
Digital Export Enablement Programme (DEEP) for ASEAN Small Businesses
With DEEP, MSMEs from ASEAN will take full advantage of the digital trade opportunities to grow and scale their business internationally.

Embracing new digital trade opportunities

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Google and the International Trade Centre (ITC) collaborate for the Digital Export Enablement Programme (DEEP) for small businesses in the ASEAN region (Association of Southeast Asian Nations).

By equipping them with digital, export-relevant skills, the programme will help 1,000 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) from across ASEAN member states to grow their business internationally. 

We see a future where every small business from ASEAN can take full advantage of digital trade opportunities to scale their business internationally.

Driven by our belief in the power of cross-border commerce, DEEP is facilitating a unique cross-border entrepreneurial journey for small businesses from Southeast Asia, by delivering a series of trainings, access to digital platforms and practical workshops/sessions that will strengthen the capacity of MSMEs from 10 ASEAN markets and will enable them to engage in cross-border digital trade.

The hybrid training programme will cover the fundamentals of market research as well as developing skills in digital marketing and creating digital export strategies for firms. 


Why should small businesses apply? 

You’ll become part of a network of entrepreneurs and experts, and benefit from: 

  • Coaching on market research to identify and compare trade opportunities;

  • An online self-driven e-commerce course tailored for small businesses;

  • Access to a global e-commerce community of free resources;

  • Coaching on digital marketing (only for the most motivated 150 businesses!);

  • Access to Google ads credits and/or Google consultation support for eligible SMEs;

  • A certificate from ICC, Google and ITC upon completion of the programme.

If you’d like to participate in the programme, you must: 
  • Be a micro, small or medium-sized business of up to 100 employees. 

  • Be located in one of the ASEAN countries (Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam).

  • Have at least one business online channel (website, marketplace store, social media account).

  • Have a strong interest in/or plan to explore markets in the ASEAN region and beyond. 

Companies are invited to apply by April 30th. Applications will be reviewed by the Programme Steering Committee (ICC, Google, ITC) according to the criteria. The training will start in mid-May for a duration of 3 months. More detailed information will be provided to successful firms in the application process. 

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Audience (for relations)
ITC tools (for relations)
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Thailand: Trade-Related Assistance (Arise + Thailand)
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Supporting Thailand’s sustainable economic growth and business environment 

Thailand has moved from a low to an upper-middle-income economy in less than a generation. It has benefited from strong global and regional trade, a resilient domestic market, and an improved business environment. Yet, it still faces structural constraints that must be addressed to ensure the country’s full participation in the ASEAN economic space and global economy.  


Our project will support Thailand by:   

  • Contributing to a more transparent, predictable and competitive business environment by strengthening the capacity of the Trade Competition Commission of Thailand (TCCT) to work in accordance with international best practices.   
  • Enhancing the capacities of the Comptroller General Department (CGD) to work in accordance with international standards and increase opportunities for Thai small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to participate in public procurement.  
  • Enhance the understanding of and promote policy frameworks and best practices for organic agriculture to ensure compliance of Thai products with EU and ASEAN standards, increasing business and export opportunities for Thai SMEs and farmers.  
The course provides a variety of viewpoints and approaches on public procurement and shows us best practices in foreign countries with such a wide scope. (…) We will use the knowledge gained and apply it to our public procurement work in Thailand.
The course provides a variety of viewpoints and approaches on public procurement and shows us best practices in foreign countries with such a wide scope. (…) We will use the knowledge gained and apply it to our public procurement work in Thailand.
Apharat Asavarungruangchai
Fiscal Analyst at the Comptroller General’s Department (CGD)
I will use the knowledge gained through this training in my daily work. This training contributes to improving the CGD’s work, it provides a bank of knowledge that can assist us in expanding and developing laws. Regulations that we have already issued must be regularly reviewed and updated.
I will use the knowledge gained through this training in my daily work. This training contributes to improving the CGD’s work, it provides a bank of knowledge that can assist us in expanding and developing laws. Regulations that we have already issued must be regularly reviewed and updated.
Unchittha Junjam
Legal officer Public Procurement Division of the Comptroller General’s Department (CGD)
If more officials from government zations or private certification bodies could attend this course or similar ones, they would base their work on the same quality standards. (…) I would like to thank ARISE PLUS Thailand for seeing the importance in developing and applying the quality management system in public and private organizations.
If more officials from government zations or private certification bodies could attend this course or similar ones, they would base their work on the same quality standards. (…) I would like to thank ARISE PLUS Thailand for seeing the importance in developing and applying the quality management system in public and private organizations.
Warisanee Prechanaritchitkul
Senior scientist - Director of the PlantProduction Standard and Certification System Development Group
The project and this training can contribute to the sustainability of organic agriculture in Thailand. It strengthens our competitive advantages in bigger markets, at the international level. If we have ISO standards as a basis, operators will be able to plan, evaluate, and clearly improve their practices step by step.
The project and this training can contribute to the sustainability of organic agriculture in Thailand. It strengthens our competitive advantages in bigger markets, at the international level. If we have ISO standards as a basis, operators will be able to plan, evaluate, and clearly improve their practices step by step.
Itsarapong Siriwong
Auditor of Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) for rice and crop production in the upper Northern region of Thailand
This training course was very valuable. I can use this knowledge and experience and apply it when I need to explain to farmers that the system certification is not difficult and very relevant to them. If the farmers can apply this quality management system, it will eventually raise the agricultural standards in Thailand.
This training course was very valuable. I can use this knowledge and experience and apply it when I need to explain to farmers that the system certification is not difficult and very relevant to them. If the farmers can apply this quality management system, it will eventually raise the agricultural standards in Thailand.
Onuma Khongsong
Auditor - Central Laboratory Thailand

Photos and videos


31 December 2023
'Organic For All Campain’ in Thailand




Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The ARISE Plus Thailand Project aims to support inclusive and sustainable economic growth through international trade in Thailand. It supports greater connectivity and economic integration between Thailand and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region in line with the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2025.</p><p>The 3-year project, worth EUR 3 million and which started on 1 November 2020, aims to achieve a more transparent, predictable and competitive business environment, improve efficiency of public expenditure and service delivery, enhance organic agriculture practices and disseminate them within Thailand and other ASEAN countries.</p><p>These priority areas of support were identified together with the Ministry of Commerce and Thai stakeholders to help tackling specific trade-related challenges faced by Thailand. They are also relevant to support Thailand in managing the economic and trade impact of Covid-19 pandemic.</p><p>Ultimate project beneficiaries include Thai Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) which will benefit from improved business environment, policies and processes to increase their competitiveness. The focus on increasing transparency and simplification of regulations, for trade competition and public procurement, will notably address disadvantages faced more intensely by women and youth-owned businesses.</p>

Lao PDR: ASEAN Regional Integration Support (Laos-ARISE Plus)
Malaysia: Trade-Related Assistance (Arise + Malaysia)
Myanmar: Trade-Related Technical Assistance (ARISE+ Myanmar)
Philippines: Trade-Related Assistance (Arise + Philippines)
External ID