ITC @ China International Import Expo 2023

ITC @ China International Import Expo 2023

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<p>The International Trade Centre supports 66 small businesses from Africa, Asia, and Latin America to take part in the 2023 <strong>China International Import Expo (CIIE)</strong>, the largest import trade fair in the world. The businesses are empowered to negotiate exports to China through advance training and on-site support from ITC experts.&nbsp;</p><p>In Shanghai, the ITC Executive Director addresses the accompanying high-level <strong>Hongqiao International Economic Forum</strong> and its sub-forum on Digitalization and Cross-border E-commerce Development where ITC’s new publication on export opportunities in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative will also be launched.&nbsp;</p><p>At CIIE 2023, ITC-supported small businesses can be found in the following exhibition areas: Food and Agricultural Products: Hall 2.2 C5-03; Consumer Products Exhibition: Hall 6.1 B5-10; Service Trade Exhibition:<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Hall<strong>&nbsp;</strong>8.2 A1-03; &nbsp;and African Agricultural Products: 1.1A1-02</p><p>Company and product details can be found in the Exhibitors e-catalogue.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>