Agribusiness and food systems

Colombia PUEDE: Peace and unity through productive development and commercialization
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Escobar Parra

Colombia PUEDE

Through Colombia PUEDE, ITC is working to improve the income earning opportunities of 2,000 smallholder farmers and their families in post-conflict areas of Colombia by increasing their productivity, improving the quality of their produce, and connecting them with markets. 

Colombia PUEDE works with small producers of coconuts, cocoa and Tahiti lime in four post-conflict municipalities in the Department of Nariño, in the south of Colombia: El Rosario, Leiva, Policarpa, and Tumaco. 

We aim to help these farmers through: 

  • Increasing their access to technical assistance and infrastructure 

  • Strengthening the capacities and skills of producers  

  • Enhancing the market knowledge of small producers  

  • Identifying and taking advantage of market opportunities and value chain alliances.  

PUEDE Coconut producer
A coconut producing company in the Bajo Mira y Frontera Community Council
Milena Moreno

Empowering smallholder farmers

The International Trade Centre’s Colombia PUEDE project, supported by the European Union Trust Fund for Colombia, is helping farmers and their families in post-conflict areas reach their dreams of a better life by improving their trade and income opportunities.  

Among the multiple effects of Colombia’s decades of armed conflict is the destruction of livelihoods and, consequently, significant levels of rural poverty in today’s post-conflict regions. 

We are transforming these communities by providing management, production and harvesting knowledge, and linking farmers in the areas that were most affected by armed conflict to new business opportunities. 

Improvements in coconut, lime, and cacao production are now empowering smallholder farmers, including women and young people, to increase sales. 

As these areas represent 90% of the country and 30% of the population, transforming the rural economy is key to promoting reconciliation, peace, and development in Colombia.  

Tahiti lime producer
Tahiti lime producer
Milena Moreno
The transformation of the rural economy is key to promoting reconciliation, peace, and development
As small producers, through Colombia PUEDE, we have come to learn that we can produce limes of high quality and that we can increase our income by selling the fruit. Today, we are supported by an excellent and competent team who has guided us, so our product reaches the international market.
As small producers, through Colombia PUEDE, we have come to learn that we can produce limes of high quality and that we can increase our income by selling the fruit. Today, we are supported by an excellent and competent team who has guided us, so our product reaches the international market.
Omar Aguirre
Campo Bello
Tahiti lime farmers’ organization in Leiva, Nariño, Colombia.
Tahiti lime farmers’ organization in Leiva, Nariño, Colombia.
Asocacao has become stronger, our partners are more committed, and we are more aware that the future of our organization depends on us. Personally, I have also grown. I feel empowered as a woman. Before, I used to shy away from speaking in public. Now, I can express my ideas without restraint.
Cocoa harvesting organization primarily commercializing raw beans.
Asocacao has become stronger, our partners are more committed, and we are more aware that the future of our organization depends on us. Personally, I have also grown. I feel empowered as a woman. Before, I used to shy away from speaking in public. Now, I can express my ideas without restraint.
Olga Portillo
Asocacao Policarpa
Cocoa harvesting organization primarily commercializing raw beans.
Cocoa harvesting organization primarily commercializing raw beans.
It is gratifying to see that our crops have improved. What I value most about Colombia PUEDE is that they take a chance on the youth, they train and support us. It depends on us to implement what we have learned and in doing so improve our families' wellbeing. In terms of market access, we have identified more clients beyond Nariño without going through intermediaries.
Small producer organization primarily commercializing Tahiti lime, located in El Rosario, Nariño, Colombia.
It is gratifying to see that our crops have improved. What I value most about Colombia PUEDE is that they take a chance on the youth, they train and support us. It depends on us to implement what we have learned and in doing so improve our families' wellbeing. In terms of market access, we have identified more clients beyond Nariño without going through intermediaries.
Ernesto España
Small producer organization primarily commercializing Tahiti lime, located in El Rosario, Nariño, Colombia.
Small producer organization primarily commercializing Tahiti lime, located in El Rosario, Nariño, Colombia.
We wish to continue working with young people to give them work opportunities and the choice of formal employment. We can dream of a new future by better reintegrating into society thanks to the resources granted by the ITC (International Trade Center).
We wish to continue working with young people to give them work opportunities and the choice of formal employment. We can dream of a new future by better reintegrating into society thanks to the resources granted by the ITC (International Trade Center).
Segundo Ordoñez
Nueva Esperanza
Small coconut and cacao producers’ organization in the process of social reintegration in civilian life in Tumaco, Nariño, Colombia.
Small coconut and cacao producers’ organization in the process of social reintegration in civilian life in Tumaco, Nariño, Colombia.




ITC in the media

25 May 2022
El Espectador
31 Mar 2022
Fresh Plaza
31 Mar 2022
El Espectador
31 Mar 2022
Fresh Plaza
31 Mar 2022
El Espectador
31 Mar 2022
La República/Agronegocios
31 Mar 2022
Semana Rural
31 Mar 2022
El Espectador
31 Mar 2022
31 Mar 2022
31 Mar 2022
31 Mar 2022
Semana Rural
31 Mar 2022
25 May 2022
El Espectador
27 May 2022
25 May 2022
Implementing partners

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>Colombia PUEDE is working to improve income earning opportunities of 2,000 smallholder farmers and their families in post-conflict areas of Colombia by increasing their productivity, improving the quality of their produce, and strengthening their market competitiveness.</p><p>Colombia PUEDE works with small producers of coconuts, cocoa, and Tahiti lime in four post-conflict municipalities of the Department of Nari&ntilde;o, in the south of Colombia: El Rosario, Leiva, Policarpa, and Tumaco.</p><p>We aim to help these farmers through:</p><ul><li>Increasing their access to technical assistance and infrastructure.</li><li>Strengthening the capacities and skills of producers</li><li>Enhancing the market knowledge of small producers</li><li>Identifying market opportunities and value chain alliances.</li></ul>

Social media
External ID
EU-EAC Market Access Upgrade Programme - MARKUP
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Taurai Kevin
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Ally Lukindo, a small-scale black pepper farmer together with his family at their home in Tanzania
Ally Lukindo, a small-scale black pepper farmer together with his family at their home in Tanzania
Daniel Msirikale

Helping East African Community farmers prosper.

Thanks to the training provided by ITC through MARKUP, farmers in the East African Community (EAC) have learned how to assess the qualities of their coffee and negotiate a price, they have learned cocoa fermentation techniques, and they have also become skilled in marketing, branding and exporting their products.

MARKUP supports small businesses in a variety of sectors, including avocado, cocoa, coffee, horticulture, spices and tea. We work to identify and eliminate barriers to their trade, improve their competitiveness and help provide access to finance and investment.  

Through our work in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, we have:

  • Impacted the lives of more than 2,800 beneficiaries in EAC countries
  • Improved the export capacities of 780 companies
  • Helped 71 companies in the EAC countries generate at least $10.5m in exports
  • Assisted 79 companies in EAC countries to access $10 m in new funding
  • Facilitated more than $1 million of European investment in EAC based companies
  • Improved services of 16 regional and national institutions to member companies
  • Improved 12 trade-related policies, strategies and regulations in Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda
Thanks to the training by MARKUP I learned how to cup and assess the quality of my own coffees, which is so important for coffee farmers! Now I know what our coffees are worth, I am confident at the negotiating table, I know how to speak their language.
Thanks to the training by MARKUP I learned how to cup and assess the quality of my own coffees, which is so important for coffee farmers! Now I know what our coffees are worth, I am confident at the negotiating table, I know how to speak their language.
Gloria Gummerus
Sakami Coffee, Kenya
Prior to the training, we didn't even have a single fermented bean in our cooperative, none of our farmers knew how to do it in the advanced method, and after our training with our farmer cooperatives, members now know how to do fermentation.
Prior to the training, we didn't even have a single fermented bean in our cooperative, none of our farmers knew how to do it in the advanced method, and after our training with our farmer cooperatives, members now know how to do fermentation.
Bukama Francis
Bwamba Cocoa Growers Cooperative Society Limited, Uganda
MARKUP has helped us a lot. We knew exporting spices was difficult. Now with the knowledge of MARKUP I promise every export will be done without any problem.
MARKUP has helped us a lot. We knew exporting spices was difficult. Now with the knowledge of MARKUP I promise every export will be done without any problem.
Joyce Mmari
MEDFOODS, Tanzania
MARKUP increased our knowledge on best practices and helped reduce the number of rejected produce due to non-conformity. Thanks to the pre-sorting of produce at the farm level, the quality of the harvest has improved considerably. The company Effective M&N is now receiving higher volumes of quality French beans, which have potential for the export market.
MARKUP increased our knowledge on best practices and helped reduce the number of rejected produce due to non-conformity. Thanks to the pre-sorting of produce at the farm level, the quality of the harvest has improved considerably. The company Effective M&N is now receiving higher volumes of quality French beans, which have potential for the export market.
Daniel Muzungu
Effective M&N, Rwanda
We have come a long way. Switching from word-of-mouth marketing to a solid marketing strategy has been a rewarding experience.
We have come a long way. Switching from word-of-mouth marketing to a solid marketing strategy has been a rewarding experience.
Lorraine Girinka
Kalico Coffee, Burundi

Video playlist


Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP) is a regional initiative aiming at improving market access to the European Union (EU) and the East African region for five East Africa Community (EAC) partner countries - Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda - agro-industrial crop and horticultural sectors. MARKUP is funded by the EU 11th European Development Fund over the period 2018-2022. The Program will be implemented by various partners, including ITC, GIZ, UNIDO and other partners that will be selected by the EAC Partner States. &nbsp;The intervention of ITC will entail the implementation of the activities to improve product quality compliance, value addition, access to finance and business promotion as well as business advocacy to facilitate trade in the EAC region.&nbsp;</p><p><a name="_ftn7" title="" href="#_ftnref7"></a></p><p><a name="_ftn7" title="" href="#_ftnref7"></a></p>

Burundi: Market Access Upgrade Programme - MARKUP
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