Regional trade

SME Competitiveness Outlook

The SME Competitiveness Outlook is ITC's flagship report, published annually since 2015. Each report provides an in-depth analysis on a particular topic related to the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) - from their contribution to inclusive growth to their participation in regional value chains. The reports combine data analysis, academic insights, thought leader opinions, and case studies to provide guidance for policymakers, business managers, and trade and investment support institutions. 

SME Competitiveness Outlook (SMECO) editions

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Tunisia: Increasing knowledge of economic operators on AfCFTA opportunities
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The overall objective of the proposed project is to contribute to the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) implementation in Tunisia by increasing the knowledge of economic operators on AfCFTA opportunities. Thanks to a study identifying African value chains to which Tunisian manufacturers can connect in the context of the AfCFTA, policy makers will be able to take informed decisions to maximize the benefits of the continental agreement. In addition, Tunisian stakeholders from the public and private sectors will be sensitized on these opportunities emerging from the AfCFTA, and on the related African Trade Observatory (ATO).</p><p>The project is a continuation to the continental value chains identification and is fully aligned with ITC One Trade Africa initiative.</p>

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ONE TRADE AFRICA: Connecting the African business community with the AfCFTA
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Maximizing the benefits of African regional integration for MSMEs, women and youth

ITC holds AfCFTA Forum in Harare Zimbabwe to engage women entrepreneurs in Southern Africa.
ITC - OTA programme

The African continent is creating the largest free trade area in the world. Once in full operation the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) will connect 1.3 billion people across 55 African countries with a combined gross domestic product of $3.4 trillion.


Implementation of the Agreement comes as African countries are grappling with the triple-C crisis of Covid-19, climate change and conflict. This provides African countries with an occasion to reconfigure and diversify their production and trade and prioritize the development of robust and resilient intra-African supply chains.

One Trade Africa

Although the AfCFTA has been operational since 2021, most African businesses are neither informed nor empowered to access market opportunities. Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), especially led by women and youth, need access to information, resources, skills, assets, credit, and economic opportunities.

AfCFTA in figures
ITC - OTA programme

The One Trade Africa approach

3 programmatic levels of the OTA programme
ITC - OTA programme

“One Trade Africa”, ITC’s corporate programme launched in 2021 sets out to empower and enable African MSMEs, as well as young and women entrepreneurs to access meaningful business opportunities created by the AfCFTA.

The programme is designed to support Africa to advance on ONE coherent framework that encompasses not only the AfCFTA, but also the Regional Economic Community (REC) Free Trade Area Agreements, the building blocks of the AfCFTA, and trade arrangements between Africa and the rest of the world. This is to ensure convergence with a unified goal of boosting the competitiveness of African MSMEs and their participation in both intra- and extra-African trade.



Adapting ITC tools for an integrated African market

The One Trade Africa programme is a critical initiative of the ITC Strategic Plan 2022-2025, broadening opportunities for African small businesses and tailoring ITC tools and services to the African continent through supporting businesses to incorporate Green and Digital Goals.

A look at ITC’s working areas on the AfCFTA.
ITC - OTA programme

Our Achievements

A look at the role of MSMEs in Africa’s economy.
ITC - OTA programme


One Trade Africa centres around Africa’s private sector, because it is the key driver for the success of the Free Trade Area. ITC particularly supports small businesses, young entrepreneurs, and women, especially those operating in the informal sector. 


We can only achieve systemic change when we empower women and youth in their economic transformation.
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One Trade Africa Achievements
ITC - OTA programme

Video Playlist

One Trade Africa

One Trade Africa 15 8 April 2021


Newsletters: Programme Highlights 

Publications and Workshop Resources

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The African Continental Free Trade (AfCFTA) is now a reality and the International Trade Centre (ITC) <ins cite="mailto:Raphaëlle%20Lancey&quot; datetime="2021-10-04T09:35">is poised</ins> to <ins cite="mailto:Raphaëlle%20Lancey&quot; datetime="2021-10-04T09:35">play a central role in&nbsp;</ins>its i<ins cite="mailto:Raphaëlle%20Lancey&quot; datetime="2021-10-04T09:35">mplementation..</ins></p><p>ITC has developed an umbrella programme, the ONE TRADE AFRICA (OTA) to empower MSMEs, women and youth to access the opportunities unfolding under the new single market.&nbsp;</p><p>OTA is an integrated package of technical assistance solutions that ITC is offering to the African business community operating in both the formal and informal sectors to enable them to understand the opportunities of the AfCFTA and to build the capacity of enterprises and entrepreneurs to export across Africa and beyond.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p>

Implementation of the African Trade Observatory within the AUC
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