></p><p><strong>And Online.&nbsp;</strong></p>