FAO-ITC Policy Dialogue 'Gender Dimensions of Sanitary & Phytosanitary Measures & Technical Barriers to Trade in the Agri-Food Sector'

FAO-ITC Policy Dialogue 'Gender Dimensions of Sanitary & Phytosanitary Measures & Technical Barriers to Trade in the Agri-Food Sector'

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<p>The <i><strong>Empowering Women and Boosting Livelihoods through Agricultural Trade: Leveraging the AfCFTA</strong></i> <i><strong>(EWAT)&nbsp;</strong></i>programme aims to support formal and informal women producers, processors, traders, women’s cooperatives, and associations to seize opportunities created by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in agriculture and agro-processing value chains.</p><p>Within the scope of this programme, FAO and ITC have co-implemented trainings for women producers, processors, and traders on regional value chain opportunities. This includes capacity bulding sessions on trade facilitation (TF) for women in Ghana, Malawi, and Nigeria. The programme is also conducting value chain mappings (qualitative and quantitative) of women’s participation in the soybean-to-poultry and fisheries value chains in Southern Africa (i.e. Malawi and South Africa) and West Africa (i.e. Ghana and Nigeria) respectively.&nbsp;</p><p>Additionally, four policy briefs on gender considerations in the context of trade facilitation (TF), non-tariff measures (NTMs), sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures, as well as technical barriers to trade (TBT) are currently under development. These policy briefs will provide policy recommendations targeted at regional and national policymakers and women’s organizations in agriculture and agro-processing value chains in the context of the AfCFTA.</p><p>This second of two policy dialogues will focus on SPS measures and TBT and build on the policy briefs under development. It will:</p><ul><li>Explore causes of food safety concerns and the potential of African women producers, processors and traders to contribute to food safety assurance.&nbsp;</li><li>Investigate opportunities that the AfCFTA offers to women to develop their production and processing activities by expanding their export market and eliminating non-tariff (TBT) barriers.</li></ul>