Eswatini, Kingdom of

Eswatini: Promoting growth through competitive alliances II
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Eswatini: Creating jobs and export-led growth

The ITC-Alliances for Action project 'Eswatini: Promoting growth through competitive alliances' supports job creation for small farmers, entrepreneurs and artisans. Eswatini offers the global market unique organic produce, artisan roasted coffee, handmade cultural creations and gourmet condiment lines. 

The country has prioritized private sector-led growth and an export-led economy to counter its high levels of poverty and unemployment, and low levels of investment. But MSMEs are still faced with key structural problems that need to be addressed if Eswatini is to overcome its endemic employment challenges.     

We understand these challenges, so we work with the government to improve the country’s business climate and attract investment. 

We also work closely with smallholder farmers, agro-processors and artisans in Eswatini to support them in ways that are sustainable and benefit both people and the planet. In this way, we foster and preserve cultural heritage, and draw on artisan skills and concepts of green growth.  

We work closely with smallholder farmers, processors and artisans in Eswatini to support them in transforming food systems into sustainable growth.
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We can build a green transition, but not alone. We contribute to the livelihoods of our farmer community. Through alliances and collaboration, businesses can be part of the solution
Eswatini Coffee, Eswatini
We can build a green transition, but not alone. We contribute to the livelihoods of our farmer community. Through alliances and collaboration, businesses can be part of the solution
Eswatini Coffee, Eswatini
We care about the environment we live in. We help build resilient systems that give to the people and give back to the earth. If we want people to keep thriving today and tomorrow, we need to start giving back to our environment.
Guba Permaculture, Eswatini
We care about the environment we live in. We help build resilient systems that give to the people and give back to the earth. If we want people to keep thriving today and tomorrow, we need to start giving back to our environment.
Guba Permaculture, Eswatini
We act by transforming what some might see as waste into a green product that both honours our culture and creates jobs for our community. By engaging a circular economy, we can produce with intention, protect our environment and grow our economies sustainably. Everybody wins.
Ngwenya Glass, Eswatini
We act by transforming what some might see as waste into a green product that both honours our culture and creates jobs for our community. By engaging a circular economy, we can produce with intention, protect our environment and grow our economies sustainably. Everybody wins.
Ngwenya Glass, Eswatini



Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The project will seek to generate a private sector-led export drive, with implementation relying on the &ldquo;Alliance for Action&ldquo; (A4A) approach, that has successfully been applied already in other EU-funded programmes. This involves building up alliances that bind value chain actors in collectively upgrading Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), value-chains and support services in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, including value addition, public private dialogue and strong anchoring in markets. Following a diagnosis phase, solutions are collectively developed to address the major hindrances of the MSME sector in an inclusive manner, so as to also benefit people living in vulnerable situations or under-represented groups such as youth, women entrepreneurs and people with disabilities.</p>

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Global: A pilot approach to enhancing capacity of cooperatives for sustainable coop-to-coop trade
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Implementing partners

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The proposed project aims to develop a proof of concept for an integrated approach to strengthening agricultural coops. The project will build the capacity of agricultural coops and facilitate trade, investment and knowledge transfer linkages between buyer / retailer cooperatives and agricultural coops in four pilot countries using ONE ITC approach. The new methodology will help ITC support faster recovery and improved resilience of the global economy by providing more opportunities for coops to connect and trade with each other in support of the values and principles of the coop movement and the SDGs.</p>

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Eswatini: Promoting growth through competitive alliances I
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p><strong><u>Project Summary:&nbsp;</u></strong></p><table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="120">Country<br></td><td valign="top" width="336">Kingdom of Eswatini<br></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="120">Duration<br></td><td valign="top" width="336">5 years<br></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="120">Period<br></td><td valign="top" width="336">October 2020 &ndash; October 2025<br></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="120">Budget<br></td><td valign="top" width="336">USD 5.63 million<br></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="120">Funded by<br></td><td valign="top" width="336">European Union<br></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="120">Implemented by<br></td><td valign="top" width="336">International Trade Centre (ITC)<br></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="120">Overall Objective<br></td><td valign="top" width="336">Improve livelihoods of smallholder farmers and workers in Eswatini by creating better jobs and growth<br></td></tr></tbody></table><p><strong><u>Background &amp; Context</u></strong></p><p>The <em>Promoting growth through competitive alliances I</em> project works to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of <a name="_Hlk51249153">the Eswatini MSMEs, Social Enterprises and Producer Associations</a> through the reinforcement of the support institutions, the establishment of public-private alliances, and the improvement of the access to finance and investments.</p><p>The <strong>specific objectives</strong> are the following:</p><p><u>Specific Objective 1</u> (SO1): Competitiveness&rsquo; of the value chain actors assessed and capacity of support ecosystem analysed</p><p><u>Specific Objective 2</u> (SO2): Public Private alliances convened in selected value chains resulting to improved jobs and growth</p><p><u>Specific Objective 3</u> (SO3): Capacities of business support institutions and associations enhanced with improved and a more inclusive delivery of support services to MSMEs</p><p><u>Specific Objective 4</u> (SO4): MSMEs, SEs and Producers association investment strategies developed</p><p>These objectives are aligned with the ITC&rsquo;s Alliance for Action (A4A) methodology that brings together public and private actors with the aim to promote competitiveness and income-risk diversification for MSMEs, SEs, Producer Associations and smallholder farmers, improving sustainable commercial linkages between value chain operators at the national, regional and international levels.</p><p>The project objectives are also in line with broader agenda and development objectives as stipulated in the Eswatini National Development Strategy and Vision 2022; the <em>2008 Poverty Reduction Strategy</em> <em>and Action Plan</em>; the <em>National Development Plan 2019-2022</em>; the <em>Strategic Roadmap 2019-2022; the Industrial Development Policy; the Financial inclusion strategy and of course the recently developed the Economic Recovery plan of 2020 responding to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. The project recognizes the need to&nbsp;</em>promote a broad based industrialization by increasing the participation of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in manufacturing among other objectives. Similarly, the objectives outlined pays particular emphasis on boosting competitiveness and support the key actors, the Private sector and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).</p><p><strong>ITC will be implementing two complementary actions funded by the EU: Eswatini: Promoting growth through competitive alliances I and II.&nbsp;</strong></p>

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Sub-Saharan Africa
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While multi-dimensional poverty remains high in sub-Saharan Africa, the continent's high growth rates and youthful demographics make it an attractive investment destination. Big opportunities exist to create jobs, boost incomes and reduce poverty by connecting African small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to international trade and increasing local value addition to Africa’s assets in agrifood, manufacturing and services. ITC’s emphasis on digital connectivity and the green transition is helping transform digital landscapes across Sub Saharan Africa with our support to tech startups and tech hubs.

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Landlocked developing countries
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ITC delivers customised solution for landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) that confront particular trade development challenges and works to effectively integrate them into the global trading system. Although they lack territorial access to the sea, these countries can overcome trade barriers by joining regional and global value chains, improving diversification, enacting sound trading policies and improving their logistics, infrastructure and institutions.

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