Central African Republic

République Centrafricaine: Programme d’appui à la promotion de l’entreprenariat en milieu urbain et rural (PAPEUR)
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Agropastoral entrepreneurship in Central African Republic


ITC's PAPEUR Rural project provides technical assistance to the entire agricultural value chain in three selected sectors: corn, village palm oil and poultry. ITC works with young and small-scale farmers on three levels, production, processing and marketing, to improve the productivity and competitiveness of all economic actors involved.

The project will directly benefit the 12,000 identified producers, but also the 42,700 potential employees of the cooperatives. In addition, the number of indirect beneficiaries who depend on these productions is estimated at over 200,000.

The objectives of PAPEUR Rural are to network agricultural actors and strengthen cooperatives. To this end, the project offers technical training, supports the development of organizational and entrepreneurial capacities, and provides agricultural equipment.

To achieve these objectives, practical strategic partnerships have been established, including with private sector processing actors, based on the 'contract farming' approach.  This enables ITC to promote productive agreements between farmers and agribusiness or marketing companies for the production and supply of agricultural products.

PAPEUR Rural also supports regulatory reforms in the agricultural sector to improve the business environment.


In the media

Le Patriote Déchainé
6 Jun 2023
5 Jun 2023
Les Autres Nouvelles de Centrafrique -Lanoca
7 Jun 2023
Les Autres Nouvelles de Centrafrique -Lanoca
15 May 2023

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p><span lang="FR">L&rsquo;Union europ&eacute;enne &agrave; travers le&nbsp;</span><a href="https://ec.europa.eu/international-partnerships/programmes/le-fonds-fid…; target="_blank"><span lang="FR">Fonds Fiduciaire B&ecirc;kou</span></a><span lang="FR">&nbsp; finance le Programme d&rsquo;appui &agrave; la promotion de l&rsquo;entrepreneuriat en milieu urbain et rural (PAPEUR) dont la composante rurale est mise en &oelig;uvre par le Centre du Commerce International (ITC) dans les pr&eacute;fectures de la Lobaye, la Kemo et l&rsquo;Ombella Mpoko.&nbsp;</span><span lang="FR">PAPEUR rural soutient le rel&egrave;vement &eacute;conomique et la relance des secteurs productifs en milieu rural et vise &agrave; am&eacute;liorer les conditions de vie et &agrave; contribuer &agrave; l&rsquo;autosuffisance alimentaire.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span lang="FR">Sur la base des concertations avec les diff&eacute;rentes parties prenantes 3 fili&egrave;res &agrave; fort potentiel de cr&eacute;ation d&rsquo;emplois en milieu rural ont &eacute;t&eacute; s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;s dans le cadre du PAPEUR : <strong>le ma&iuml;s</strong>, <strong>l&rsquo;huile de palme villageoise</strong>&nbsp;<strong>et l&rsquo;aviculture</strong>.&nbsp;</span><span lang="FR">L&rsquo;ITC apportera une assistance technique tout au long de la chaine de valeur agricole des fili&egrave;res prioritaires afin d&rsquo;am&eacute;liorer la productivit&eacute; et la comp&eacute;titivit&eacute; de tous les acteurs &eacute;conomiques.</span></p>

External ID
Sub-Saharan Africa
Contextual menu

While multi-dimensional poverty remains high in sub-Saharan Africa, the continent's high growth rates and youthful demographics make it an attractive investment destination. Big opportunities exist to create jobs, boost incomes and reduce poverty by connecting African small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to international trade and increasing local value addition to Africa’s assets in agrifood, manufacturing and services. ITC’s emphasis on digital connectivity and the green transition is helping transform digital landscapes across Sub Saharan Africa with our support to tech startups and tech hubs.

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Landlocked developing countries
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ITC delivers customised solution for landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) that confront particular trade development challenges and works to effectively integrate them into the global trading system. Although they lack territorial access to the sea, these countries can overcome trade barriers by joining regional and global value chains, improving diversification, enacting sound trading policies and improving their logistics, infrastructure and institutions.

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Least developed countries
Contextual menu

We deliver customized solutions for least developed countries (LDCs), enabling them to increase their participation in the global economy and reach development goals through exports. We focus on creating access to digital technologies and capabilities in LDCs, where current internet penetration is at 27%, as this is increasingly critical to ensure opportunities are universally shared. We also assist LDCs in their bid for WTO membership, and support their implementation of WTO agreements.

1 %
LDCs' share of global trade
95 %
of all jobs in LDCs are in small businesses
90 %
of all companies globally are small businesses
100+ projects
implemented by ITC in 43 LDCs
Geographic priority (for relations)
Flagship events (for relations)
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Contextual menu

ITC’s One Trade Africa initiative supports the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), empowering African enterprises, especially women- and youth-led businesses, to access market opportunities from continental integration. The initiative is an integrated package of technical assistance solutions that ITC is offering to the African business community operating in both the formal and informal sectors.

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