


ITC publishes IATI (International Aid Transparency Initiative) data for 90% of ITC's extra-budgetary funds on its dedicated Open Data Portal.



The Project aims to achieve its objectives by:providing technical assistance for the WTO mission in Genevasupporting the establishment of functional SPS/TBT enquiry pointscontributing to the establishment of a WTO Centre for Researchbuilding capacity to conduct trade liberalisation reforms and...


The Syrian population has suffered and continues to suffer from the most tragic humanitarian crisis of our time.  In the past seven years, Syria experienced an internal civil war, which has left almost half of the population either internally displaced or with refugee status in neighbouring...


The ecomConnect programme aims to develop small business digital capabilities and improve e-commerce accessibility in developing countries for sustainable and inclusive growth. This ITC e-commerce programme equips business support organizations and partners with private and public...


The core business of the Trade Development Strategies Programme is to lead and support the design and implementation management of national, sectoral, regional or functional (cross-sector topics) trade strategies, facilitated through public-private sector dialogue. This process mainstreams trade...


The ITC T4SD Hubs act as a one-stop shop offering integrated sustainability solutions supporting SMEs to transition to a green economy. The T4SD Hubs are a 5 year project implemented in 7 countries/regions: the Caribbean, Ghana, Kenya, Laos, Nepal, Peru and Viet Nam. The offering of the T4SD...


The objective of this project is to improve the accessibility of SMEs in developing countries to timely agricultural market price information through an innovative online platform – Market Price Information. Users will be able to retrieve international prices for about 80 agricultural...


This project, which is financed by the preference funding from Denmark, supports ITC’s ongoing work under its non-tariff measures (NTMs) programme, which aims at creating the evidence base that decision makers need to effectively reduce trade cost related to NTMs and create a business...


Poor Communities and Trade Programme (PCTP), at the International Trade Centre (ITC), aims to reduce global poverty by strengthening the capacities of developing country micro-entrepreneurs, social enterprises and emerging designers for export trade, in order to connect them with international...


2021 UPDATEThe SheTrades project frames ITC’s projects on women and trade. The unique framework engages partners to contribute to the main goal of the initiative, namely, to connect three million women entrepreneurs to markets by 2021, and provides them with tools and methodologies that expand...


This Empowering Women to Trade project will reinforce the sustainability of ITC's DFAT funded project Economic Empowerment of Women in the Pacific Region (A775). A key outcome of the DFAT funded project was the creation in 2015 of the Bilum Export and Promotion Association (BEPA). BEPA was...


The purpose of the ITC SME Competitiveness Survey (SMECS) is to increase awareness on and guide implementation of TRTA aimed at addressing issues related to SME Competitiveness through three key channels: collecting firm level information on SME competitiveness in partnership with trade and...


2021: ITC's Trade in Services Project aims at enhancing knowledge and skills for policymakers, Business Support Organizations (BSOs) and SMEs in developing countries to better leverage increasing opportunities in global services trade, which will contribute to the increased SME competitiveness...


Through the development of 5 sector strategies and 4 cross-sector strategies to complement the STDR, this initiative seeks to bring about a concerted national vision on how to enhance Ukraine’s trade competitiveness, particularly for SMEs and a coherent strategic framework for trade...


This project presents deliverables for 2018, 2019 and 2020 to support implementation of the Value Added to Trade (VA2T) programme. This project expands scale, increases partnerships and delivers thought leadership on creating value in line with ITC’s strategic plan.In 2018, VA2T developed or...


This project aims to address economic and development challenges faced by Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea by rebuilding and reinforcing the productive and trade capacities across the cocoa and cocoa derivatives value chain. It will enable smallholder producers to improve post-harvest efficiency,...

145 - 168 of 236 results

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